25 May 2023

Published May 25, 2023 by

I love fillers...

In the category "Mali loves..." I want to tell you and show you what I love. I love fillers...

No, not those kinds of fillers. I hate those! I will age naturally, honey. I am talking about fillers for photo -  projects in Photoshop. Or in videos.

"Oh my God! Thas so nerdy, Mali!" Yes, it is, but it is the truth. I really can appreciate the visuals.
And the feeling and the energy of a photo. Photos vibrate at a frequency. (Good or bad depends on the photo, obviously.) 

List of cute fillers (Found on Pinterest!) I especially love the color turqouise...

Neon signs have always been a favorite because I always imagine using them, in some video in the future. NOT actually going to get a coctail at the bar with the neon sign outside. Because there`s nothing like the party going on inside of my own mind. You should be there! It`s AMAZING! 

Photo by: Pinterest user

Old telephone. I love the days when we called a phone TELEPHONE. Not happening nowadays! It IS very sad. In the 90`s I ran down the stairs of my family home and skipped the last two stairs...so that I could jump down the two last stairs...to pick up the phone. Sometimes it was for me. Then we had to go outside to meet the person. Sometimes our family car just got stuck in some very bad weather situation. Or just couldn`t start at all. Because Norway is cold during winter! Then we had to get the tractor to get it started with start cables and everything. (Don`t know what it`s called in English. I`ve got too much ADHD to look it up right now! But you get my point.) So, yeah...how were you going to reach the person in case you couldn`t meet them? THOSE WERE THE DAYS! The days that I miss. And the days where we all were just better people. We`ve just become robots now.

Photo by Niche Aesthetic

I don`t really love to read. Why? I can`t sit still long enough to get by chapter 2. (ADHD is a real thing. "Everybody has it!" Me: Looking at them and thinking; Did you also ONLY stare at the trees outside the school building every hour during class in school?) Mali does not love ADHD. But she accepts the situation and decided to settle. Just like a tree that I was watching through the window; it accepts all kinds of weather coming it`s way. It settles. It`s soul (trees have souls!) gets automatic treatment by outside conditions. And it kind of just accepts it, and it actually outlives the government that decided "We`re gonna build a school here so that you can feel all the energy" Poor tree. The energies are just like thrown into it`s face...I see you getting a little shaky, baby. Do you get my point? Sometimes I don`t even get my own point. But trust me; I`m making statements here! 😎 I think! 

I wrote a blog post about feeling misdiagnosed in the past. I have actually been told that I might not have ADHD after all. And I can relate on not having it because I can hyperfocus on the things that I LOVE to do f.ex writing, making music and videos. But I can NOT read a book if it is not VERY interesting. Here`s the blog article...

Photo by: Pinterest user

I love crystals, actually. I went to a spiritual/occult shop in town and looked at all the crystals. A psychic lady with a stick (Overweighed, probably got some hip problem...kinda don`t wanna know more...) She just sat there waiting for me. Wanted to sell to me Tarot-cards, but I told her that I already have like two decks at home. She also likes to do Tarot readings, she told me. Her tobacco voice was intense (and the smell even worse!) But it was a good, charming experience. She had like three layers of skirts and tuniqas on. Her hair was a mess. I felt a comfortable, homie vibe inside her shop and that`s why I`ve returned there twice now. 

Photo by: Pinterest user

I love the old look. Old mixed with the new. If I had my own house (Which I would love to manifest! 😀) it should be an arcitect - kind of villa (Conteporary style)  with old furnitures. Not exactly into that old rustic farm house, if it`s not like a cellar kind of home. I can appreciate a stone - walled cellar smell. I LOVE that smell. Every time I enter my building, I have to enter the cellar before I get to the elevator. I can stand there and just smell. (For a few seconds) "I LOVE this cellar! Here`we`re talking mould!" (Maybe not! But I simply just love cellars.) I used to work as a cleaner back in the day and if you ever were a cleaner. (Cleaning for the government, you know what a cellar is!) 

