02 May 2023

Published May 02, 2023 by

Don`t be BORED!


I was NOT bored here! 😍

Humor is EVERYTHING and I am having fun just by laughing hard to my own thoughts and ideas.
I can walk by myself through he city and just LOL! "OMG! That`s crazy!" Just saw a "promotion" like they say it in France, of tents in the supermarket. "That could be in my next video...wait! No, that`s too weird...wait!...I can totally just vlog a party by myself camping in my garden (Don`t really have a garden right now, but...I know my mom has a farm on the countryside. Norway is far away, though...perhaps NOT a good idea right now) Anyways; camping inside a tent, set it up and just bring lots of candies and just spend the night talking s*hit!" to my camera and upload immediately to the world wide web, and even send it off to the CEO of Netflix. *Can`t breathe! This idea is the SHIT!* Make a spinoff series of the weird series that is already running inside of my mind. ON RERUN. On VHS! The glich effects are out of control. Or a parody on my favorite TV series growing up in Norway. The Bold And The Beautiful. "I am Brooke Logan!" The drama has only just begun! 🍿🍿🍿🍿

Don`t really care what series (or whatever) I am inspired by. Because we are all inspired by something, and most likely you ain`t gonna be B-O-R-E-D if you are inspired. The motivational speaker in me is coming OUT, ya`ll! 

Maybe a little less candy. 🍬
Maybe just a little less coffee. ☕

Ain`t got time for a boring life. But I `ve heard that you are bored. "I am so BORED!" What? Are you crazy? I ain`t got time (I could sing it for you; I aaain`t got tiiiime!) to be bored. You`re never bored when you add the psychedelics to you life. 

I do mean the VHS effects on my videos. And not something else! (LOL!) Like...

Photo: society6.com

Ain`t got time for that!
(Even though I LOVE the colors and this art-style/genre)

Life is a lot MORE than being bored. You can start by freeing yourself from boredom by doing something you love. And do it over and over and over again! Until you master it. Then you can even write a bestseller about it. And FORCE people to buy it to all their friends and frienemies and just wrap it in ugly christmas paper, and just throw it under the christmas tree?...Yeah, I know I sound like a motivational speaker right now. A crazy one! Maybe THAT`S my strong point in life? Maybe not.

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍
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