31 March 2021

Published March 31, 2021 by

In a dramatic relationship!

YES! I am in a very dramatic realtionship...

I have not talked about this before. I feel ashamed. It is difficult to admit.

No, it is NOT HOT! It is sad to be honest.

This is a situation that can only work IF it is HOT!

Photo: Amazon

Because if it is NOT hot it tastes like...


And it can also be very dramatic IF I do not get my daily dose.

But it is time to break up. 

We do not have anything in common anymore. 

Even though they say we can get Alzheimer IF we break up all of a sudden (?)
They say you`re healthy. But...
I cannot continue being with you.

I am so sorry.

Photo: https://glenmartintaylor.com/the-dilemma-of-being-human/

Yes, I am in a reationship...

You are taking advantage of me! I am weak.

And the more I type on my computer...the weaker I become...

I am so sorry, for writing this that was supposed to be a break up letter. I have never done this before. 

Because they usually just leave...

But with you it is different...

I am sorry. Let`s try and work out our differences...

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.

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28 March 2021

Published March 28, 2021 by

Random facts about me part 2...

Today is one of the days when I just have NOTHING to write about again. But you just HAVE to write something! If you`re a blogger, you can relate! 😂 

I love trips to the forest...

I like to go far away into the nature, hug a tree (climb a tree?), start a new "religion" there. "Okay, Mali, NOW you`re going too far!" Actually NO! I am not going to far ...

All you need is a bag (The nature loves it when you bring a hot pink bag!) And a lipgloss!

Nothing`s too far fetched for Mali - My Universe. I was planning to start a new religion a few years ago. (In Norwegian for my Norwegian super-fans! Everybody LOVES me because I was on Idol. (#irony ?) I am not ready to talk about that now. I have a great day today! So, let`s move on. But Here is an article where I wrote about it (also in Norwegian for my dedicated Norwegian fans...which are; so many OMG! The people that knew me once, work colleages, (haven`t worked a day in my life) like OMG, friends...of my mother, the lady that came over for coffee once. OMG! The lady at the grocery store OBVIOUSLY is a FAN! Jeses!)...

I LOVE TEA! And everything stops for tea! Sweet Chili Tea from Yogi Tea`s is a good choice on cold winter nights...

Yes, I designed my own beanie. Because I am my own fan!

I have started many video-projects/series. Here is one of them...

In norwegian again. I stopped making content in Norwegian a few years ago. I feel too international basically. Not trying to be better than my Norwegian colleages (bloggers /content creators) But I don`t live in Norway, so it also feels natural of that reason. Where I am in the world I will not reveal just yet (or ever!) I feel like it is a private choice where you choose to live. But in time I will share more about my personal life whenever it feels more natural to do so. 

Here is a video from this project. (Which I collaborated with Videomagi on)...

I remember that this was a very good summer 🌞 and that we wanted to ask peope to be characters in this series (Wow, we had some cool people in mind.)

#idolmali #malisuniverse #themalishow #video #youtube #Norwegian

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.

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24 March 2021

Published March 24, 2021 by

You have no other choice

Decided to be myself 100% and come full circle with my own life purpuse. People laugh at me all the time but I am always the last one laughing. I have many pictures of myself laughing. Just making them was therapy to me.

Things that have helped me...

Decided to write.

Decided to sing. The laughter came so naturally. Decided to blog. Every day I am realizing more and more that the future is not on hold. Decided to be myself because I have no other choice. By doing something that my future self will be proud of. By starting RIGHT NOW!

Which is writing a bestseller book...
Okay, I am just kidding. I am not writing a book any time soon. I am more interested in instantly uploading my content on the world wide web than writing a book for hours. My brain is too visual. I have too see my "art" being manifested via photos or videos. Fast! ASAP! WHERE`S the UPLOAD BUTTON?

Here I was manifesting my life goals. I wrote it down, and now it`s here. I am so proud of myself. And I would like to call myself a manifesting beast! You can do it too. I have a category on my blog called You can do it! . I am serving you some help / love over there, so check it out! To free yourself (mostly from mental slavery! LOL 😂) I believe mental slavery is a very valid and current problem in the world. Bob Marley was NOT crazy for writing all of his hit songs. (Many of them are revolutionary!) Revolutionary /visionary kind of people are the people that I look up to. 

The movie "The Secret" made me want to try manifesting a few years ago. There`s a pressure in society to be successfull doing what everybody else is doing. I just never got it. I`ve never understood the social codes. And I am NOT SUPPOSED TO! If you don`t like what you see - just leave! I am in the process of leaving but it is a constant challenge. I was never an insider anyway. I was in my own world. In my own box. There`s a box, and there`s a box outside of the box...but...I am outside of that other box...over there...I am comfortable here. 

You have to be aligned. With your life purpose. Which to me is helping others (with two or four legs!)

