29 December 2024

Published December 29, 2024 by

Malis juleskravle-serie - Episode 5 - Vi skravlet i to timer

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.

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27 December 2024

Published December 27, 2024 by


Self-help series on YouTube NEVER happened. Just like many other things that never happened in my past. This has to be a still image of a video. Yes, I didn`t look very serious.  

I posted a previous post about ADHD and that I might NOT have ADHD, but I have just come to the conclusion that; I have ADHD and I am proud of it. And if I don`t have it...That`s gonna make me normal, then! NOT a good idea! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Who wants to be NORMAL? 

Here are my two posts about my confusion:

I have realized that ADHD is different in every person. And that women also have a different version of ADHD than men have. (More an inner chaos.)

I could not work a "9-5 like" Like "everybody else does" but I am not ashamed of this fact. 
WHY could I not manage a regular job? Well...I was just too creative. I am being serious. And I couldn`t find any topic / job / whatever that means - that could handle ME and MY energy. That is exactly how it felt like. I do not mean that I am better than anybody else. I just felt like I was different. Like I never fit in anywhere. It just wasn`t meant for me.

So, what is meant for me?

  • Blogging. (Writing in general as long as I don`t have to write for a company) I use this blog as my platform. Writing a book (the idea) is too boring right now. I don`t think I am going to do it. EVER!
  • Making videos with Final Cut Pro. Hate-love relationship! At least there is no boss supervising what I am doing because if there was - I would just say "Stop it!" and laugh. So, NO boss! ๐Ÿ˜‚
  • Making music with Apple Logic Pro. (It can not be Windows!) Hate - more than love. I still do it. I do it because I am musical. If I wasn`t I would simply just NOT do it. Would have been impossible to work with my own vocals. ALL musicians know this. About. Themselves. 
  • I have an on and off love and hate - relationship to painting. Is is VERY OFF right now! Mostly black strokes with red strokes. Very messy, indeed. And SAD! The fact that I am willing at this stage in life to paint in the genre contemporary art. I know exactly WHERE to buy new canvases...still I don`t do it. The road there has never felt farther away. When I walk by the windows of the shop, I just take a peek and I think to myself "Contemporary art is just so horrible! Big colorful butts and huge colorful asses! Kind of like...Picasso?.. I am in the South Of France, but..." That has kind of been the situation for me. I go home empty handed with my mouth full of Croissants. And I realize more and more that I am going to look like one of these fat ladies in the modernism paintings if I don`t stop eating these Croissants.
  • The stock market (Mostly just a hate-situation. For now! But I am not giving up.)

Picasso was not bad, but...I don`t know...I love colors but I just don`t really love the modern stuff. He was very timeless, obviously. The guy probably had ADHD.

"The Dream" (1932) Painting by Pablo Picasso

So, this is how hard it is. Hopefully people with ADHD can relate. That`s why I`m writing about this. I have a few interests here above as you can see. These are the interests narrowed down to a few points. Five to be exact. I also enjoy walking in nature. Hiking. I like it when it moves. I don`t take too many photos for that reason. Because photos don`t move. But they capture the moment. Which is also a great thing. But Adhd people tend to not capture the moment that much, they tend to always be a step ahead. I like the volatile. When it moves - I`m in! Kind of like the stock market. I always look for the top volatile stocks. It also kinda reminds me of an ADHD - brain. We want to be around other high energetic people. Like ourselves. To do highly energetic activities with. And if you`re just not right. You`re kind of out. Because we`re selective. The same goes with jobs. You have to be overly excited about your chosen topic. I never was.
Well...Just a little bit. But a little bit is never enough. 

I have realized that in this life, to succeed you have to be a closer. Just like the stock market. If you forget to close the position, you`re actually screwed. You could be screwed the next morning. You have to finish what you started. Close a deal. And you have to do it very well. 

(Oh no, I sound like Donald Trump.๐Ÿ˜•) 

I have also in recent time realized that I couldn`t work a regular job because I could not psychically see the money coming in. (They kind of showed up on the bank statements, yes, but WHY? I would like to understand what was going on exactly. In the meanwhile. Before they ended up there. A hands-on experience with me looking straight into a monitor.) I would rather like to see what I am doing. I like to see the numbers. I also would like to see that the numbers are not too short. ๐Ÿ˜‚ That would be a game changer for me! 

They say that money isn`t everything...


"THEY" don`t really know what they are talking about. 

These thoughts above are kind of ADHD - like, don`t you think? WE want to be in charge, right?

Let me have high tea, Victorian style, while I figure out what more to write about.