Back to colors again: Gonna paint my luxurious dream furniture with golden edges. I will find them at thrift stores. And do some serious make-over on them! I love the idea to paint with turqouise, lavendel (LOVE lavendel too!) Pink? Not actually very much into the color pink. Too overrated! Too much focus on it everywhere you go, so that my brain gets tired of it. Yeah, my brain even gets tired of looking at things for too long. My pink realationship: Let`s just paint a room completely NEON PINK! Two hours later: Puking all over the room. I wish I painted it TURQOUISE! It is not too stimulating for the eyes and you don`t really feel like there`s going to be a gender reveal every time you enter the room (No, NOT pregnant!) But I hope you get the point. Because turqouise is kind of okay. Neutral. 

Photo by: Pinterest user

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍

Look! Even my signature is turqouise ⬇️ Or is it blue? I am colorblind, actually, so you tell me!
On my Windows computer it looks 100% turqouise 😉
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23 May 2023

Published May 23, 2023 by

Follow me around grocery shopping!

Here`s the lo-fi video (I kinda go for the lo-fi look. I like the style, but I will get
a new camera actually, because I am using my cellphone for these videos. And that`s annoying if somebody calls):

Like, share, and just click click click on the buttons! Don`t care which button, just freaking CLICK like this blog is an arcade game from the 80`s! 👍😉  your photo name
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20 May 2023

Published May 20, 2023 by

You better get your act together!

Hi, ya`ll! I`m back with another post. What photo should I post here? Since I`ve got a new pimple on my face I`m gonna find a cool photo, from my heydays!...

Inspired by North-Africa. I have connections there.
Anyways; At least you can post a tiny photo without messing up the whole blog
post, which my previous "new and cool" template did! I hated the previous template!

First a little rant about blogging: 

When you have tried EVERYTHING and tried out every blog template out there that you think might suit you...and you realize that you should NEVER have changed (edited) the blog template that you had in the first place. 

*That feeling!* JESES! 😩

The lesson through this was: The old worked the best!
But now I have to re-edit the old one that I used in the past because I didn`t save the settings. Now I have to change this "college school - blog" - style into a personal blog/magazine, my personal Perez Hilton - style. It`s gonna take time. ALWAYS save your settings!

The old is not right in every situation, but in THIS situation pour MOI, it is 100% the truth. Even though it lacks (the design lacks!) The other lacked MORE! Sometimes you just gotta ignore why it lacks and move on with your life. Blogs and websites aren`t EVERYTHING! 😂

LIE! Oh, the lies she tells, honey! I can just see the look upon every nerd`s face out there (Blog owners and website owners); "Oh, NO honey, the blog is everything!" 

So, If you can relate, because you also own a few domains around the world wide web yourself; then we should connect!😉 No, this is not a dating suggestion. FAR from it! I am seriously interested in connecting with like-minded people. Geeks and nerds, that is. Creative people. Outcasts. It sounds weird, but I am dead serious. BLOGGERS UNITE! 

People that know me might read this right now and think to themselves; "Omg, is she still blogging?" 
And my answer to that is; Are YOU STILL going to your 9 to 5 - job?...

What if you want something MORE in life? More freedom, a SIDE HUSSLE?!

WHAT IF...? It is a great question, right?

What if the devil comes knockin` on your door one morning..."I know why you`re tired, honey!" You been doing this way too long, honey. I can see it all over your face that you`re ready to come on a journey with me today!" (He`s a little sassy!) 

But you know it`s the devil when you see him, trust me! You can see passed the pink flamboyant sleeves and the coffee machine that he sells door to door. Even though you want it! You want to come on a wild journey with this dude! You ALMOST got an empty coffee cup from the kitchen and was ready to hop on his scooter with him! BUT: You`re slammin` that door so hard. But it ain`t gonna work this time because this dude is showing up in your dreams now. (He`s not a "dude". He looks more like that wolf from the red hooded girl - tales. It is not a pretty sight.)

