21 January 2025

Published January 21, 2025 by

Why do I blog?

I am addicted to writing. I used to write long essays in Norwegian as a young girl. My imagination was HUGE! (It is still huge.) But as an adult I started to write mainly about myself. (Not about my family members.) Because it`s always better to write about myself than writing about YOU. And you guys would not like that! I write kind of cryptically about myself without too much personal information. That is my style. I also create videos. In the exact same style. Mainly because I am visual (more than I am auditory. I am both, but I prefer to work with the visual) and I am also addicted to editing. Addicted is not the right word to use because this is who I am. Creating music or playing around with audio is also a part of my act if you understand what I mean. But I don`t love it as much as I love creating visually. At the end of the day I use all of it as a part of my performance act.

A "loser" is just a person without the right tools

The reason why I created a YouTube channel many years ago and decided to name it "The Mali Show" is because I was inspired by Jim Carrey in The Truman Show. A funny movie. He didn`t even know that he was on camera. But his life was a TV show. Weird concept. The day he realized that it was all staged is similar to the realization that I had about life. It is all staged. Synchronized. The more you think about a topic it actually plays out in real life / manifests in one form or the other. I am actually convinced that it is all in the head. And that it is not a joke when people sometimes say; "It`s all in the head!" But that is the truth. And the good thing is; you can shift a bad thought into a good thought super FAST. And you can shift your own reality from being a so-called loser (Which I do not believe in, by the way) to a winner. I believe that a "loser" is just a person without the right tools. (And without the right people around them) One day the person finds the right tools and becomes successful in life. 

Why do I blog? Because then I can keep track of every weird idea that I have. "But publicly?" you may ask. Yes, so that other people can seek guidance if they relate. I always seek guidance myself so I know that this is what people do. Get free guidance from your favorite blogger TODAY!😉 For only 9,99 you can become a special member! And get free guidance. But for 9,99! Cheap! Almost for free!😂

Just kidding! I HATE advertisement. (And that`s why I show ads on my blog. 😎 #irony) 
Please CLICK-CLICK-CLICK and make me filthy rich! 💸💸💸

I also use it as a tool to entertain as much people as possible (at once.) That is at the end of the day the MAIN reason.

So that is why I blog.

You want some apples? Throwback photo from my archive. On the floor is my self-portrait painted by me.

My goal is that my life is NOT turning into a Windows Computer. I am hoping for a bright blue sky. Not a bluescreen. An amazing future without too many errors. Among all the fruits in the world I choose to sit there with an Apple, creating amazing retro art. 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. your photo name
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13 January 2025

Published January 13, 2025 by

Siste video før jeg dro til varmere strøk...

Gammelt throwback bilde av deres kongelige høyhet Mali.😜
Følge bloggen for flere sjuke innslag!🙈

Det snør, det snør tidelibom. Det er alt jeg har å si om denne episoden...

Følg YouTube kanalen The Mali Show for flere videoer som denne. 
Følg ogsÃ¥ min Facebook side hvor jeg legger ut innlegg: Mali - My Universe
Jeg har Instagram også; @malisuniverse (TikTok har jeg forsøkt å like, men det funker dårlig for min del.)

Bare et bilde jeg fant. Jeg lurer på hva jeg tenkte her? FOR et bilde!🙈 Men ja, jeg har egentlig veldig lyst til å begynne med slike "daily vlogs" (På min teite engelsk) i fremtiden.

Så vi runder av her, frem til neste gang. Snakkes! 💜

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. your photo name
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04 January 2025

Published January 04, 2025 by

Jula er OVER! 😢 Og ha et godt NYTTÅR! 🎆

Jeg bare fant et bilde i fra arkivet mitt igjen. Jeg er avhengig av raskt internet til en hver tid, så derfor lagde jeg dette bilde. MANGE år siden. Jeg hadde til og med bleket håret.

Jula 2024 er over og vi er i gang med år 2025. I dag er det 4. januar 2025. Jeg savner jula allerede (På en måte.) Men nå må vi videre.

Her er de siste videoene...

Dette var den siste videoen jeg redigerte ferdig i Trondheim mens jeg var der.

Dette var på nyttårsaften (2024). Jeg har endelig begynt å like jula igjen etter mange år hvor jeg ikke brydde meg noe særlig om jul. Men nå er jeg tilbake igjen.

Her møtte jeg noen av mine beste venner over et cafebesøk med skravel OG filming...

Vi blogges videre om ikke så altfor lenge. Ha et fantastisk 2025!💖

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. your photo name
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