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Showing posts from August, 2020

Just read this book and you`ll understand what`s going on!

Just read this book and you`ll get it. This was all planned. The author is really intelligent, I have to say! Wow! 😮  Photo: Amazon.com That`s all I have to say about that! It explains what is going on in the world right now.  That was all I wanted to say today. I am diving…

Gave up on ideas and sat on a chair for years....

Bad strategies made me end up sitting on a chair for at least 15 years. Desperate to be something in this world made me do some desperate choices through my life. Without telling the whole story the light version is something like... Photo: Made by me a few years ago. I`m not so mu…

On my coffee break...

I am on my coffee break (Yes, because I actually do stuff every day like everybody else, without going into details about what I do. For privacy reasons.) So, I was thinking; Blogger is a platform that can be removed by Google any time. So, I am 100% doing the right thing here, by m…

I will move to Wordpress soon...

For now, this is actually a Blogger-blog (we used to call it Blogspot in the past.) But it really is limited to what it can "do". But I am not doing much anyway here on this blog...but that is because the low motivation I`ve had for MANY YEARS when it comes to blogging and ot…

Sometimes you have to "start over"...

Yes, sometimes in life you have to lose something to gain something new. Just an exchange - process. The old paves the way for new experiences in your life. You have to lose some to gain some. You never "lost" anything, though. I believe that everything exists at the same tim…