30 December 2023

Published December 30, 2023 by

I used to paint...

So, what to blog about today? I saw a friend painting something beautiful. And it reminded me of my own attempts in the past...well...I do not LOVE painting. I have to admit. But I wanted to create art for my own apartment at the time. And I just don`t buy art, if you know what I mean? By other people. Not if I can paint myself. It sounds selfish? I don`t know how it sounds, but I feel energy. So yeah...It feels wrong. I can`t have a photo of an unknown person on a pillow or a cup of coffee as "art" either. So, if I made it myself I would feel comfortable in my own home. BUT! I almost never paint. I know how to, ("How". What the bleep do we know? But I kinda feel that I could know this, you know what I`m sayin?) which stems from me being a natural visual artist. You know what I`m sayin? 😂*Bragging!* 😎 Not going to brag but...it is what it is. I am a very lazy one, if that tones down the ego a little bit here. My EGO is HUGE! Anyways; I truly, honestly am a loser in regards to even trying to master my own abilites and gifts. We all have them. But what are you going to do about it? And when? But in 2024...

"Okay, Shut up Mali! Shut up. Just don`t."....okay.

I get it. I don`t have new year`s resolutions. They don`t work anyway. Trust me, I know, because I have not tried. So they don`t work. 100% don`t work. But things are going better for me now. 

Going to sidetrack myself 100% 

Back in the day I used to sit on a chair and look at the collection of handbags getting out of control. It was really a hot mess. WHY the h*ll would anybody on this planet BUY a freaking expensive handbag? Or a tote..."Never full" tote by LV, WHY?  It`s never full anyway. (I actually don`t own one. Just wanted to make that clear.) I walk passed LV once in a while now. Not even ONCE do I stop. You kinda feel unwanted there. The security guard just automatically thinks you`re NOT a worthy LV owner and just starts to follow your every move. They even do this at Lidl here. Sometimes it`s like "Am I not even worth the bananas at Lidl?" By the way, I live in France. "Omg! Why didn`t you just start off by saying you live in France?" That is France in a nutshell. And no, you`re barely worth the bananas. In fact; the Lidl employers just want to go home. "No english!" *Thinking about leaving for the day. *Yells* "English anyone?" Everybody else there: "Non-non-non" French facial expression. Sticks out the lips and makes a sound. "Phuuu baaa...NON!" Like they indeed were born yesterday. I decided to just speak French in France from that day forward. And I have never experienced a similar episode again. Because you are actually making a SCENARIO for the whole shop to see. Believe me, they all turn their necks around to watch you not speaking French in the French grocery shop. 

But not everybody is like this. Rude to foreigners. Just wanted to make that clear. I was once almost stalked in the supermarket by a French lady as soon as I spoke English (Asking her about some product there.) Why? Well, she had a son in Australia. And just LOVED to practice her English. But in general I have not met many people interested in even trying to speak English. And in France they are not afraid of being direct and arrogant. (We, Norwegians are just arrogant but good at hiding it.) Okay, kind of a joke here. I think...😕 At least that`s what I`ve heard some foreigners say about us Norwegians. I do not see this at all, to be honest. We are overly helpful in situations like this. Some people almost to the point that they invite the foreigner home. Okay...let`s stop here!😂 Can be easily misunderstood.
Wow, I sidetracked myself OFF the topic, which was "I used to paint". YOU CAN do whatever you want on your own blog, though. And this is not only a blog. This is a universe! And I think this universe is starting to evolve to 5d! Oh, please! I should stick to painting myself, actually. I`m not going to go totally new age on you. I wouldn`t want anybody to go new age on me. Especially not that bald guy in the Norwegian news ALL the freaking TIME...was his name Durek? Hey, Norwegian media? How many more chances are you gonna give the dude? Leave him alone with his freakshow. It is NOT worth our time.😂 BUT If Martha started to express her beliefs to me (including Durek`s beliefs) I would be totally okay with it, because she would probably love the fact that I was inspired by her on The Norwegian Idol in 2006. I dressed up as a princess ready to meet my prince. So yes, we would hit it off and become BFF`s! No doubt! But maybe...just maybe we shouldn`t look through eachother`s eyes in the attempt to get rid of evil spirits. (Norwegian inside joke.)
Waiting for SOMETHING to happen! (The year of 2018) When the laziness took a toll on me. And the bags got uglier and uglier. Because I could  afford the cool ones in the beginning, but in the end...I desperately went to the thrift store owned by The Norwegian Salvation Army. (Fretex) And there was a limit to how cool they looked, you know. 

