I believe that the universe is a magnet. So, you get what you deserve. You attract who you are. What you are. So, what are you? I have asked the universe for new experiences and contacts that are creative like I am, so that we can share our creativity. And so that I can share more of what I already am. But I am looking for a different platform. If nothing happens, it wasn`t meant to happen, because that is what I attracted. I am really not that desperate. But my idol Jim Carrey said; "I am the proof that you can ask the universe for it!" So, I keep on reminding myself of who I really am with information from the SELF-HELP-SECTION!!!! No, I`m just kidding. ๐
Today`s super-weird video:
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Nothing is happening in today`s video. Because nothing is going on. Just the boring everyday life. But I don`t believe in "boring" and "nothing`s going on" because it`s always my own choice to be bored or not. When I`m bored I just make things. I have always done that, all my life. Just CREATE things!
If you loook around, there are things to do around the house! Don`t sit on your butt and watch other people on YouTube cleaning, cooking, living their best lives...like I`ve done so many times...it didn`t get me NOWHERE in life! It made my room look like a hot mess. And the rest of me became a freaking hot mess as well. - Which I am not afraid to admit. It is my slogan. "Subscribe to this hot mess!" The truth is; I`ve been a hot mess for a while, but I accidentally (LOL!) looked at myself in the mirror one day and realized that on the left side of the head the hair is longer and pretty uneven, not like the right side of my head (a huge hairball which was impossible to get out). The neglect method is not a good lifestyle if you`re trying to actually get somewhere in life (If you`re not trying to start a reggae band or becoming a Rastafarian or something like that (which I am not against...I just don`t feel this at the moment..)
...so for that reason, I bought a DECENT comb.
Do you get my point? ๐
And don`t worry about what other people think of you. They don`t care. They don`t care about if you get married, buy a new house, get a new job. They only worry about themselves. Their own married (divorced, single ready to mingle) boring life, ate too many calories today, got fired from their job, heard about someone having an affair with their boss (it`s really stupid sometimes. Not even first hand information, that is really low! At least be the one having the affair, at least you`re having fun, right?) But to the rest of the world, it doesn`t matter. Got drunk and revealed too many secrets. Like who cares about your secrets? Climbed a tree to spy on their neighbor. "Do they have the same coach as me? The yellow one from IKEA?" The list is so freaking LONG. Choke on yesterday`s pizza while watching Idol. Too many weirdos on that show. "I`m glad that`s not me". (No, that was probably ME. Do I care? I wasted many years caring until I realized it didn`t take me nowhere in life, so I stopped caring.) Other people are busy worrying about what other people are thinking of them right now. That`s all that matters to them. Like it`s the meaning of life or something.
A useless video to many, pretty useful to me, since I keep track of my own creative development ๐
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Reuniting with my beloved Mac is not going to happen any time soon (since I`moved to a different country and didn`t bring it with me). I will get a newer version of the Mac anyway. So, Microsoft is my reality right now. I plan to change this, though. But right now it is what it is. In the meanwhile get annoyed by my Windows - inspired video-series about NOTHING ๐...
So, if you see an error, you know what to blame! MICROSOFT!
I love colors! The more, the better. The more it looks like I am on a mushroom trip, the better (psychedelic!) I use the color mixboards in whatever program I use. Right now I am using Sony Vegas Pro video editing software. It is OKAY for now. Since I do not have my beloved Mac by my side right now. I hate Windows computers. My videos on YouTube (or my "art") shows you how much I hate Windows. "Hate" is a strong word, I know...but...I can`t explain it any other way, sorry!
Here I am editing one of my videos. I was singing karaoke in this video. I sing almost everything. But my favorite music is soul, RnB, jazz, blues. The old classics. Amy Winehouse was a great singer in our time. Janis Joplin was the BEST singer (my opinion), but not in our time. Although she`s timeless. So, my conclusion is; the best singers and the best music was back in the day. In the 60-70`s. Very little has happened since, I feel. Most singers (GREAT singers!) try their hardest to copy the ones back in the 60-70`s. I feel that was the era when music was "born"...I am just being weird....
Weird video:
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I am Mali from Norway. I love to make videos. I have painted in the past, maybe I will start again. I am addicted to anything creative. I also love to write. My goal is that my life is NOT turning into a Windows Computer. I am hoping for a bright blue sky. Not a bluescreen. An amazing future without too many errors. Among all the fruits in the world I choose to sit there with an Apple, creating amazing retro art. Thanks for reading my articles and watching my videos.