I will return to write more later. Adhd - people do not sit very long with ONE thing. Thanks for reading so far!

I love Spongebob. Photo: Pinterest

It`s the next morning now and I came back to finish up this blog post. Yes, that`s the way I write.๐Ÿ˜œ I can write for days. But on the same blog post. I`ll be back to post this blog post eventually today. 
Going out to eat Sushi now...*Grabbed my wallet and phone and left in a hurry*

Many hours later: I ate Sushi, came home and edited today`s video footage. And then I uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel. I will publish my recent video in a blog post soon...

Pay attention to "I WILL"...but not yet.

Conclusion: The ADHD is OBVIOUS. ๐Ÿ˜‚ 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.
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Published December 27, 2024 by

Malis juleskravle-serie - Episode 4 - Tok en burger

Fant ikke noe bilde til dette blogginnlegget, men det er viktig รฅ velge det bildet som representerer den du virkelig ER. Ikke noe falsk dritt!

Her er dagens skravle-episode:

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23 December 2024

Published December 23, 2024 by

Malis juleskravle-serie - Episode 3 - Juletre

Bรฅde skravler, synger og snakker om mat pรฅ trรธndersk i dagens skravleepisode...

And a vlog in mainly English, from a few days earlier...

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.
  your photo name
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18 December 2024

Published December 18, 2024 by 2 comments

Malis juleskravle-serie - Episode 2 - Litt som Pablo Picasso

Hva leser jeg om meg selv?  Foto i fra uttrykks-arkivet mitt. Alle mรฅ ha et slikt arkiv.
Noen skrev for ikke lenge siden (Pรฅ Kvinneguiden av alle plasser) at jeg har en blogg som er sรฅ uproff at den ser ut som i fra รฅr 2007. Og at det det var rart at innleggene var av nyere dato. Utdatert med andre ord. NEI! Aldri i verden heller! Denne designen er best. Hva skal vi med blogg.no sine designs? Dรฅrlige. Det er derfor jeg droppet de for flere รฅr siden. Jeg prรธver ikke akkurat รฅ bli en norsk kjendis heller da. *Puke* Jeg er mere en internasjonal kunstner. Litt som Pablo Picasso. Fรธr han laget noe...๐Ÿ˜‚Ja eller d.v.s i รฅnden. I kunstner-รฅnden. Begge endte vi opp pรฅ den franske rivieraen som ekte kunstnere skal.๐ŸŒด

Jeg oppholder meg pรฅ andre steder i verden nรฅ. Av private รฅrsaker. Jeg vender snart tilbake til sรธr europa for รฅ gรฅ pรฅ gallerier o.l. (IKKE! Det er ironi. Jeg gรฅr aldri pรฅ sรฅnt.) Ekte kunstnere henter inspirasjon i fra hele verden. Ikke BARE i fra bondelandet Norge. (Finnes noe bra der og da. F.eks Bleken. Mรฅ vรฆre trรธnder ja!) Bare vent til jeg henter ut den ekte kunstneren i meg! (Dette har jeg jo sagt flere ganger fรธr men...) Mรฅ bare...ja dere vet...installere meg litt. Jeg er som et modem som fungerer best ved sterke signaler fra universet. Disse signalene begynner jeg som smรฅtt รฅ kjenne pรฅ. (Til tross for at jeg har flere andre interesser. Dรฆven, ho Mali, altsรฅ!

Senere i dag kommer det Skravlehjรธrne med Mali igjen, som i gรฅr. Har litt tid til overs for รฅ skravle igjen. Skravling er en av mine fremste interesser. Holder sjelden kjeften. Til tross for at jeg sikkert burde. 

Flere LATE timer senere, samme dag leverer Mali igjen, som i gรฅr...som ei ekte skravlekrรฅke. (Det kan hende det gรฅr en dag eller to fรธr jeg skravler igjen.)

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. your photo name

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17 December 2024

Published December 17, 2024 by

Malis juleskravle-serie - Episode 1 - Egen julesang

Her skjer det ikke sรฅ mye bortsett fra at jeg skravler om ett eller annet pรฅ hver episode jeg lager fremover, og jeg startet i dag. Er du desperat nok gidder du รฅ fรธlge meg๐Ÿ˜‚

Bildet er bare et gammelt ett fra da jeg VAR Mariah Carey. Ingen tvil her, altsรฅ.

Men jeg kom hit for รฅ skravle i dag...

"Julelรฅt" lagd for et par dager siden som jeg selv har mekka pรฅ...men det er denne som skal bli sรฅ mye vakrere OG mere professionell, jeg lover. 

Det kan bli interessant fremover, sรฅ kom gjerne tilbake!


Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. your photo name
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02 December 2024

Published December 02, 2024 by

Christmas special - every year the same!๐ŸŽ…

I have NOT made anything new for this Christmas. My wildest period of my life was probably a few years ago when I didn`t care at all or whatsoever. (I have changed now! I care a lot more. Unfortunately! I wish it wasn`t so, but...anyways...) Here is the video playlist of my Christmas special. My one and only Christmas-special. I made a daily vlog until day 12 and QUIT! That`s how excited I was about Christmas. Dont`t cringe too hard!๐Ÿ˜‚ No, PLEASE DO!

And here are a few other Christmas-videos...
Photos from my Christmas - morning - special (Videos in Norwegian):

Here I am saying: "I want to look like a Christmas tree!" which I obviously do here.

  Merry Christmas!๐ŸŽ…

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30 November 2024

Published November 30, 2024 by

Talk to the hand!

I picked this photo from my archive because I just felt like "Talk to the hand!"

I started to write on this post last week. Yes, I am SO DEDICATED to this blogging. It is Saturday and I have NO topic to write about anymore. A topic has to be literally thrown at me and then I will come back. Because every weekend I really want to write. It is a goal of mine. (I am super- interested in the stock market on weekdays. ๐Ÿ—  (It could be a topic in the future to blog about. That`s gonna be a BORING blog post! For a lot of people.) And for that reason I just stopped making videos on YouTube if you should ever wonder why I am never uploading anything anymore. It`s OVER! Okay, just kidding! I will return there as well. But not in a non intellectual way. Only intelligent humor.) 

Several hours later: We are approaching December and Christmas...This is not going so well, sorry๐Ÿ˜• I thought a few christmas tree emoji`s would inspire me, but not even that could keep me interested enough to finish the blog post.๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„

*Checking the stock market instead.* My favorite stocks are closed, but maybe there are some options in the Middle East (Okay, I am NOT that desperate!) Yes, it is true the sad fact that it is closed today. (Please do not trade without "training wheels" on. It is risky!)

And what should I write about? No, it is not depression. It is called drought. NO inspiration or what so ever! RIGHT NOW! But I never give up on anything, so...I`ll be back!

PS! STILL EDITING! Come back for more! Will finish it tonight. (I have no preview possibility with this blog design)

A few hours later I am back again. I don`t have a lot to say but...

I don`t care what people think about me. I have always been totally BLIND that way. This way of living has cons and pros. You are always faced with nagging people who will tell you stuff. To wear different clothes. f.ex. "Do not wear that!" and the uber-annoying; "Wear this instead!" Or "Do this instead!" Me: "What?" Doing something at all? With my life? Huh?๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

That was kind of a half-joke. Because yes, I do agree to some point. I obviously always want to do something with my life, but I am not really listening to other people`s opinions. IF someone knows you BETTER than you know yourself, you have a problem! (Houston? We got a problem?)

More to come...You dont wanna miss this. LOL! BRB! Have yourself a cup of Victorian tea and return.

Until I return you can also watch this video.

Melania tries Asmr:

And I am back again. Several hours later! Yes, it was weird. I am not here to please anybody. If you think I am an idiot it is totally fine with me. I actually wouldn`t mind. Haters are fans.

Photo: Pinterest

Like I said; I don`t have a topic today, but I just came here to type like crazy on my laptop. Which is a Windows laptop. I am NOT into Windows at all. I am only into Apple. But I can`t do anything about this right now. I moved away from Norway, left my stationary iMac machine because it is impossible to travel/move to a different country with it (traveling by plane). You CAN but you need a special super-expensive iMac-bag. And I have no idea what`s gonna happen in the airport. And I am more interested in the newer versions of the Mac anyway. That`s the REAL reason! Not worth the stupid bag anymore. I dislike airports and traveling so I just bring a carry on - bag. I only like the Starbucks cafe`s on the airport. I don`t want to be the one standing there in line with the mega huge iMac backpack on my freaking back. I`m tired enough as it is; coffee addicted and desperate. Since I never have time for my three morning coffees before I leave. I didn`t come this far to struggle in my fourties. (Sounds really bad! *Wee-wee*) Talk to the hand, Ricki! (The Ricki Lake Show in the 90`s)

Photo: Pinterest

And now I have to say bye-bye for now. Yes, It is sad, I know. But I will return, I promise. With another shameless blog post. I shoot from the hip here! 

But now I want you to see me for who I really am. A serious, grown up with a million responsebilites. Always soooo tired...a hard worker...a 9-5 kind of person...I come home and crash in the bed like a trainwreck (I crash the bed with my extra pounds of fat on my body.) 