I painted on boobs that I don`t have. Have no idea why. Is that weird? 

I just painted layer on layer. Aune Sand told me to. (A cool Norwegian dude with a headscarf that has a brother that paints fabolous paintings, called Vebjørn.). Met him inside his (brother`s and girlfrind`s) pop up art gallery once. Said he didn`t want to be on video jumping around like a rabbit. Which I respect. 😂

GREAT color combo. Love green with gold. Gives me life. Like peacock feathers growing on your arms.

Started to freaking look like me and that scared me. The next thing is totally going to be that this photo starts to attack me in the middle of the night. 

Choking me and screaming "Why did you freaking PAINT ME?" Started to think "Maybe I`m TOO good at this sh*t!" Scary feeling indeed if Stephen King calls me.

The comfort zone is when it is still kinda playful. Young, innocent. I kinda want to go back to how I painted in kindergarden. But the heart on the left side is going to attack me? Another attack? WHY? I guess this is my art. Sorry if you didn`t like it. 

Beautiful self-portrait of me right here!😂

Have a wonderful 2024 by the way! And remember to return to my blog. I will post more!...


Although hashtags probably don`t work I`m still going to list them: #Paintings #Painter #Artist #Sidetracked-in-the-ADHD-spirit #TheFrenchPeople #Lidl-is-not-my-favorite-store

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍 your photo name
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22 December 2023

Published December 22, 2023 by

I tried out TikTok but I deleted it!

 A freaking rant about social media: 

Sometimes you just need that one welcoming photo, so I took a few photos of myself  a few months ago. I was a little fatter (My mom is still reminding me on every video call!) the hair a littler greasier, the coffee cups a little bigger. And I embrace my past. Now I am a tørrlagt tørrkaffe drikker. I don`t drink anymore tørrkaffe. This part you English speakers can skip. For Norway only. You see, I am a huge star!

WHY did you do that? Delete TikTok! We love it!

I had a stalker that just bombarded my videos and my inbox with messages (I know who this person is!)
The problem with TikTok is that you can`t really control the messages. So it led me to deleting the application. Problem number 2 is that TikTok is TOO addictive. I already had plans to stop making videos there. But instead of just taking a break I just deleted it last night. I also changed the commenting system here om my blog to Disqus so that the same person does not write me here either. 
Blogger (formerly called "Blogspot") does NOT have a safe commenting system. This is something they (Google) should do something about. 

But anyways; I ain`t got time for blah blah blah or TikTok...my time is TICKING! 😂 Although I am 41 going on 14, but hey...

I got BETTER things to do like shake my head in homemade music videos! Music video can be found here; Hot Bitch! Do NOT get your hopes up!😂

Do you also not like TikTok? Why the filters? But the worse thing is the pimple popping stuff. WHY do people do that sh*t? I feel like that is the new low, as low as you can sink nowadays. You find it on Instagram too but Instagram is way more controlled. You don`t get so annoyed by the app. But I realized early on, after the first few days, that TikTok was not going to be a thing for me. It`s the worse time stealer I`ve experienced ever since that Norwegian TV program "Svalbard minute by minute". You just watch a ship on the ocean, minute by minute. Nothing ever happens and you still sit there. 

New great idea! I`m gonna become a TWITCHER instead...YEAH! I`m gonna send live, like 10 hours, and not turn my camera off. I`m gonna like have extra chargers to my phone and go totally crazy. The worse thing now is that some people actually do believe me. 

I actually do have a Twitch account.

Will I ever start? But the thing is; it is mostly for gamers anyway. But more and more vloggers have started over there. Live-vloggers. Nothing feels weirder and more super awkward on social media than being live, though. I love that challenge! But you can go live on YouTube also. And Facebook. I have ONLY tried it on Facebook live. I dunno...

It was before I got a life.

I`ve said it before and I`ll say it again; Don`t get too high hopes! I didn`t have high hopes back then. I just existed and this is the only way I know how to exist. Eventually I found back to the real me, where hopes are high and miracles do happen.😇
They happen when we go LIVE! Be yourself and go live! Show the world the artwork that you truly are without all the editing. The editing is so...last year. And the year before that. Be an example! Be the person YOU would like to MEET! Not saying this just because it is a quote somewhere. "Mali saw a quote, watched a spiritual leader and now she is a knows-it-all!" But nothing matters and you can never fully understand what the quotes mean until you bough the t-shirt and wore it while you sat in hell, in a pit of fire, but actually laughed, because that`s what we do when we`re good at hiding something. That "something" is your personality. I`m glad I found mine. So, laugh all you want at my videos and whatever I am doing. I am more than well aware that this is why I am here. 

