29 October 2018

Published October 29, 2018 by

Me, me, me and ME!

My recent video ( I really chose the nicest thumbnail this time! And I tried to edit out all the F-words but I missed a few (Sorry about that! But this character is always kinda pissed/confused)...

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Published October 29, 2018 by

I am doll parts...

I sing a lot, because I actually am an entertainer -"kind of person". (Whether I want to admit it or not! I have tried NOT to want it most of my life, but then I became depressed. So I just had to throw myself out there. Whether I wanted it or not!)...

Singing Karaoke (a song/video that I produced myself, and I am not that happy about the outcome, but I decided to keep it anyway! (But obviously, Courtney Love wrote this song!)

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23 October 2018

Published October 23, 2018 by

A simple blog about my life...

A few things about me...

I love to look good on pictures. Unfortunately; not everyday is a good day for a photoshoot...

But on other days; I have what it takes...

 ....and because I believe in myself so freaking much, I decided to create my own show....

  (So that I can talk to myself! And I hope that you will feel entertained by that!)

I am not the typical girl. And I am not like most teenagers; I am 35 years old.

 Right now I am (in the year 2018. Born in -82)...

I like to buy stuff...

To create things with. Everything else is useless.

I have never been too happy about Christmas and other holidays, but I TRY!...

Let`s move on VERY quickly to the next subject (that`s what we do here on the blog)...

 My favorite expression (It never fails me!)...

I am a strong believer in the paranormal. Which is not paranormal to me at all.
I use Tarot cards almost every day. (It depends on what I want to know. Cards give you a LOT of information.) Here I am using my pendulum:

I sometimes believe someone is watching me! (That`s why I want to install security cameras everywhere tomorrow!) But don`t worry! A psychiatrist told me I`m perfectly normal. I am now working through the fear of being a famous blogger.

Okay, that was irony.

I always come to the best conclusions, and that is...

- although hypochondria is a VERY REAL feeling...

When things get too tough I just go back to the seventies...

Talking to my mom on the phone about being in the seventies. She agrees with me for the first time; everything was better back then. "Now they tell me to redecorate everything inside of my home, and I don`t want that. Nothing must change. EVER!"

Things were easier back then. Now we don`t appriciate the good, old, ugly wallpapers on the walls
any longer. Just like Donatella Versace once said in a Vogue interview: "The worst trend is minimalism!"

In the end; we all want to be happy, right?

- and nothing makes me happier than being on live stream...

Here`s my Facebook Page: @malisuniverse

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18 October 2018

Published October 18, 2018 by

The weird videos just keep coming...

Why do I make these weird videos? The answer is very simple: I can`t help myself. This is who I truly am. Videos that include singing and dancing are my favorite videos. I don`t dance in this video. I wish I did, but I will have to do that in my next video ;-) But I will try to give you a preview of my homemade songs that are not finished yet.

I promised myself to never record a weird video ever again. But that is easier said than done. Once a live streamer - always a live streamer. "The Mali Show". I wish it was easier! I wish I could just be average. But I guess we all have a crazy neighbor, right? Oh, won`t you be my neighbor?! That can actually be a great idea for a future video.

...but now; what you have ALL been waiting for...Right?! The still images:

(Okay, maybe this was NOT how it happened. Or was it? Honestly; I don`t remember. Difficult to remember what happens when the REC - button turns red. It`s like a psychedelic trip (without the mushrooms. I only drink tea! WITHOUT mushrooms!)

Video (Don`t get your hopes up! The photos look way cooler, I know!):

I know my blog is weird, and in the beginning you will ask questions like; "What`s wrong (what the h*ell is wrong) with this person?" Believe me; I`ve asked myself this question so many times! But what I`ve come to realize is; (The more you get used to my blog and the way I do things) you start to wonder, and I`m sorry for bragging here): "What the h*ll are the other bloggers doing?" Because that is the first thing I think about when I enter an average and so-called "normal" blog."Why do they want to blog about their living room?" I don`t get it.  - Unless they have a trippy, psychedelic livingroom with unicorn wallpaper. (I would kinda wanna see that!) Bloggers shouldn`t have to be boring. You should want your readers to leave the blog more confused (in a good way) than they were last time they came to visit. You will get that feeling after visiting my freaky and weird blog. YES! That I know - for a fact! (But don`t worry, you`ll never become more confused than me.) But I try not to be so boring. On my blog a LOT is happening, without actually happening at all. It is just ALL in the energy. But I dislike the word "blog". I actually want to call this area that you have just entered a "universe". A "Website" is also a word that sounds and feels weird to me. (Yes, a word can make you feel things. It feels so technical. Or mechanical.)

Do you know what? I`m just going to leave now and grab a cup of coffee. But thank you for visiting my garden. Inside my universe. I always enjoy some company. ;-)

Thank you for being that lost tourist that I had to save from an accidental mushroom trip. When I TOLD YOU that you shouldn`t eat the red mushrooms. But you did it anyway! You didn`t joke when you told me you were a little freaky...(Okay, that was a joke!) Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)

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12 October 2018

Published October 12, 2018 by

A desperate "comeback" on my blog...

I have not been here in a while. And I promised myself to never return until I had some real content.


I was so bored last night that I made a video again. I could not help myself. I will never stop making videos. I am going to make videos FOREVER! I have tried over and over again, to become the average fashion / lifestyle blogger. But it is not meant to manifest in my life. Because I am not like that! I have to embrace what I am and have the capacity to do. Fashion - blogger - life is NOT for me!
But there´s a lot an average blogger can´t do that I can do. So I guess I have to remember everything that I AM and forget about everything that I`m NOT, and SHINE! Shine like a diamond. I would say this to other people struggling to find themselves, so why not say this to myself? 

Here are the still images of the video. ( I am not into photoshop and retouching photos at the moment. I want the real deal. I look like a mess! Right now that is the look that I am going for (because I am too lazy to anything about that at the moment.)

I don`t get it. Why do we have to look so normal and nice on photos? Can`t relate. Maybe I am from a future generation where things changed. What if I decided that the future generation is beginning right now?! Why can`t WE BE the CHANGE that we want to see in the world?

I want REALNESS! If you don`t like what your mama gave you then WHAT is the point in existence? I actually started a minimalist lifestyle just because I was tired of the mainstream hoarder mentality. I want to go back to nature. Yes, when we were related to apes, remember? (Maybe you believe that we are directly related to apes, but I don`t believe in that theory, okay? I kinda don`t believe in mainstream science - until I have actually been there, done that. Seen it with my own eyes. I want to see proof, ALWAYS! SOLID proof! Not American flags waving in the wind ON THE MOON! This is another topic that I am not going to get into right now, although I really feel like ranting about this for the next couple of hours.)

Here we have "the accidental double chin" that I love so much. IT IS the best feature of my entire body!...

Watching weird conspiracy theory - videos.

Imagining myself being in a Disney musical where I am the princess!

Conspiracy theories again.

My "NO WAY!!" - reaction.

Have no idea what is going on here.

I`m not desperate enough anymore to wear a bra.

5 mugs of coffee.

Having an epiphany; I am the hybrid between Marilyn Monroe / Anna Nicole Smith (again!) And Janis Joplin. We have joined Janis into the mix now. Confidence level: 10 out of 10.

If you thought this was disturbing, well; take a look at this video...
(IF you are desperate enough! You probably are since you`re already here!)

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)

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