I just found a comfy place for my 3 kittens to sleep at night even though the rest of my family doesn`t appreciate cat-life. The heroic cat-rescuing operation by me was not even welcomed with a friendly tap on my shoulder. NO! "Get them out of the house! They pee everywhere!" were the answers that I got in return.

I could create a cat home any day...

When people told me to "Throw away the bastards!", I didn`t listen. I rescued a younger kitten from the garbage and the cat mother adopted it as her own. Beautiful to see how the universe works.

You can try to copy others, it is your choice. But your soul will always try to refuse this self-destructive behavior. In the end; being yourself is the only choice you are left with IF you want some peace of mind. 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.

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14 March 2021

Published March 14, 2021 by

I write what I want and it happens!

Here I was desperately writing down my future life goals with a cheap BIC pen in 2016. It has all started to manifest. 😮

My scripting technique always works. I write down what I want to happen and it happens. Not directly at first, but after a while. I see that more and more on my list of what I want to happen comes into reality. In the beginning you don`t believe in this "shit". "It can never happen, The Law Of Attraction is just fake!" You just write down things you want and just forget about it like you don`t even believe it can happen. But then after a while (to me personally; after a few years had gone by), I found the letter that I had written to "the universe" and almost everything has started to manifest. I wrote "Dear Universe...I now have blah blah blah...Thank you so much for giving this to me. Because I deserve it. Ciao!" Something like that. Like you ALREADY HAVE the things that you want. 

You can try this method too. It is very simple. "I already have the car. I don`t have to ride my electric scooter to work anymore" (Even though you love to!) "But now I have a car, though!" Just daydream! The more you get envolved in your own dreams, the faster it happens. Imagine how it feels to drive your dream car! Just FEEEEL IT! Yeah, I know I sound like a super desperate (American) life coach right now! LOL! 😄 But it does work! ✅

Then after a few weeks / months, you will experience a shift in your life.  Don`t worry about WHEN and HOW things will manifest. You will start to see signs everywhere. And you KNOW when you`re close to your manifestation goals. Your life starts to move into the direction of your goals. But only IF you don`t do anything drastically to stop it from happening! Just be in alignment with what you want to experience. BE what you want to attract! You have to take action, though. Do not sit on your butt eating a sandwich! THIS was the hard part for me, I have to admit (The action part!) Because I have been so lazy! 😴 But then I started to show up into my own life. And then things started to change. It IS really that simple. Not enough people know about this technique and that`s why I decided to write about it.I will write more about this later because it is one of my favorite topics to write about.

Why? Because IT WORKS! I was (and am still from time to time) a lazy person, sitting on my butt drinking coffee all day and it happened to ME! WOW! I decided to quit this crazy lifestyle because I knew there was something MORE out there. I decided to show up into my own life and say "Mali!??? Who the h*ll are you? Why are you sitting on your butt all day? Don`t you want to LIVE? Do you eat to die or eat to live?". This was one of the examples I could bring up right now. I ate noodles all day because I was lazy. And depressed. I had my reasons. But the reasons don`t really matter. I knew I was capable of something more. "Do you want to hide in your tiny apartment? Hide yourself from the world?". "NO! I actually want to create my own universe!", was the answer that came to me while I was sitting there. All alone with my hand in a bag of potato chips (I had just finished my Ramen noodles at that point (Binge-eating!). Had failed at making 100 YouTube videos that only my mother and a few local neighbors had watched. "Only YOU think you`re funny, Mali!" People were looking me up on the internet because they were searching for proof that I am indeed weird. Well, you don`t really have to search too long to know this, though, because I am proud to say that I am the female version of Jim Carrey. So, obviously I wrote down one of my goals further down on my list; to meet Jim through my future circle of colleages/friends. Actually; I don`t care how it happens! And that is actually the best position to put youself in; not knowing anything about how, when, or why things will happen. If you can dream it - you can achieve it. They say you should NEVER reveal one of your goals to people. But what the heck! I am an extreme-dreamer / thinker so I just used this as an example for you to understand that a goal is NEVER to big. Even if this was just a test (meeting Jim!) to see IF the universe listens (It always does!) To see WHERE I will end up, how far I have come along with my future plans, more about the journey than the actual outcome.

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.

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13 March 2021

Published March 13, 2021 by

All we need is a solid "ha ha ha!"

All we need is a solid "Ha ha ha!"

Stories written while I was being offine. Which is TO ME a lot more serious than any so-called virus threatening the planet (sad to say but it`s the truth, probably says a lot about today`s humanity. But I guess I`m an alien anyway.)
I started to write because I talk a lot and nobody wants to hear me "Bla-bla-bla" for hours. The "ha-ha -ha " part comes in when I Iaugh to my own jokes. Because nobody else laughs. My contribution to this world and one of my best /worst abilites is to act really childish. But this is also why I don`t look a day over 15. (In my own head. And that is the only place where it matters!) Even though I am in my late thirties. At least that is how I feel. So, how do you feel young even though you`re old? It is easy. You stop caring about what others think of you. "But then they think I`m crazy!" YES! And why is that a problem? What others think of you is not any of THEIR business. You live this life once so you better make the best out of it. And if being a crazy maniac is who you are, then that is who you are. Nobody can stop you from being who you are.