You better get your act together! And do the things that really count in your life. (So, that you don`t go with the dude with the coffee machine. Because you`ve had enough coffee. Don`t end up like the author of this blog post!)

So, get your act together! Which is being HAPPY, first of all. That stiff neck of yours is an indicator that you`re not happy. And in the end you can end up in the ER (Emergency room) Who wants that in...f.example... America? Who wants to live a life they can`t afford...Okay, maybe this was political...Anyways; let`s NOT dive any deeper into that conversation...My point is; you become a lot happier and healthier by doing what you love.

Just figure it out. TAKE TIME to figure things out!

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍 your photo name
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17 May 2023

Published May 17, 2023 by

Geeks and nerds?!

I prefer the term "nerd", though! I am NOT ashamed of it. Photo: zazzle.com

When you lost your old template and have to manually edit everything back again...


Have you ever been there? GEEKS AND NERDS? Bloggers and website-owners?! Tell me ALL about it in the comment section below! 😉 Nerds united! I should call my blog "Nerds United" instead.

I don`t have a lot to say right now other than that I am editing on my old template that was totally BROKEN. Not gonna yell or scream. I am NOT that angry but it is annoying. I thought I had saved an old version of it. But it is on my MAC back in Norway and not here on this Windows-computer. I thought I had saved the template`s xml-file on my portable external hard drive, but NO! 

You can get a solid proof that I am a NERD, indeed, with this video from the past...

Enjoy! 😍 I wish I was able to create something as weird and unusal as this nowadays...

Thanks for being here. This is a place where geeks and nerds unite.
So welcome!😂 Or like Jim says;

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍

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Published May 17, 2023 by

My never-ending creativity...

Welcome back to another blog post. This was a blog-post that I found in my archive of drafts. So, I just decided to post it today. On the 17th of May, the constitution day of Norway, my home country.

I will once again talk about...me. But obviously, it is way better that I talk about myself than talking about...you. High five to that! ✋ 

Here is an old photo that I photoshopped because I don`t have any new photos. I am not the type to take a lot of selfies or photos of myself. Many, many years ago, before social media - Yes! I had an old "Olympus" camera and thought that I was really cool, at the age of 16. And snapped photos of myself with a short bob - hair do. Selfies! WAY before the selfie-days. But now - when everybody else does it? No. (But I did find the video option on Instagram and blew up my phone with weird videos. Until I deleted the account. That`s a whole different story.)

If I should snap a photo of myself, I photoshop so "hard" that nobody else knows it`s me, except for me. I would like to keep that "Mona Lisa" - Who is that? What`s going on ? - vibe. Kind of like The Moon in Tarot. It`s creative, mysterious, and you have no idea what story this person is trying to tell. ("Free" is the title of a song that I will share below.)

I have not quit yet! I will NEVER quit either. When I`m 70 I am still doing what I love, 100%. Without any regrets. Regretting anything is stupid. A waste of energy that you could use on creating something and starting anew (Starting over.) But I do not like the idea to be a recording artist. That is NOT what I am aiming for. I just want to make videos to be honest, and to blog. Blogging is really fun!  

But I even I thought I disliked rock music (I dislike it 90% Hate is such a bad word!) It has to sound cool like Marilyn Manson - kind of cool. With the gothic sound, and I will try to make a serious video to this song. (I did shoot a video two years ago with a friend. So, we`ll probably use that one, eventually. Whenever we got time for it of course. We don`t even live in the same country. This is an old song from many years ago. From 2014. As long as it`s timeless like this one, why not?....

#music #free #idolmali #malisuniverse #themalishow

I have not always had time to be myself. But the right timing always comes. 
The universe KNOWS!

Just relax, take a sip of your coffee or tea. Like Jim Carrey once said; "Life happens FOR you!"

I couldn`t agree more. So that`s why I decided to just lose control. Sometimes that is for the best.

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.

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Published May 17, 2023 by

When you HATE the blog design...

I am a very positive person most of the time (I was way more angry in my youth, but hey, that`s a long time ago!)