So, BUY my BOOK "Mali`s Christmas Secrets". Available on Amaz...I mean available somewhere under a healthy tree in the AMAZON-AS! You go and DIG! Oh no, you didn`t find a healthy tree in the Amazonas, you said. You think I write books now? Got videos to make. Got people to inspire. I see my neighbor needs inspiration. You gotta start somewhere! Her dog looks more like her than she looks like her. 

Mukbang Live on Facebook (Veggie version!)

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍 

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14 December 2023

Published December 14, 2023 by 1 comment

Everything will be OKAY✌

Just let go of the fear of things not turning out the way you want it to! Because everything will be OKAY.

I don`t have a glory on the top of my head for no reason. And the same with you! You are WORTHY of a perfect life. "Dream up a WONDERFUL life!" Jim Carrey said this in an university speech, one of his best speeches. 

I am not going to go new age on you. I hate the new age stuff. I just use Tarot cards and they LIE to me every other day. People have gotten married, become pregnant, had an affair with the neighbor, traveled overseas and to Narnia according to my cards...but anyways...

Stop! You shouldn`t listen to my advice, just saying...but here goes nothing! But I actually have experienced that this one works. 

Invite the depression into your life. Say "Hi, how are you? Why are you here? What do you want from me?" I am sure it answers back to you "You`re a loser that I have decided to bother for the past 20+ years" Well, thank you for that! I am greatful you were here, but today I am letting you go.

Let it go and say to yourself; "I am a star in my own right. I am not the janitor of this school."
(No offence to janitors.)

Jim`s father was a janitor. He was actually a great comedian but never trusted his own ability to succeed. He regretted this decision deeply as he watched his own son, Jim, throw himself down the stairs at their family home. "Was that funny or what?" His father answered back: "Now you`re going to do it again in slow motion!" The dream never vanishes. It just appears over and over again through other people, so you better start doing something about it. Because you are going to witness somebody else living that dream instead of you. 

I have started to embrace my negative feelings. And now I almost never have them. I first heard about this through The Secret, another crazy book. That makes you go crazy, trust me. You are going to imagine stuff that have not happened YET! Which will most likely never happen because you actually go crazy way before you manifest. So you are going to gamble with your sanity. 

I have to admit that I do believe in that book to a certain degree. Even though it is a struggle to actually try to chase these dreams. Especially if your main goal is to walk the red carpet at the Oscar`s. Okay Mali, STOP IT! 😂

Whenever I was insecure I just moved forward. I kept going. I looked back a lot...until I was fed up by looking back. (I ALWAYS LOOKED BACK!) I believe a lot of people do. But I said to myself  "To h*ll with the past! To h*ll with the circumstances and situations that are not serving my own good". I didn`t actually let go of anything back then. I ran away from something instead. I don`t believe in running away. But you`ll see a person with pink sneakers running away. Perhaps you`ll see lepard leggings. Have you ever seen a ponytale on the side? Like from the 80`s? I`ve always revisited this moment of my past. And I`ve used it over and over again in my video "art form". Like an escape? 

Because people tend to to things they don`t believe in. Just because they "have to".
Because that is all they think they have. When in reality they have a lot more to offer.

Hiding from the world. Not being myself. Not really. Not yet. Waiting. Waiting in vain.

But I eventually realized that waiting in vain was unbearable. I wasn`t capable of waiting anymore;
I had to run back home and watch the last season of Stranger Things. Even though I had binge watched the first four seasons on a weekend. I said to myself "Everything will be okay! I have a high speed internet connection now. Finally." #irony (I just watched the movie Leave The World Behind.)

I am not joking when I say that the best phrase that I have used in my own situation is "Everything will be okay!" It IS the truth. Because everything you have experienced has lined up to this point in your life. So, without the experiences you would not have become as strong as you are now. It has all led up to this moment. And like my idol Jim Carey once said: "Every moment is pregnant with the next".

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍 your photo name
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03 December 2023

Published December 03, 2023 by 1 comment

More OLD Christmas content🎅

Because I don`t have anything NEW (Since I haven`t been desperate enough the recent years!) here`s a playlist of all of my OLD and super-crazy Christmas content. I hope you like it!😂


And Christmas songs with real SOUL, not the AI shit everybody else does nowadays!

