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Showing posts from May, 2023

I love fillers...

In the category "Mali loves..." I want to tell you and show you what I love. I love fillers... No, not those kinds of fillers. I hate those! I will age naturally, honey. I am talking about fillers for photo -  projects in Photoshop. Or in videos. "Oh my God! Thas so nerdy, …

Follow me around grocery shopping!

Here`s the lo-fi video (I kinda go for the lo-fi look. I like the style, but I will get a new camera actually, because I am using my cellphone for these videos. And that`s annoying if somebody calls): Like, share, and just click click click on the buttons! Don`t care which button, just fr…

You better get your act together!

Hi, ya`ll! I`m back with another post. What photo should I post here? Since I`ve got a new pimple on my face I`m gonna find a cool photo, from my heydays!... Inspired by North-Africa. I have connections there. Anyways; At least you can post a tiny photo without messing up the whole blog p…

Geeks and nerds?!

I prefer the term "nerd", though! I am NOT ashamed of it. Photo: zazzle.com When you lost your old template and have to manually edit everything back again... *THAT FEELING* Have you ever been there? GEEKS AND NERDS? Bloggers and website-owners?! Tell me ALL about it in the comm…

My never-ending creativity...

Welcome back to another blog post. This was a blog-post that I found in my archive of drafts. So, I just decided to post it today. On the 17th of May, the constitution day of Norway, my home country. I will once again talk about...me. But obviously, it is way better that I talk about myse…

When you HATE the blog design...

I am a very positive person most of the time (I was way more angry in my youth, but hey, that`s a long time ago!) And...it`s the 17th of May...but I live in France, so, yeah, I am not celebrating the Norwegian constitution day this year either. Some years you kind of miss celebrating it. …

Rambling about being weird / different...

Welcome back to another blog article by me, Mali. This is going to be an interesting one...I am just going to start typing and then I am going to ramble. I know myself, so yeah, let`s go!... In this "how to..." (This is my first "How to.." Don`t get too excited!) I w…

Just TOO weird!

I am just too weird. Like seriously! So, the topic today is being... ONLY KIDDING! I am not weird at all... Right? Right. Even though that might be true, that is not the topic today.  Conspiracy theories are just too weird. It gets too weird and I am just freaked out by them, most of the…

Follow me around...

Welcome to my recent video. Here you can follow me around... Thanks for watching and have a FABULOUS weekend!

Don`t be BORED!

Here I was REALLY BORED!  I was NOT bored here! 😍 Humor is EVERYTHING and I am having fun just by laughing hard to my own thoughts and ideas. I can walk by myself through he city and just LOL! "OMG! That`s crazy!" Just saw a "promotion" like they say it in France, o…

Effortlessly cool!

I am SO COOL! OMG! 💖😎 Just kidding! 😂 This is just another everyday life vlog. Nothing is happening to be honest...But I guess WEIRD is happening, and I don`t  really need an occasion to be weird...