And...it`s the 17th of May...but I live in France, so, yeah, I am not celebrating the Norwegian constitution day this year either. Some years you kind of miss celebrating it. You CAN celebrate from another country but it is not the same. So, there I got THAT out of the system! This day is going to be a little weird for me because of this reason. But this happens every damn year, actually, because I have lived out of Norway for like 4 years. (I am ON my fouth year.)

How did I realize that it is the 17th of May? Well, I got a phone call from my overly excited mom wearing a traditional bunad (which is a traditional Norwegian dress) and waving in my freaking face (ON the phone!) with a Norwegian flag! I did not even realize that it is the 17th of May! 😲 Have you people abroad experienced this ever? 

#peopleabroad #helloworld #Expatslivingabroad (You kinda already do, but hey!) 

Please tell me all about it in the comment section below! JESES! 😬

That is SO weird! This also applies to Americans not realizing it`s the 4th of July. You KNOW it`s the date, but you don`t realize what the date is about all of a sudden.

Next  topic...

My blog design (Which is WAAAAY more important than celebrating some national day! 😂)

I hate it! I almost never find a good one. Perfectionist like I am! I know content is more important than the actual look but...I just CAN`T see anything but a weird blog template that is kind of dysfunctional (at this point.) I had a really good template but the ads didn`t show up nicely on the blog. And you NEED them! You freaking need them, the ads. The only way you earn money on blogging nowadays.
I am going to work on this tonight (I will actually leave the house for a few hours to be social toghether with other people (Always a good thing! Even computer nerds need fresh air!) and then I am going to return to change / fix the blog design. I will re-use an older blog template which I loved. Because this ain`t working! I hate this!😡 

It didn`t look good as a mobile design either. And most people are on their phones. Okay, I am NOT going to ramble about this topic for hours, like I rambled prabably for hours in my last blog post. If you`re desperate enought to check it out, it`s here;

That was a really LONG blog post, OMG! 😬 

Here is a photo of the Norwegian constitution day. I am posting it as the last thing that I do here, because I do not want it to be the front photo of my blog post. (Because it is screaming in my face that it is actually the Norwegian constitution day and that is TOO MUCH for a young soul like me (Actually I`m an OLD soul, a psychic once told me!😂 And don`t we believe in psychics over here...nah...)

Anyways; look how crazy it is (In a good way, actually!)...

Photo: Dagbladet

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍 your photo name
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16 May 2023

Published May 16, 2023 by

Rambling about being weird / different...

Welcome back to another blog article by me, Mali. This is going to be an interesting one...I am just going to start typing and then I am going to ramble. I know myself, so yeah, let`s go!...

In this "how to..." (This is my first "How to.." Don`t get too excited!) I will just be very straight forward and say; Just be weird! Don`t be ashamed of yourself! I am an original myself, so this comes natural to me. Being "normal" is HARD! So we ain`t got time for that, right? So let`s just eliminate being normal from our list right away.

This never became a "How to.."- article like I wrote in the beginning. The title of this blog post was "How to be weird". But WHO actually WANTS to be weird? Perhaps not a lot of people. And the reason being is because I couldn`t get out of the rabling state. ADHD can be really tricky! 

Anyways; let`s continue! EINSTEIN and Nikola TESLA weren`t normal, trust me! Leonardo Da Vinci was FAR from normal, ya`ll! Elon Musk is not normal...

Photo: thetimes.co.uk

Everyone who ever did something outrageous and changed the world wasn`t normal in the first place. 