Thanks for reading my blog articles and watching my weird videos. Subscribe to my YouTube channel The Mali Show and I am on Instagram as @malisuniverse. Facebook page is also @malisuniverse 

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02 December 2023

Published December 02, 2023 by

My old Christmas special in Norwegian...

Here I am at a French cafe. Photos taken from a video in the end of this blog post.
And here is my old christmas special in Norwegian..."Du sej nå my rart å du ja Mali". Sykt så det holder. "Det er DIN feil at du sitt å sjer på !" Men det er faktisk sant, så du trenger ikke å se på dette sjuke "opplegget". Jeg vet ikke hva jeg skal kalle det engang...bare noe sjukt noe 😂
 Here is the full episode list. 🠉 Because you are desperate enough to watch this!😂

This was old stuff from a few years ago. 5 years ago! I really didn`t care at all back then. I still don`t but...I do things a little differently now...I kind of don`t, but 😉...things have changed a little bit since then.

Here is my recent YouTube video. I haven`t really changed a lot, though (More singing and being silly!) I guess once crazy, always crazy and there`s nothing you can do about it. It is going to be my "vlog theme song":

Thanks for reading my blog articles and watching my weird videos. Subscribe to my YouTube channel The Mali Show and I am on Instagram as @malisuniverse. Facebook page is also @malisuniverse 

 The show that you can't tell your friends about
 because then you don't have friends anymore.

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23 November 2023

Published November 23, 2023 by

HUGE headlines? No thanks / The bob

HI FANS! I am just inspired by the Norwegian front page news 📰 today!📢
Hope that`s okay?

Omg! NO! But I just wanted to try this huge font. It doesn`t really work. The news magazines want to get attention this way. And I don`t want attention. #irony 

Obviously, I want to get as much attention as possible with my blog posts and videos. Because WHY would I blog in the first place? To hide under a rock? NO! I obviously want to show the world who I am. My proof of existence in this universe. But I am not willing to go CRAZY like many celebrities out there. Crazy and without any substance. NO! As much as I would like to scream

I don`t. I could have accepted a few opportunites in the past but I said "No". Because it wasn`t ME! I am my own boss. So, it would work out pretty bad for me. Because I set the standards and I make the rules. 🌠 IN MY UNIVERSE! 🌍 Yes, I know we are many people in this universe. I am not the only one here, but I create my own reality. We all create our own realities. I choose to be happy, positive and creative. I don`t choose to be sad, negative and uncreative. 

Being creative and weird at the same time.

I choose to smile with a natural haircut that they ALL WANT NOW! The BOB! Right?

RIGHT? The BOB, right? Looking HOT!💥WOW!🤯

Uggh! No! I am really not into this kind of news. It is for the desperate and less educated. I am not saying I am educated, though. But you get my point, right? (The less intelligent? Was that better?) 

I knew this many years ago. The secret. That the bob is a winner! (The haircut!) I was never interested in following the trends. I still don`t follow the trends. Trends are here to be broken, just like rules are! I choose to use retro VHS filters on my videos to create an old 80`s look. That is actually getting more and more trendy to my own confusion. YouTubers are using these effects more and more. NOOO! But I believe life was better in the 80`s. (I was born in the 80`s so obviously that`s why things started to shift for the better! 😂) I am only kidding! I would never call myself "HOT"! I was mimicking the Norwegian newspapers. Because they are really into "HOT" and "SEX" and words like these. The "wow"- factor. And I am not into that at all. (Besides to rank myself higher in Google!) I am just into making quality creative content.😂 Which only the few and far between are able to do, working for the Norwegian newspapers. They only argue right now. They are making a mess and they know it. I think the most popular journalist in the game should create his own documentary website. And create his OWN content.👍You are a great journalist Tore Strømøy, that`s why I made a song about you in pure TRØNDERSK that only the few and far between know. Enjoy this fabolous song: Tore tar feil!

 PHOTO TAIM! Because you didn`t ask...

I chose this photo today because of the haircut. The bob. I am rocking the bob here. But I kind of hate this photo. So not me! Like I am killing my own character. 23 years old, trying to be a "model"? For the first and last time! Just for the attention and to make headlines. In the end it wasn`t me. I quickly realised that. At least it has that 80`s kind of vibe that I love. So, why did I publish it? (There`s really nothing wrong with this photo, but it is really not ME!) Just to use myself as an example again like I always am, that this kind of news is fake. To me! (Or to everybody else. But at least I am not body shaming myself here, that`s a good thing! I look cute👍And I never regret anything.) But it`s almost like Donald Trump`s fake news. I can`t even say his name (Uggh! I am very sensitive!) and I get the same feeling (Uggh!) whenever I look at these kinds of photos of myself too. And EVERYBODY ELSE`S! Hey! I am tired of your halfnaked asses / fake news all the time on your front pages! NOT INTERESTED! Who the h*ll are interested? I guess only old men (Sugardaddies!) like Donald himself.

