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Showing posts from 2020

Mali Loves: Christmas. Really? Do I?...

I am usually over Christmas as soon as it starts so no, I do not "LOVE" Christmas, but I do not hate it or dislike it either. I always have to know that it is available. I have lived in places where it wasn`t even available and then I became kinda angry. So, yes, I guess I need …

Last Christmas...

Here I am in the Christmas spirit singing my favorite Christmas song...

Finally back on my favorite blog + random small talk...

Blogging:  People may say "Finally back home!" Well, yes, that is exactly how I feel about returning to the only blog that actually works for me, after trying another blogging platform that did not work AT ALL.  Here I was really in the zone.  I will be blogging about this, and…

Blogging: I moved back to blogger...

Blogging:  I have a real life emoji for every expression needed. And now it`s time for the "I`m so stupid! DAAAH!" - expression. WHY don`t I listen to my intuition?... Why change something that works perfectly fine? I wanted ecommerce on my blog. But you can get ecommerce solut…

Future plans + some "hot rhymes" only Mali can come up with...

Sing more. Karaoke live shows on my Facebook page or YouTube channel (because I love live shows!) And record some weird songs (You know it gets weird!) Videos? MORE is the word. Just make more. Leave it all to the upload button. When in doubt - just upload! If they tell you that you can`t…

Here I am making music...

I have my own style, and I am really TALENTED! 👍😎😂😜 By the way... What about you?

Merry Christmas dear friends and frienememes!

I do not have enemies so I call them frieneMEMES...friends that I make memes from...yeah... Just wait...I have a few ideas...just let me put my thinkingcap on...or...Christmassy stuff on the top of my head... I will soon make fun out of some of my "closest friends".  "Peopl…

I did not like Wordpress as much as Blogger...

I didn`t like Wordpress, so I am transferring back my domain (malisuniverse.com) to this blog.  I like things simple, and this platform is very simple. BUT!: The reason is very simple; the text formatting. The way you type and organize a blog post in Wordpress is by "blocks". Th…

Homemade Christmas song in Norwegian...

I just came here to share a song that I made last year on THIS DAY; December the 12th.  Song is in Norwegian, so if you`re not Norwegian then you can listen to this song in a weird language . It is about eating Christmas food, starting the engine of the car during the very cold winter in …

I will use this blog in the future...

This used to be "malisuniverse.com" but I moved to Wordpress because I wanted to try out new features and plugins (ecommerce store plugins IF I should make an online business in the future.)  I would like to do that (EVENTUALLY! Not right now, though! Right now I`m sitting on my…

Just read this book and you`ll understand what`s going on!

Just read this book and you`ll get it. This was all planned. The author is really intelligent, I have to say! Wow! 😮  Photo: Amazon.com That`s all I have to say about that! It explains what is going on in the world right now.  That was all I wanted to say today. I am diving…

Gave up on ideas and sat on a chair for years....

Bad strategies made me end up sitting on a chair for at least 15 years. Desperate to be something in this world made me do some desperate choices through my life. Without telling the whole story the light version is something like... Photo: Made by me a few years ago. I`m not so mu…

On my coffee break...

I am on my coffee break (Yes, because I actually do stuff every day like everybody else, without going into details about what I do. For privacy reasons.) So, I was thinking; Blogger is a platform that can be removed by Google any time. So, I am 100% doing the right thing here, by m…

I will move to Wordpress soon...

For now, this is actually a Blogger-blog (we used to call it Blogspot in the past.) But it really is limited to what it can "do". But I am not doing much anyway here on this blog...but that is because the low motivation I`ve had for MANY YEARS when it comes to blogging and ot…

Sometimes you have to "start over"...

Yes, sometimes in life you have to lose something to gain something new. Just an exchange - process. The old paves the way for new experiences in your life. You have to lose some to gain some. You never "lost" anything, though. I believe that everything exists at the same tim…

Blog is under construction. But this is what you can expect...

I had a blog in the past called "The Mali Show", but it got too confusing to me to have two blogs, so I`ve imported all the blog posts into this blog, my main blog, Mali - My Universe. This is the only blog I own now. Thank GOD! 😂 Hi, this site is under construction. I will…

Everything will be alright!

If you feel a little down, this is the message for you; Everything will be alright. I really like these positive songs by Joakim Karud. "Mr vlog-music"... Joakim Karud · Sunshine "Im going to use ut for yt", a person writes. "So much joy in a track"…