I am so tired of society trying to force original "weirdos" to fit into some kind of label. "Just WORK a 9 to 5! YOU CAN DO IT TOO!" BECAUSE LOOK AT US! We`re doing it!" NO! NOOOO! H*ll to the NO! That is where you got it all WRONG! Society! Government! Please find a solution for people like us! It`s not black and white. But you can`t because there`s always going to be artists. Artist have to pave their own way. I guess we shouldn`t complain because if there was a solution it wouldn`t be art. Right? It`s like IF there ever became a solution for artists, the artist would try to destroy the solution. So, there`s really no shocker that people like me can`t fit in. I tried to fit in in my past. In my early journey into becoming Mali. Mali - My Universe. Sounds like a brand, right? Society and my mom: "Now you`re delusional again Mali!" Me: Writing more articles than I`ve ever done before. Trying to break personal records. The average person reading this: "I wonder what kind of goals she has", while they`re shaking their head. And "It would be interesting to read her bucket list". Professional blogger reading this: "You can NEVER become a famous blogger if you`re using CAPS LOCK!" Me: Like your opinions matter. MAYBE, because we (us weirdos) are doing the opposite of everybody`s expectations, and that`s why we find success? Yeah, fitting in was the dumbest decision I ever made in the past (So, I am un-making it as we speak.) Didn`t work! Surpressed my REAL abilities and became depressed. Did everything a depressed person does. Slept too much, ate waaay too much...started to weigh way too much. Started to freaking look like a loser. And losing my touch. (Rap song coming up, ya`ll!) But this is the truth. Life was a downward spiral. But of course it could have been a lot worse.

I could have NEVER realized who I REALLY AM. That is dangerous! That is the real problem; if you never wake up. So, wake up TODAY! WHO are you REALLY?

So if you feel weird or different. That`s okay. I am the living proof that you can be okay. And you CAN overcome society`s expectations of you. You just have to find the job or the life style that is suitable for you. Your life style could become you job, and then you do not feel that you work anymore. (But you HAVE to be able to monetize off of this life style.) I do not recommend leaving a job if you do not have a really serious plan. It has to be a serious plan that includes a lot of money. To me this means being free. (Making money off of doing what you love.) To me this means being my own boss. It means not being at "the office". If I should be in the office - it is because it is MY office. My creative office. You don`t really need an office, but you need somewhere to blog to be a blogger. Or a place to shoot a video if you want to be a video creator. Which I also am. Wow! Mali You really do it all, don`t you? Yeah, h*ll yeah, I do. I am typing on a French keyboard in English with a Windows computer right now and I can still make it work. I wish I could sit on Santa`s lap and get a Mac for Christmas, but you can find out for yourself how that worked out here: I asked for a Mac. Check it out!😂

But you do not need the perfect office or the perfect equipment, to be honest. It is the idea and the story that is the important thing. And an internet connection. Fiber is not important. This house that I am living in doesn`t have fiber yet, because the land lord (I rent right now) didn`t install fiber, and that`s okay. Things do NOT have to be perfect. 

Oh, how I long to be back in the 70`s where nothing was "perfect"...

Selfie before selfies became a thing. I found this jacket in my mom`s closet. Gold purse
from the early 2000`s. I didn`t see many people walking around with one, but I DID!
Because I really LOVE gold! 😎 

And next time I will show you how to cook Norwegian pancakes. NOT! Or...maybe..it`s not that I can`t...it`s just that...I can`t wrap my mind around it. ADHD is not very easy. I have lived all my life with it. And a simple task for EVERYBODY ELSE that never sat in a psychologist chair ever in their lives, can become a "mind-bug" for people like us. Or my mind is just wandering if you get my drift? Especially if I have no interest or whatsoever. 