I am so glad I found the love of the old VHS tapes.

The EFFECTS! EFFECTTTS! I use them creatively! JESES! 😕😂


#irony (I think you already understand that!)

I am SO MUCH MORE comfortable here! ⇧ The hippie, native American style is really my thing. The Hopi indians knew what`s coming. Interesting tribe. They just looked up in the sky. A new earth is coming! A new universe. 

But I need no new universe. PLEASE! Not when you are in one.

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21 November 2023

Published November 21, 2023 by

You are not your story

I am a very talented model and photographer 😂 Have no idea why Vogue refuses to call me.😢

"You are not your story" is today`s headline on my blog. "Well...that`s not true. Because everything you experienced became the person you are today." Yes, but you can change this belief system. You can go from being a victim (Victimizing yourself) to becoming a winner.🏆Whatever you have experienced in you life is not going to destermine who you are FOREVER. Yes, it will determine who you are for a moment in time. But not forever. That has to stop if that`s the case!

"Oh Mali! Stop pretending to be this life coach without having an actual education in the field!"😂 I totally understand what you`re going through right now. You might even get this cringy feeling, like "She doesn`t know these things. She never studied these topics"🙈. You`re right! I never did! Who cares? (I was just using myself as an example. So that I don`t have to make fun of other people.)

My BEST photo EVER! It`s SO GREAT that I had to credit it "malisuniverse.com"😉.  #irony

Be careful of judging people just because of their lack of hours listening to a boring teacher, who doesn`t have a more advanced intelligence than the rest of us. And who didn`t change the world any more than, let`s say...YOU can! I just want to remind you that Steve Jobs dropped out of college. I am NOT saying that YOU shouldn`t get an education. That`s not my point. The point is; you are not your story. IF you struggled in your past you still have an important voice in society. Maybe you`re selftaught at something. Your personal and practical experiences in life are way more important than sitting on a chair for hours listening to someone who does not understand YOUR story. Most people can at least list one reason that made them struggle with their own story. No-one is perfect. Perfectionism doesn`t exist.

If I should ever be invited to an event perfectionism would be the last thing I would think about. I would be too busy making headlines. Stories. Even though I am not my story. But the desperate performance artist in me still says "Yes, tell me what I am!" It`s up to you how you want to rate my art. If I was a famous artist I would prefer if I was BADLY rated because that actually makes the front page. Just like some of the stories that we`ve heard about recently.😂

 Don`t quit realizing your dreams! Be yourself! 


Yes, it IS super, crazy easy! Good luck! If I can do it...what do we say here, fans? That`s right, my fans; you can do it! *All in choir at the same time!* WE CAN DO IT! 😂 (Just a little joke again here.)

Until the next time we "meet"; 


Yes, the best songs are created wearing a wig! 💖

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20 November 2023

Published November 20, 2023 by

Of course I`m happy in the "new age"!

Maybe you have been judged in your life. In your past. You are not your story. Go on with your life! Be happy!  Like..."Of course I`m happy!"

There`s a glitch in reality. This is a movie. Your movie. A movie that is playing FOR you and not against you, like an enemy. The only enemy is always YOU! What you focus on creates your reality.
So, stop being negative TODAY! 

"No! there`s no reason to be happy anymore on this planet". Yes, there are a lot of reason why you do not feel good right now. But I choose happiness. And so should you. If I can do it, you can do it.

"What NOW?" is a tricky question when you`re feeling stuck in life.

