17 August 2018

Published August 17, 2018 by

I said that I will blog more often but...

Welcome back to another check in on "how am I doin`?"...Well, I am doing well. But I don`t actually have that much to share at the moment. I will come back eventually. 

When you don`t have new photos (and have not had time to go on 
a long awaited photo shoot) you have to share old photos...

This is what I call status quo. I didn`t have that much to share a few years back either
(the inspiration comes and goes)...

I am planning what to do next.

    What I want to do before I return here...

  1. Photoshoot (New photos for this blog.)
  2. At least one recorded song (I am working on multiple projects.)
I will be back!

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)

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09 August 2018

Published August 09, 2018 by

I will TRY to blog more often....

I will try to blog more often. Almost every day. Today I just want to post my recent "Live Show" video from my YouTube channel The Mali Show, where nothing really happens. It`s just a place for me to be totally insane. ("The Mali Show" Get it? Losing my mind and embarrassing myself on the internet, making all my wildest dreams come true!?)

Here are a few still images...

I love the idea of me being on TV. Not on a real TV-show but a show that I created. "The Mali Show", once again. It is a concept. I can`t be on a show if I AM THE SHOW.

Here is the video...

And here is an even weirder video. I was out vlogging with a friend and we just decided to take it to the next level...whatever that means. Just a test-video! This is NOT what we will use. I have to record this song all over + I don`t know...get a life? But I guess this is the "retarded" style we are going for. This video is from my friend`s channel, and he is such a kind spirit, always helping me to embarrass myself on the internet, so we are a good team!...

You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! ;-)

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)

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06 August 2018

Published August 06, 2018 by

I forced myself to make this video...

Welcome to another vlog. Today was not a good vlog day at all. Nothing was happening. I do have the ability to make things happen anyway, but I couldn`t even do that today. (Faking it.) But I decided to share a blog post anyway. I guess you do not always have to be "Boom POW!". So this was one of those boring days again...

You can scroll down really fast here, by the way, I get it! ;-) Looking good is not my number 1 priority.

"I want a donkey booty!". You know; just the average things people say on a daily basis. (Not.)

I forced myself to make this video (The photos look a lot better than the video, though!):

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)

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