Do not quit your job to become a blogger or a YouTuber! Or a TIKTOKKER! (I hate Tiktok! They TRIED with this app to ruin my life, but I stopped myself from joining it! If I had TikTok, honey...I don`t wanna know what I`d do...YOU TRIED IT, TIKTOK! Ain`t got time for it!) Pleaseee! 😱 Only quit when your hobby is your new job. J.O.B. But not Just Over Broke! (The day you are cashing in like crazy! To survive, obviously. That`s crazy enough.) Just over broke will make you broke again! THINK before you act! I am not against jobs, though. We also need education and regular jobs to serve people. I am not trying to make people quit their education or jobs. But IF you are like me, an outcast in society from an early age, then this could be helpful. People probably think that I have been sucking on my thumb until I was 40. (I have to think twice about that one! Have I?) Just sitting in front of my (Windows) computer and waiting for the next Windows alert. Medion was a nightmare. Don`t get me started on my early 2000`s computer called "MEDION". The guy in the shop probably got an award for best salesman / LIER of the year because he sold it to me (my mom!) Have no other words for it but: TRAUMA! So YES! It is true to some degree! I have been lazy. I`ve been bombarded with errors during my life. It`s okay if you think that I am lazy. Because it IS OKAY to be LAZY! I had my reasons. You don`t know my story. It is okay to be different. I realized that pretty soon, actually. Because I did try to fit in for too long. I even studied to be a lawyer at one point.😮 But that would have become too boring in the long run. Although I am very interested in the topic, and human rights especially is my favorite field. I love it! But I realized that the workload (it`s a lot!) the education would lead up to, eventually, wouldn`t work out for me. I would have become tired of the environment pretty soon, actually. Especially if you just want to go home and make YouTube videos. And I would obviously realize that`s what I want sooner or later. 😂

Made this photo for older blog posts in the past. I have been an unsuccessful blogger since 
like...2006. And that is okay. It is okay to be a total failure.😉

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍
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14 May 2023

Published May 14, 2023 by

Just TOO weird!

I am just too weird. Like seriously!

So, the topic today is being...

ONLY KIDDING! I am not weird at all...



Even though that might be true, that is not the topic today. 

Conspiracy theories are just too weird. It gets too weird and I am just freaked out by them, most of them. (Paul Mc`Cartney not being the real guy is one of the weird ones. And there`s no point in making these things up. Who cares anyway?) There are some more believable ones, obviously. I think we can all agree on that. (Like who/what created Covid? etc. Hitler could have escaped to Argentina...there`s a CHANCE at least that these things could have happened.) I was into as few of them for a while in my past. Hunting Hitler was one of the series that I watched. And I watched a few episodes of Ancient Aliens. Instead of going out on Saturdays I sat at home and watched videos about the different theories. Which is a cheaper way of going crazy, instead of going crazy at a club or a bar wasting money and your mind. Goes kinda hand in hand, don`t you think? But I am saying "your mind" because I actually almost never drank alcohol, to be honest. It was never my thing. I was also very greedy with my money. Which I kind of am to this day. I believe it is a good thing. I didn`t want to waste a dime on that "life".
And I never returned to it. They almost never played my kind of music anyway. And they did NOT play MY songs! Bastards! Okay...Well, that was before I recorded my first song "Fire". (Right now I don`t think that I am even kidding because there is some coolness to this old song...Right? Check it out! BE AMAZED by Mali on her early journey into becoming....Mali - My Universe. Yeah 😎...)

I almost fell asleep in a chair to rock music (which I 80% kind of dislike) or became the maniac on the dancefloor to 90`s dance music. Okay, that is a joke because I never go out. Well. I did a few times but I quickly realized that I AM THE PARTY. (I am the cool one. I should rather be at home and make YouTube videos! "This is too BORING for me! You have no idea how fun my inner world is!" I was kind of screaming this, like a scream from within.) OR I became the depressed person in that chair. I was so over it and almost never went out again. People talking about boring topics. Trying to meet people. I know this is natural, though, don`t get me wrong. Politics is natural. (A natural catatrophe!) But there`s no intelligent conversations happening when people are getting drunk. (I am VERY intelligent! Okay, I just had to 😂...that was a joke, obviously.) So, that was my experience after just a few times going out like everybody else did back then, in my home country Norway. Small town girl that never fit in. I soon realized that I am my own boss. Everyday, all day, even on weekdays. Outside influenses kind of don`t disturb my inner creative world. The rollercoaster ride going on inside of your own mind is really underrated. You do not need alcohol or drugs to experience this creative force. But my struggle was always the DOING part! To do something about my ideas and never to procrastinate.

