30 June 2024

Published June 30, 2024 by

Looking HOT this weekend!

More like..being weird this weekend!

That was click bait, I know😉

Nothing special has happened. Just the regular...me making a fool out of myself again. In the front yard and in the basement (garage). But WHY be extraordinary all the time? Why do things have to happen all the time? I`ve just subscribed to a couple in the North of Norway. They are just eating pizza, gaming and opening boxes, since they`re addicted to ordering useless stuff online. Mostly useless candy and soda, which they`re testing and saying "It tastes disgusting! I`ll give it a 0 on a scale from 0 to10!" afterwards. But that`s THEIR thing. Being weird and nerdy is MY thing! Whether I like it or not. I have tried to forced it to go away and "un-weird" myself...but there is no cure.😩

There is sadly no cure for this😂...

And here is from earlier on Saturday (yesterday) where I was actually pretending to sing on a song I`ve just made. I made the song also yesterday. Well, I am like a machine. I made these two videos AND the song. No, it is not too much work. I record, edit and upload. We artists and video creators (we`re all in the art field) We simply don`t work. At the same time; we never take a day OFF. We have fun. Saturday and Sundays...watching TV? NO! That`s not relaxing to me. Relaxing is when I work. But obviously I am able to multitask one epsode of Stranger Things with one hand (The mouse is my GPS) while editing with the other hand. This just sounds BAD. Let`s stop here. Anyway...No A.I here. A.I sounds a lot more unreal. And fake...which it IS! I love playing with A.I and I also do that a LOT, but not here. The song writing could be better, though. "He`s name is John and when I turn him on, I turn him on..."? The fan. I turn ON THE FAN! But the singing is supposed to sound...not perfect. I don`t like "perfect" if you know what I mean. It`s not me. I vibrate. Like a cheap vibrator from the 70`s. So, if I vibrate off key that`s just a part of my image.😳 Okay, Mali, we get the point. Sometimes the less you say, the better it is. 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍 your photo name
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26 June 2024

Published June 26, 2024 by

That crappy camera (And recent videos)...

Recently I`ve used my crappy webcam. I`ve turned it into a style. I don`t like to follow trends. That`s the reason why I am unique - a true original. I am not afraid to say that. This is not bragging. I am really happy doing what I`m doing and look forward to more viewers and attention, doing what I love the most; entertaining. Amy Winehouse (I am watching a documentary about her right now) turned the B-hive hair style into her own thing even though it was - and still is -VERY UNPOPULAR. But then she blew up like crazy because of her originality. (There was even originality in her voice.) You just have to go with your intuition. Everything else will fall into place like it`s supposed to be. 

Here are my recent videos...

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21 June 2024

Published June 21, 2024 by

Latest videos / I am a perfectionist

I don`t have a photo for this blog post, so I will use an old photo of me not being satisfied with my vlog. I am very unsatisfied in this photo. Very unsuccessful. (In 2016)

Hi, I haven`t been here in a while but now I`m back. I am more active on YouTube nowadays. I hope it stays that way. I am happier when I make videos. I am 100% MYSELF when I make videos. 

But I am not always satisfied with what I am doing so I use a lot of time correcting myself. I am a perfectionist with my editing and writing and can return to a blog post and change an error in a blog post even after many years have passed. (But that would only happen if I re-read the blog post an found one mistake. I don`t always read my posts over again, though.) The same with my videos. I didn`t jump high enough on my "dancing session" in the basement recently, and was almost willing to take all those takes over again. Even though we`re talking homemade video stunts here. No big deal, you may think. Not for you, no! For me,YES!😂 The perfectionist in me does not stop until I`ve got it right. And I never give up.

Here is the "dancing in the basement" - video. Yes, very silly, I know.  Can`t help it! Silly is my style...

And here`s a "sit down and talk" - video. I usually never do that. I just wanted to say that I don`t have style and I`m not very interested in fashion...

Have a wonderful weekend! BONNE WEEKEND!💜(Don`t party too much! I used to or still use to party by myself! Coffee and Coca Cola were my drugs of choice. And if you mix it together it`s one hell of a trip.)

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks!👍
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16 June 2024

Published June 16, 2024 by

Vlog, kinda...(Very alternative kind of vlogging)

Sometimes you have to stop and think. "What am I doing?" and "Is this OK?" But then I just go on with my life. I am not a people pleaser. I am not living someone elses dream. 

What you`re going to experience now is no surprise. Not when you come to MY blog! 😂 It is very unique, to say the least. Very alternative and original. Because I am an original. WHY be a copy when you can be an original? 

But the main reason for all of this is because I am a nerd. And I hate it when people say the word "nerd" like it`s a bad thing.

I used to be that  "The Sims"- obsessed gamer back in the day who got tired of the game. And realized that I should probaly try and live out "The Sims" in real life. But I decided to create my own show instead. My own reality! And it is as real as I want it to be, thank you very much! I don`t need any stupid comments about my creative and artistic universe. So, here we are now. You`re welcome to watch the days of my life. Hey! I WISH I could have watched YOUR daily vlogs. But not a lot of you create videos. But I know a few...there`s this couple that I know. They sometimes include me in their vlogs. I kind of become their main character...they don`t even know it yet, but it`s true. Internal JOKE! (Please! Give me a break!) And then there`s this other couple always sitting on that boat eating cake an drinking coke. They let us know that it`s 1 PM and that it`s time to get the mail. They really strike a cord with me with their mail order addicton. I feel like they have more problems than I`ve ever had, even though they`re just fine...petting their HUGE cat, which I think is a hybrid of a cat and a lynx. But life goes on...and so does mine.

Here`s my recent "vlog". Enjoy the madness!😎

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks!👍

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10 June 2024

Published June 10, 2024 by

Producer talk with me

I just made a new category called "Producer talk" because producing is what I do on an everyday basis. If I don`t produce at least a little bit each day, I am just NOT going to be in a good mood. Even though what I am doing is mostly for fun and a joke, I still love doing it daily. It is a part of my comedy video - concept. My songs are about love. "Baby, baby baby".. Okay, that was a joke. But I know I COULD. I just haven`t really found that slow r`n`b sound yet...unless I sound like I am a desperate parody on Mariah Carey. Which we all know doesn`t sound normal.😂 Outfit didn`t look right either although I really tried to copy one of her Golden Globe moments (Internal joke only Norwegians get.)

This was my setup before I become rich and famous. I mean...before I had to leave my beloved Mac behind. The pile of papers in the background is just the bureaucracy of France. 

I will be back again soon, but I think I will be a little busy...doing cool stuff...

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks!👍
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