27 April 2020

Published April 27, 2020 by

I blame the Eurovision Song Contest!

From a video on YouTube. I found this weird person on a video and just decided to use her in this blog post.
Crazy right?
Hi there, beautiful people, like the Marilyn Manson song "Beautiful People" (I LOVE him and many of his songs, by the way.) Just like him; I don`t really care too much about following trends and being "perfect".  Nobody is perfect anyway. We are imperfectly perfect. 

So, I decided to come here more often to blog, every day / morning would be an ideal time for me at the moment. (Or whenever I can take a break from daily duties.) While cooking eggs. I am cooking two eggs as we "speak". I will return to write more. My kind of blogging is like knitting, you take breaks but you always come back.

Here I am an hour later. The show must go on! What do I want to write about today? Well, I am going to write about the first that comes to my mind...one of the stories that is playing on rewind inside of my mind.

I blame the Euro Vision Song Contest

I have been a periodic blogger for years, but never found a real "voice", because the voices in my head are echoes like;"fame, stardom, fortune, Hollywood, Oscars awards". Ever since I was 6 years old and watched my first Euro Vision Song Contest on TV.  So it`s been kind of hard just to exist in the present. 

"Idol Mali`s Blog" Inspired by when I was on the Norwegian Idol. I have used the character/persona in videos and blogs in the past, and I have even tried to forget the incident, but I have to live with it for the rest of my life, as a memory. We all have memories, and one of my memories is a weird one. Or am I wrong for calling it "epic?". It has been my life theme. But I have been ready to move on from this period of my life for MANY YEARS! - It still keeps haunting me. And it doesn`t make a difference if I stop talking about it either because another person will bring it up, again and again. But in the end...I don`t care...and people really don`t care. 

But IF I sould blame something...

I must blame the Euro Vision Song Contest for "ruining my life". That first glimpse of a person with a microphone, yelling her heart out in a loud and loooooong "Weeeeeeeeeh!" That was WHEN! the moment I manifested EVERYTHING! That was when I became that weird "pothead" or potato-head? You know...without actually taking any drug. (Stay inside of my mind for a day and you never want another drug again in your life!) So, I blame society, obviously, and TELEVISION! Threw out the TV many years ago. It had done enough harm to my braincells. Although I take that back because I guess being an entertainer no matter how many people you reach, to entertain in you lifetime, is still a life purpose that I was born with. So, to blame outside circumstanses and events for the abilites you were born with is kind of stupid. You were just born like that, and you have to accept it. But it would be a lot easier to fit in if I was a lot more average. I can be average, for a few months, but then Iose interest in the average ways of life and return to the less average ways - or some may say "that`s one weird freakshow right there!" IF, only IF you could see what`s going on inside of my mind. All of the colors spinning in circles. Neon colors, psychedelic. A mushroom trip a real addict would be so jealous by. I have only been outside in the forest smelling the flowers. And I even took pictures of them. OMG! That`s SO WEIRD! Am I becoming normal?

Stop Mali, become more down to earth and blog more like Sophie Elise!

(Even though she's not the best example. Still she is more average than I am, I feel.)

A voice in my head is yelling "STOP!" and "Become more like a Norwegian Pink - Blogger! Write about outfits! Try to sell your outfits with an affiliate code! Here, here and here!" Click, click, click!(Don`t click, they`re fake. Just as fake as I would be if I decided to copy the typical bloggers in Norway. And Sophie Elise was one of them. Not saying they`re all like that, but....hey, they`re all like that...Sorry! Individuality is strongly needed. Individuality is underrepresented.)

But let me try to talk a little bit about topics close to the "Norwegian pink - blogger"`s hearts...
I used makeup sometimes (for entertainment purpose only.) For a video or something like that. Me acting dumb with clown makeup on. My relationship to the makeup industry is a very relaxed one.
I use facemasks sometimes. Less and less, I have to be honest, because I stopped plucking my face, and that made my face look better, obviously. But the dark facemasks are my favorite. (I have used Charcoal and death sea clay.) But the main goal is always to STOP plucking on my face, on nothing, because there was really nothing there, it was just an OCD -  thing I had since I was a teenager. But I am a lot better now. (In my late thirthies I can finally say that I have conquered this issue.)
So, have I ever cared about using make up? No! But the fondations have been a must-have for many years. But now I have not used a fondation since the beginning of 2019. 
Again, back to the topic; I don`t care. I have always had other things on my mind. Although I look hot in make-up...no, sorry I mean HAWT! Okay, I just felt like saying that. You should always think the best of yourself. No matter how old you are. But I don`t feel the need to use make-up. I don`t want to tempt my Somalian neighbor who always talks too much to me when I pass him. He talks and stands in the corner! Okay, I get it; it is Corona-times now. I wish his "dress" was a little longer. The socks don`t match the rest of the outfit. I know a thing or two about outfits.

See you later! Remember to put your thinking cap on...
or a crown. As long as you never stop dreaming and believing...
in the unbelievable...

Old photo found in my archive.

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24 April 2020

Published April 24, 2020 by


I deleted a blog in the past called "themalishow.com".

This was one of the blog posts...Yes! I have shared this before, probably, but you gotta share again and again. That is how you get to the top! And from now on I am stopping at NOTHING! Ain`t gonna stop, ain`t gonna quit. Isolation took out the beast in me. I`ll be back soon.

