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Showing posts from August, 2021

Songs - lost and found...

Yes, I found old videos in my archive that I thought were deleted. This photo does look like Perez Hilton`s "pencil - style". He writes on his photos. I didn`t realize it until later on. So, it was not on purpose.       Good point! Just be who and what you want to attract in you…

Mine "Worst of..."

"Worst Of..." - samlingen min hadde knust enhver "Best Of" fra hvilken som helst artist. Just saying! 😂 Vi snakker classics her. Unikhet som overgÃ¥r fantasien, med en musikalitet som løfter isfjellet opp fra sjøen og hever Titanic opp fra bunnen.  Her er den værste lÃ¥…

Conspiracy theories...

Conspiracy theories.  I don`t believe in it. I used to be interested in some of the theories in the past, but not anymore. It`s just too weird , and if you cannot prove it to me, then it`s impossible for me to care about it. I don`t have time for it. End of story! Hitler proabably went to…

Be who you are!

Just a short video with an important message. Be yourself and and stand out more!...

Only the trips matter

YES! An old chair. Great! Coffee break among the trees! ☕ Don`t care about how I look, obviously. Only the trip matters! Only walking matters around where I live. And now; the question I`ve been wanting to ask. Can you relate to my music - and video  ?  "The telephone song". It`…

I am not a fan of boring things

That`s right! I don`t watch TV because it`s... BORING. I don`t learn to drive a car (Anymore! Not ever again!) because it`s.... BORING.  And scary as hell. I thought I was going to freaking DIE when I hit the road in 2009, because "We all need a driver`s licence, if not, you`re a tot…

First vlog in a while. Walk in the forest.

It`s vlog time again. I vlog only a few times a year (or never!) But I will tryyyy to do it more often. It is a goal of mine... #vlog #mylife #forest

The telephone song

"It wasn`t your fault. the year was 1988!"