25 August 2019

Published August 25, 2019 by

Social media kills (my) creativity!

So that is the reason why I am on a long break from it. I do NOT see the point in looking at other people`s lives. What about creating a life for yourself? I am not huge on social media, and that`s not a goal that I`m aiming for. I just want to create. That is NOT too much to ask the universe for. "How can I serve you today?"

What about creating your dream life? Your dream world. Stop living inside your little bubble. Get out of the bubble! The dream is outside of the bubble. A dream is reachable. When you reach. The only difference between realizing a dream and not realizing a dream is that "doing"-part. DO IT!
Do not procrastinate any longer! I did that for many years....(*sitting right now while typing this with my feet on the table and sipping on that hot beverage with a straw*.) But I finally got it! I finally GOT IT!
Just added a random photo from my photo library. I don`t always look this good, though! #irony

Now, let me talk a little bit about "What I am going to do" while procrastinating a little more;
I will return with more blog-worthy content in the future. Starting to actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT will be the game-changer for me.

The thing is; CREATE something before you share it with the world! To be honest; I do not want to read about your dinner-situation, and how you ate that steak, or your boyfriend-situation. I can`t count how many times I have clicked away!

I crave real content. And real content takes time. And you procrastinate in the meanwhile. If you`re not willing to put in the work and time needed, you will never get there.

Procrastination when it comes to the real deal. The deal of your lifetime. Your main goal in life, will never take you far in this game. Like I said; the only difference between sitting on our butts and fulfilling our heart`s desires is that "doing"- part. I always wanted to create something FAST. Fast, but not great content at all. This has always been my biggest mistake! 

Yes, procrastination is my new favorite word. It is a process to get it out of my system for good.

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          - Says it like it is, because It is what it is! - 

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23 July 2019

Published July 23, 2019 by

Of course I`m going to write whatever I want!

We live in a free world. At least I do. Because I simply decided to. Freedom is a state of the mind. (Ain`t nobody gonna stop me! *singing with soulful church voice*) So I decided to re-publish all of my old blog posts again. (Oh, no she didn`t!) I took a break from blogging. I didn`t feel my old blogging style. Which is understandable; we all need change, we all want to evolve. But that does not mean that you should just delete everything. If you don`t learn from the past, you cannot avoid making mistakes in the future. So, I decided to keep my internet-past so that I can look back and say "I did my best! But now I rise like a Phoenix!"

What do I really mean by that? Well...do I have to say more?...

So, I am BACK! 

My content from now on is going to be more about: Nature (let nature take it`s course, honey! Okay, that was a joke!)

Minimalism. We have too much crap. We collect too much and we become hoarders AND prisoners in our own lives.

And of course...

"Mali`s Food channel" - watch Mali do Mukbangs 24/7!  - NOT!

In the meanwhile I will be blowing dust off of my camera. I have not touched a camera in 6 months.
The struggle is REAL! But we have to continue doing what we are supposed to be doing in this life time. Without complaining so much. There is only one you and only YOU can do what you came here to do.

I write blog posts, make music and sometimes even videos. Here`s an example. I made it as cringe worthy as possible...

But at least I was insanely happy while creating it. All creators know how it feels; to be completely trapped inside your inner world. "Like no-one`s watching".
But now I`m writing a letter to my mother; telling her that I have changed. "Dear mom, I am now that average 36 year old woman that you`ve wanted me to be all this time. I just started to read that gardening book you gave me last Christmas". Because we all creators MUST listen to that inner voice telling us to quit doing what we love the most. Because society will never understand us, that`s why.

Okay, that was a joke. But If you like my sense of humor; the "What the h*ll is going on here?" - feeling - be sure to return to my page! Next time won´t be any different!

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06 June 2019

Published June 06, 2019 by

You have to feel it!

Due to my own privacy I have unpublished my old blog posts. Why do I choose to put it that way?
Well, I just want people to see me for WHO I AM! My older projects, videos etc. represented a time when I just created to create. And some of it I like, even though most of it doesn´t represent the person that I feel that I am  - inside, anymore. BUT the posts still exist! (In my unpublished posts - folder) I just want to make better content in the future. Right now I am working on it. I don`t feel the old style that I used to have anymore. And because of privacy (I don´t want people to think that this is my blogging-style when I want to evolve from that old style.) Can you relate? Sometimes we just want to evolve.

I know I have said this over and over again ; I will become better at this! I will change! But to do so you have to FEEL the change coming. You have to really FEEL IT! It is something that happens with time. I know this sounds like it is some serious topic, to be a blogger, and many people laugh at bloggers. Laugh at creative people, people with an idea, because they don´t have an idea themselves. I use blogs as a tool to share. It is a tool. For me it has been the best tool. I have successfully made people feel ashamed! (I`m so sorry, I just had to put that in. I guess my blogging-style isn`t changing after all! lol) Ashamed like; What the h*ll is wrong with this person? She is acting like she is 15 years old. We all know she is in her mid-thirties! With all my weird videos that are supposed to be humor videos. But some people just don`t get the humor. Some people may think that just to have a humor like mine says a lot about a person. But it could ALSO say a lot about how creative and fun this person really is. It could ALSO inspire other women in their mid-thirties who have a unfulfilling lifestyle. Because there is no age, really. Age is just a number. WHY do we all assume that women in their mid-thirties are supposed to do chores, buy a gardening book and work in the garden? We are human and we come in all forms and shapes, also when it comes to personalities. Perhaps gardening work isn`t why I came to this planet earth, but I have to tell you guys; I can do that TOO! In fact; you would LOVE to SEE MY garden! (If I decided to plant some seeds. My red roses would take over the whole freaking area. Trust me!) Because there`s NO limit to what you can do in your life.

BUT you have to feel it.

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10 March 2019

Published March 10, 2019 by

Me and my first drone!

Hi, I just came here to document me and my first drone. Me and Dji Spark. Love at first sight...

The connection is REAL. But WHY have I not flown the drone yet?
 It is COLD outside! I will use it a lot during spring / summer.

Here is some music for you...

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26 January 2019

Published January 26, 2019 by

Become a FAN!

Welcome! I am now back again on this blog with the first blog post of 2019. So, what is the topic today?...

I know that I am talking about that you should become a fan of ME, but that is just irony. This is a very silly video. And that is a good thing; that we can be silly, stupid, crazy, weird, freaky and just don`t give a damn. Be who you are and be free! That is the only way you can actually free yourself from ANYTHING! To free yourself from mental slavery is not just a Bob Marley lyric of one of his hit songs; It is what happens when you become yourself.

One of the most idiotic videos I`ve made so far (with some audio issues), but I will post every video from now on, just the way I made them...

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