What am I going to do with my life? What`s going on in Gaza? Is this going to affect ME? Yes, it is already affecting you.It is affecting all of us. But we can not go and hide under a rock. We CAN but that doesn`t change anything in this world.We have to speak out instead. And be who we truly are instead. Free ouselves instead. There has always been wars. But there`s also another war going on. An invisible war. A war going on inside our minds. Confusion and depression is this war. This is what lead to the wars we see in the world in the first place. What can we do in this situation? We can ALL start to speak our truth. The truth has to come out. Who are YOU? Did you meditate today? (Okay, that was a joke. I never meditate myself.) Maybe this gets a little too new age for you. I understand that. I am not new age, though. I am too "crazy" to be a new ager. I mean, I am a comedian and that is how I live my life. I don`t get dragged down some spiral. It just isn`t who I am because I am going to see something to laugh about and make a joke about. The spiral down the rabbit hole has a lot of funny rabbits to create memes about. Ain`t nobody got time for NOT being ourselves right now. "No, I don`t want attention. I really want to do this one thing, but NO, I am afraid of what my friends will say!" Just remember that friends are friends for a reason so do it anyway. Or maybe they are just so-called "friends"? Yes, we all have them. Or used to have them in the past.
Even though I don`t really understand the new age movement, we are in a new age, where the truth is coming to the surface. So, the age is actually moving. We see this all over the news and more is going to be revealed soon. It all has to happen to create a better earth. It is like that pimple on your face; It gets worse before it gets better.

Time for a coffee break! And remember...

Photo: orientaltrading.com

Please DO NOT give up or STOP your creative energy! And your creative flow! I don`t!...

If I can do it - you can do it! Let`s do this together! Do NOT feel like you`re on a guilt trip for feeling good and alive! 

This was my kind of art. Edgy, colorful and with a message to humanity. STAYING ALIVE! I made these in Photoshop. 

Photos in this blog post: Created by me except for one. 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍
  your photo name
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14 November 2023

Published November 14, 2023 by

You fake like a cheap copy from China!

One of my most popular articles is "You fake like this birkin!"  So, I am going to write a new article about things I believe are FAKE! (And if YOU are a fake idiot like the type I am going to explain to you in this post, then there`s HOPE! STILL!....I believe. Maybe...So, I am going to post my post in the "You can do it!"- category.)

LOL! 😂 That was so funny! Not really but...didn`t find any cool "Fake memes" pictures on Google. 

I hope you are not fake idiots like the ones from...

The Milli Vanilli group

This pop group did not only lip sync to "their songs", the group members lip synced to sombody ELSE`S vocals! That`s crazy! And that`s so FAKE! I have no words to how fake that is. JESES!😧


That was some next level FAKE sh*t, right?

Don`t you come around with your fake sh*t! I am all about REALNESS! I may not be the best music producer in the world and I do NOT play the keyboard very well. Hey! I STILL did it! Because I am REAL. I am serving you the REAL DEAL HERE. You can`t get any more real and weird. But what is better? FAKE? I made this song on a freaking Windows computer that had almost broken apart with black tape on the sides to keep the harddisc inside the frame. And they couldn`t tell the producer "Well, we kinda feel like...umm...we shouldn`t ..I mean...fool the peop"? "SHUT UP! We`ll stay on this contract for one more year!" Get it? (The deceit?)

Proof that I don`t get anything at all and that is how I wanna keep things...Keeping the mystery! So, why don`t you have a listen to my song "My world is yellow"? Like China! Okay, that was a bad joke! 😂

Although you were just introduced to a huge meme, I finally found the Google memes...

This shirt had no meaning and I don`t know why I chose this picture. But fake cheese is really serious, so I am gonna keep it anyway.
Photo: amazon.com

I see them and hear about them but I do not involve myself in their mess. On my early journey (From 18 to exactly 30 (Before 18 kinda doesn`t count in my case! I AM a case study!😂) years old I listened to the haters and the naysayers and jumped down the rabbit hole together with the other so called cool "kids" (Cool adult kids refusing to adult! They were about 2 people, me and that other person? Well, sometimes it takes one person (NOT my female childhood friend. She is awesome! This is a male)  Anyways...) in the surge to experience "culture". But in the end I turned out to be one of the coolest "kids" I know. Not even kidding! 😂

So, you can learn here! Learn from this pop group. To NEVER accept anything less than what you truly ARE! NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS! They felt forced to stay on the contract. They wanted to be on stage and this was their chance. Obviously, there`s a limit to how fake you can become. This really destroys the Norwegian walnut cake! And I would never do anything less but eat that cake to the last spoon...

Fake version...

It does not look right. Photo: passionforbaking.com

Real "CLOSED OFF" Walnut cake is supposed to be thrown on the plate...because you`re desperate to eat it. Listen honeym IF you`re just standing there being fake and afraid you`re doing it WRONG!

Thrown on a paper plate by one of your coworkers. You were the last person he served! Because you were the least important employer in that job. (I feel a future blog post coming soon!) They almost forgot you! You cried as you jumped on that bike home from work that day.
*THAT FEELING* Photo: Flicker - user

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍

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