26 July 2024

Published July 26, 2024 by

Why not so many blog posts...

I`m on a holiday break from my "job". (My Just Over Broke - situation.) So, I am not blogging or uploading videos at the moment. I will be back in the end of August. That`s when it`s GO TIME for me again!

Throwback photo from 2018.  I removed the blog "themalishowdotcom". Two blogs were ONE TOO MANY, trust me! But the characters...the more, the merrier!

I will NEVER stop blogging, making videos and acting.  I am still hopeful that someday...Netflix calls me. It just hasn`t happened YET!πŸ˜‚  

I am very popular in my home country, by the way. (Norway) I always have been! (*Joking*) I was always this STAR that everybody just "OMG! Can you sign my pants?" This actually did happen once and I said "No". (Why the hell did I say no to that? (To sign some desperate fan`s graduation pants? In Norway we have some weird traditions.) But I wasn`t ready to sign a local "Russebukse". I had bad confidence. I didn`t realize my worth, I guess. True story. I sat behind The King Olav statue in my home town Trondheim, just chilling one spring day in May when all of this happened. Many years ago. I `ve got experience now. I am NOT NEW to this lifestyle, so bring it ON!πŸ˜‰

In Norwegian for my Norwegian super-fans:

I don`t have this profile anymore on Facebook. I just randomly found this screenshot in my archive.
I changed my profile name to Mali - My Universe a long time ago.
(I guess screenshoting your own updates on Facebook is kind of desperate.🀣)

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks!πŸ‘ your photo name
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12 July 2024

Published July 12, 2024 by

Ronnie Boi, the timeless gamer. And my recent videos...

Ronnie Boi - the channel`s YouTube banner. Yes, he has a really great office set up, I completely agree!

I once gave birth to a character called Ronnie Boi. I always wanted a "son". Okay, just kidding. But he represents the masculine in me. And obviously the teenager in me. But I am STILL like this extremely free spirited and open minded person. Timeless and ageless (Kind of genderless sometimes. (Agender-ish) SOMETIMES! Please do not get any wild ideas here πŸ˜‚ We are in the gender fluidity age. I am not into that but...I`m just saying that I`m a "Tomboy") regardless of if I had created a character like him or not.  

We are just characters. My idol Jim says it all the time. (Jim Carrey) "I am just this character. And we`re all just playing these characters". I completely agree! 

Here is Ronnie`s first YouTube video...(Ronnie actually sounds like a serial killer name, to be honest! Here COMES RONNIE! Actually it is "Here comes Johnny!" in the movie The Shining.)

I also have more videos for you here. From my everyday weird and strange lifeπŸ˜‚

Yes, my A.I songs are really on the next level of...freaky...weird...but really cool. I LOVE to play around with A.I. 😍 "Only high Quality on The Mali Show!" WELL! That is a freaking LIE! And I am in the process of leveling up my "game" as a pro video creator. It is about time that I change the scenery and film in HD. At least in HQ (High Quality!) The one who stays around will find outπŸ˜‰ So, you better be back on my blog, honey! 

Right now I share the last three recent videos in one blog posts. I try to create daily content. But sometimes (on a heavily caffeinated day) I create more than once a day. I am now, as we speak going to look over my recent song in a music editing software. (Using a Windows software! NOT happy about it, but that`s life.) Won`t stop `cause she can`t stop! But ADHD does help an artist through the day! See you again soon! 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! πŸ‘

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09 July 2024

Published July 09, 2024 by

It`s hot!🌞 And my recent, cool videos...

Hi, and welcome back, weirdos!πŸ˜‰ I just came back to say "Hi!"...

Just one of my homemade photoshopped photos.

I have a few new videos, actually. I will not call my videos "vlogs" anymore because of the simple fact that I create different kinds of videos. I have started to record myself every single day now. Because I am a daily content kind of gal. Or you can call me your queen. And you are my fan. I desperately need a huge fan. 

It is just TOO HOT right now! Filming outdoors is also a struggle. But I have mostly been filming (Myself. Always me, myself and moi!) indoors and not outdoors. I hope you`ll enjoy the madness! I am the perfect example that you can have fun at any age. 

This day was BEFORE it got TOO HOT! 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks!πŸ‘
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04 July 2024

Published July 04, 2024 by

Vlogs longer than 10 minutes...

Welcome to the vlog - category on my blog πŸ“Ή I will blog more often from now on. I am a writer and an artist! Not an "influencer". If that`s the case; I am a BAD influence...okay, just kidding!πŸ˜‚ I can`t really define / specify what I am or not. Here is a screenshot of my YouTube channel a few years ago. Also, the traffic was really low. Which it STILL is, many years later. Do I stop creating? NO! NEVER! I don`t do it for the views. I do it for ME! Go to my two YouTube channels; The Mali Show (I am active there now. Almost every day!) and Mali - My Universe (Which is of the photo below. I have not uploaded there in a year (and I WILL start!) but has a lot of cool videos as well. Since you are now on the blog of a very cool person😎)... 

My videos have become a lot more normal the passed years! NOT as crazy anymore!
(Well...that is proabably not true, but I have evolved.)

Vlogs and videos longer than 10 minutes...is that too long? I personally think so because people ain`t got time to watch for more than 3 minutes. People have a life. A boring 9-5 that they have to maintain. So that their free time is limited. Unless they are desperate and addicted. Which is a vloggers biggest goal. Getting people addicted. 

Here is my recent LONG vlog. Yes, I feel that 12 + minutes is long. In my opinion the magic vlog duration is 8 minutes! 

So, what do you think? Is 10 minutes the limit? 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! πŸ‘ your photo name
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