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Showing posts from July, 2022

Nothing`s going on (Part 9)...

I believe that the universe is a magnet. So, you get what you deserve. You attract who you are. What you are. So, what are you? I have asked the universe for new experiences and contacts that are creative like I am, so that we can share our creativity. And so that I can share more of what…

Nothing`s going on (Part 8)...

Nothing is happening in today`s video. Because nothing is going on . Just the boring everyday life. But I don`t believe in "boring" and "nothing`s going on" because it`s always my own choice to be bored or not. When I`m bored I just make things. I have always done th…

Nothing`s going on (Part 7)...

Reuniting with my beloved Mac is not going to happen any time soon (since I`moved to a different country and didn`t bring it with me). I will get a newer version of the Mac anyway. So, Microsoft is my reality right now. I plan to change this, though. But right now it is what it is. In the…

Nothing`s going on (Part 6)...

I love colors! The more, the better. The more it looks like I am on a mushroom trip, the better (psychedelic!) I use the color mixboards in whatever program I use. Right now I am using Sony Vegas Pro video editing software. It is OKAY for now. Since I do not have my beloved Mac by my side…

Nothing`s going on (Part 5)...

Getting fat is the easiest I have done, without even trying. It is crazy! So, what is this blog post about? Well...nothing`s going on, STILL!... Creatively I am trying my best. I do not survive many days without creating something.  ANYTHING!.. Only boring people get bored.   "Just s…