In the meanwhile...

Welcome to my "wonderful" world where I basically just talk about...well...ME! I never liked gossip, anyway. (That was a lie. But I try to stay away from it....at least; 2020 will be a year (is already a year) more focused on myself, and not gossip and "fake news".) Find out who you are instead! Like I do...

themalishow.com was wild. I will use the domain again soon.

Here is a video from my "The Mali Show" YouTube channel:

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07 April 2020

Published April 07, 2020 by

UNPLUG and live your life!

OK, HERE IT COMES! You thought that I wasn`t gonna say anything. Well, you are so wrong!

My view on the Corona virus.

Stop plugging into this whole virus-thing! Some of it is bulls*it. And you should not believe all of it. But there is a virus, though. (Or is there? that could also be a hot topic.) People are getting sick for some reason. Even though people have been getting sick for ages. With "flu-like-symptoms". But I believe it was created, a manmade virus. I do feel that. The darkness that controls this planet is out of control. (China, USA, whoever started this thing.) I do NOT believe that this came from bats! Bad excuse. (They inserted the virus into bats if that is the case. Just for the sake of the wonderful excuse. (Okay, maybe not but...I just DON`T feel it. I get this huge error *BEEEP!* "China`s wet market is where it was first found because China bla bla bla"..not buying into it, sorry.) Just another stupid lie. It does NOT fool yours truly Mali. From now on "Conspiracy Mali". (Yes, you know, I would LOVE to have a chat and a night cap with David Icke. As long as he LEAVES, lol!) Obviously; you don`t have to believe any of this and listen to the "fake news"(my personal opinion.) It is all up to you. But people are waking up to the truth, finally! Hopefully. A lot of people will anyways...because WHAT comes out of this will be very weird. So people will start to wonder...even the most ignorant people out there. Are YOU one of them? Please don`t be. Unplug from all of this madness and live your life. Toiletpaper rolls are not gonna save you. They might save you in the toilet TODAY, though. IF the crisis became so bad, don`t you think we`ll all just die anyway? Like a bulk action on your computer. BANG! And...do you really want to be the last person alive just like in I Am Legend movie?....

.....Hmm!...This is where I regret and actually would LOVE to be the last person on earth...eh, NOT! I am SO SORRY. Bad joke. Really bad. You should be ashamed, Mali. I am, trust me. Just forget that I wrote this. I write whatever I want here, but if it is too crazy I will just say I`m sorry and move on. My blog, my domain, I payed an annual fee to write whatever I want. Just wanted to point that out.

Let me continue...The money system that we have right now will collapse. They want a one global currency monetary system. A digital one. So the cash will be gone eventually. That is "their" main goal. Who are they? I`m sure the Vatikan has something to do with it...(okay, that was a classic conspiracy theory! I have no idea, but there is darkness behind all of it, I do believe that.) I don`t want to write too much about this topic today. I get too carried away, I`m afraid. (No wonder why I have security cameras everywhere in my apartment. NOT!...That was irony.) I do have another life besides looking at the local newspaper and the "Corona map". I was just told to go take a walk in the sun and relax, lol. Well, maybe I should go to my local mall and relax. I always feel so relaxed in front of the easter candy. That was irony.

Anyways; here is my conspiracy-look (straight from the webcam and re-edited in Photoshop):

I stopped watching TV because of all the bullsh*t a long time ago, ever since I was on Idol in 2006, I just had enough. I was just destined to throw the TV out the window. (I am now literally seeing a movie in my head of me throwing the TV out of the window.) And now; look at me. Look how amazing I am doing...37 going on 14.


I want to end this blog post by clearing up something that is very important.

I do feel sorry for the victims. It is crazy what is going on right now. But I do not believe everything that they are saying about it. Because I feel that there is a lot MORE that they don`t say. Truths that they are hiding from us. Numbers etc. Every time I refresh the news in my browser I just get this instant error - feeling inside my gut. I can`help it. But it doesn`t mean that I do not empathize with the victims. I empathize with all victims. Let`s NOT FORGET the cancer victims and the other illnesses right now! Every day there`s a new victim of these illnesses. Where is THEIR vaccine? I hope people aren`t that ignorant that they don`t see through all of this. But there is a "blessing in desguise" through all of this; This will make us stronger as a whole. Families come together again. People divorce , finally, after many years with the wrong person. You simply can`t live a life of total lockdown, in quarantine with Mr. or Mrs. WRONG. You will not eat the food that you just bought, you will throw it on eachother. Food war! Trust me. But toilet-paper war is the worst war. Trust me! Or war with a huge bag of flour. I bought a huuuuge bag of flour, by the way. Instead of buying all the bread from the shelves I decided to be ready IF the crisis became really BAD locally where I live, and bake homemade tortillas instead of being like a totally selfish idiot, like so many others I`ve seen. Unlike many others, I was born to live like this. Locked up in my own apartment (voluntarily) for many years made me strong as h*ll to handle almost anything. Now we`re all living like this. It became the new thing. But the main point is; how do we handle this period? Times like these bring out the best and the worst in people. And another great point; how do we CHOOSE to continue to live after all of this is over? will we go back to our old selfish ways or become kinder? I feel that we will become better. Because after this is will never be the same again.

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