So, what I did instead...(This is going to be a long sentence) After realizing that the night life wasn`t anything for me, and still just sitting on my butt procrastinating for a few more years (I realized this at like 25, that night life is not for me. Procrastinating is totally for me, and has been with me until this very day...😕) I was sitting at home with a cup of tea and dove deep into the conspiracy world. Because I fell back into a position on a chair. It was a combination of different private experiences that made me sit on a chair for years. Like that sitting on your butt, never leave the chair - theory. Perhaps because something happens in your life and that`s where you park your butt for a few years?...

Photo: Found this on Reddit for some reason, through Studabaka 

Yes, I totally agree that this isn`t very healthy either. But my point is; I am a truth seeker so I just naturally gravitate towards searching for the truth. I almost lost my mind trying to figure out the mentality behind the people who believe that...

the world is flat. 

The worst conspiracy theory EVER has to be the flat earth theory. JESES! I am glad I survived that one! Without falling for that crap! 😱

But I sometimes still watch some videos just for fun, but I do not believe it, like seriously. Well, it`s always cool to hear different opinions on things. And I am interested in other`s opinions. I have always been interested in discussing topics. Any topic to be honest. I am a "talker". NOT a listener. Okay, that was a joke. I think...I`d like to listen to people so that I can talk. Even if it`s not my turn.😂

*The moment you realize that you only ended up talking about yourself.* AGAIN!

 I think that has to be the final words of this blog article. 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍

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10 May 2023

Published May 10, 2023 by

Follow me around...

Welcome to my recent video. Here you can follow me around...

Thanks for watching and have a FABULOUS weekend!

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02 May 2023

Published May 02, 2023 by

Don`t be BORED!


I was NOT bored here! 😍

Humor is EVERYTHING and I am having fun just by laughing hard to my own thoughts and ideas.
I can walk by myself through he city and just LOL! "OMG! That`s crazy!" Just saw a "promotion" like they say it in France, of tents in the supermarket. "That could be in my next video...wait! No, that`s too weird...wait!...I can totally just vlog a party by myself camping in my garden (Don`t really have a garden right now, but...I know my mom has a farm on the countryside. Norway is far away, though...perhaps NOT a good idea right now) Anyways; camping inside a tent, set it up and just bring lots of candies and just spend the night talking s*hit!" to my camera and upload immediately to the world wide web, and even send it off to the CEO of Netflix. *Can`t breathe! This idea is the SHIT!* Make a spinoff series of the weird series that is already running inside of my mind. ON RERUN. On VHS! The glich effects are out of control. Or a parody on my favorite TV series growing up in Norway. The Bold And The Beautiful. "I am Brooke Logan!" The drama has only just begun! 🍿🍿🍿🍿

Don`t really care what series (or whatever) I am inspired by. Because we are all inspired by something, and most likely you ain`t gonna be B-O-R-E-D if you are inspired. The motivational speaker in me is coming OUT, ya`ll! 

Maybe a little less candy. 🍬
Maybe just a little less coffee. ☕

Ain`t got time for a boring life. But I `ve heard that you are bored. "I am so BORED!" What? Are you crazy? I ain`t got time (I could sing it for you; I aaain`t got tiiiime!) to be bored. You`re never bored when you add the psychedelics to you life. 

I do mean the VHS effects on my videos. And not something else! (LOL!) Like...

Photo: society6.com

Ain`t got time for that!
(Even though I LOVE the colors and this art-style/genre)

Life is a lot MORE than being bored. You can start by freeing yourself from boredom by doing something you love. And do it over and over and over again! Until you master it. Then you can even write a bestseller about it. And FORCE people to buy it to all their friends and frienemies and just wrap it in ugly christmas paper, and just throw it under the christmas tree?...Yeah, I know I sound like a motivational speaker right now. A crazy one! Maybe THAT`S my strong point in life? Maybe not.

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍
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01 May 2023

Published May 01, 2023 by

Effortlessly cool!

I am SO COOL! OMG! 💖😎

Just kidding! 😂

This is just another everyday life vlog. Nothing is happening to be honest...But I guess WEIRD is happening, and I don`t  really need an occasion to be weird...

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