Hit your head in the wall!

I was stuck and I felt trapped. I felt like I had no life. I was so bored. But then a family member told me; "Okay, If you`re so bored, why don`t you go and hit your head in the wall!" Funny! And so I did. And just by doing that, I felt so much better. I laughed so hard. It really made my day. I was thinking about what that crazy family member had said and it really makes sense. If you`re really that bored, you might as well just hit your head into the wall.

People that need healing

During the past months I have met people that need healing. Stress and depression are the most popular issues. If you can put it that way. (I don`t care how you put it. This is MY WORLD. This is Mali - My Universe.) They all just needed a real "Ha-ha-ha!".  A really long and good laugh. I did a healing session on a super stressed-out family member (since I am a self proclaimed healer (I have taken healing-lessons) and she laughed and said "What the hell are you doing, Maria?" (She can never get my name right no matter how long I have known her) as I held a crystal over her head. "This is your problem area number one", I told her. "This is where all of your problems are!". "Ha-ha-ha!" She laughed and laughed. Later she came to me and told me that I had helped her. I had really made her day. "See you tomorrow, Maria, but brush your hair and I will come back to you!" I don`t take it personally because I know I don`t brush my hair very often. Sometimes only four times a week. But in her language, which is Arabic, this is actually an expression that rhymes. Very cool but sad that the rest of the world does not have cool expressions like that one. I have learned so much from an old civilization with a rich culture. And even though I see myself as a 15 year old youtuber-blogger, turning 39 next year, my family member sees me as a free woman. Free in the kitchen, free in the way I do things. Free to her means strong, talented, knows what she is doing. In the kitchen I throw the noodle spices in the noodle soup like it has been my job since 1995. (Noodle kitchen in Thailand!) If I made a documentary about her and the way she describes me, and the way she describes random topics in general, the world would laugh. Instead the world cries. The world needs healing right now. The world needs a solid "Ha-ha-ha!". Mother earth is sad. Her birthing pains has never been louder than right now. But I do feel that mother earth is giving birth to a new world. I am waiting patiently and I am being hopeful and greatful. Greatful for what I have. I know there is more to come. I know it is out there. I just do not have hold of it just yet. 

120 chickens

My family member which I choose to call "Mr. K" has had some really cool but weird ideas in the past. Business ideas. But it didn`t really work out. I asked him. "What kind of business did you start?"He answered with a huge smile on his face "I collected 120 chickens on the tiny balcony outside of the bedroom window!". And showed me the tiny balcony. I laughed "Ha-Ha-ha!" and so did he. In spite of all the noise from all the hungry chickens, his wife didn`t complain at all. She probably thought it was a good business idea also. But like I said; It didn`t work out. How can it work out when all of the chickens started to become sick? One by one they started to turn their necks 90 degrees, and "Mr. K" had to admit that something is just not right with the chickens. In the end only five of them were still alive and he had to realize that he had failed. He went on with his life and his job painting the neighbor`s wall again, as the famous local handyman that he is - until a new business idea would take over.

Maria Merzedes

My name, Mali, is a country in Africa and nobody in Africa likes the name. "Why don`t we call you Cameroon instead?" Ok, that was a joke, but since these stories take place in North-Africa, I got a new name. A few names actually. Mabrouka is one of the names. A very old Arabic name. And another name is Maria. Which slowly, over time became "Maria Merzedes". Names are a huge thing here so every person has at least five nick names. 


Every month day 10 I am offline. Because I have the cheapest wifi connection ever. Why? because I am in Africa. (North-Africa.) Why I`m in Africa could be a book of it`s own. And I am not going to reveal why I am here. I am here like you are any other place in the world reading this. Stuck with a virus that is messing up you life - which planet earth still has to deal with in...2021?? Can`t belive it`s still a problem.  But that`s another topic which I WILL come back to in the future.) Why are you reading this by the way? Are you really THAT desperate? Okay, that was a joke. Obviously you are reading this because you are a huge fan and have stalked me for years. Or you just found me recenty and you`re thinking; "Omg! What a weird person!" Yes, and I am proud to say that it does happen a lot!) This weird person is offline now, and it`s a struggle. I am feeling forced to write so that I can continue to be weird for you guys. Should I write an e-book? I know that I am not ready to write a real book yet. (Or ever!) I have to publish. I have to hit the publishing-button at least twice a week. I am addicted. 

I will be back to explain more. I have to charge this wreck of a Windows computer. I really miss those Apple-days. But it`s funny how some people evolve backwards.

At least I`ve got 10 million dollars in my bank account! 😎


Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.

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