Yes, that would be me if it wasn`t for the fact that THIS IS ME. (Video below) Humor makes you look younger, thinner (even though you`re fat. Because the most creative people use a lot of energy in fat shaming themselves. You lose pounds while laughing at yourself. The laugh muscles are underneath the belly fat.) "One day I`m gonna be HUUUUUUGE!"

Maybe you also like this video...I mean; how could you NOT?

   Thanks for stopping by! Return for more madness. 

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15 November 2024

Published November 15, 2024 by

Interests and hobbies (and weird rap song lyrics...)

Under update! *Editing mistakes* PS! I wrote a completely new story. ADHD got the best of me today.

Starting a new life -  with Mali, your life coach. She has experience from sleeping on the couch and she finally realised it was not bringing in the money. If you can relate please keep on reading...

Do you have interests and hobbies? Maybe you have special-interests like me? Video / music production. And stock trading is a hobby also. Do THAT! ๐Ÿ— ๐Ÿ’ฐ

(Wait a minute!...Do not do stock trading IRL. (In real life) It is risky and you feel this emotional chaos inside, when you go "red" and not "green". (Day trading / swing trading) Not a good idea if you don`t know what you`re doing. Learn in a trading simulator! It is HARD!) I have always been a computer-nerd/tech freak (My main interest is computers) combined with creative ability. So, I guess that is why my interests are the way they are. But I didn`t do anything like that for TOO many years. And I became lazy (and fat), since that was all I knew. My life force was sucked out of me because I chose the wrong path. But many years later higher forces or whatever`s going on in the universe redirected me on the right path. The moment I started to go back to source and do what I came here to do (without going totally New Age on you, yeah, I know, I hate that too.) 

It was Kundalini awakening!
(Jeses! OMG! Get a life! *Puke*)

I became confident, for the first time in my life. You can never become confident doing something that you don`t like doing. We have all heard it before;"But sometimes you have to! We all have to! Don`t be so stubborn!" Yes, I understand that and I have been doing things that I don`t like doing, but there is a limit to how long you are capable of living a lie. As long as you know that the "daily boring chores". Perhaps a boring 9-5 is going to lead you to your next big breakthrough, then you have a goal. A future goal, a 3 year goal, is not the same as sitting forever on your butt in the same grocery store listening to that same signal every time food pass the scanner. "Beep beep!" it says. Do you even know the long time damage of a single beep can do for you? I highly disagree that this is the purpose of your life. (Could be if you decided not to aim higher.) But is this a better choice than not having a job at all? YES! Of course. I used to clean. I freaking loved it. Made me a better person even though I knew this is not my purpose in life. But I now use the ability to clean for my upcoming project which is...cleaning my new...upcoming project...which will be my next home. Make it a survivable place to host guests. Who knows? Perhaps a candle light dinner? I do have a teddy bear who would love to have a candle night dinner with me...just like Mr. Bean`s teddy bear...get the point here? Or a tea party. They call it high tea. I sure didn`t learn it from my mama. 

(Joke๐Ÿ˜œ She actually is better at throwing knitting parties than me. Knitting socks and etc. Pretending to be knitting when all they do is gossiping.)

Be yourself and don`t listen to other people`s blah blah blah. "Don`t do this! Do this instead!" Unless it`s a really great topic / advice that can serve YOU! People talk. They will always talk. If you become the main target; talk back!๐Ÿ˜œ Tell them where the closet stands! (That`s what we say in Norwegian!) Be honest! A spade is a spade! Don`t become the elephant in the room! SCREAM! YELL! "I AM HERE!" I have experience. I was always the quiet one. Not anymore! 

Want to get rid off people (Haters and naysayers)? (GIVE THEM MONEY and they`ll LEAVE! That is ONE solution ๐Ÿ˜‚ ...I take that back, because then they have a tendancy to show up again.)

Walk away from annoying people and never look back!

Walking away from drama...

I told someone the truth about themselves / myself and the world we`re living in, from my own perspective, and they just freaking shut up. Oh yeah...didn`t hear from them anymore. Moved on with my life. I started from that point on to manifest positive experiences in my life, like never before. And bad experiences in the past turned out to be the best solutions to my issues. You think it`s not going well for you. But it can become a blessing in disguise. 

And it soon developed into a rap song. Please imagine me as a gangster in a music video just like I imagine myself in this very moment. ๐Ÿ˜‚
Gossiping doesn`t bring in the cash flow...and you know you are a cash cow...I rap better than Kanye. West. I realised that less is more. Would rhyme if I wrote it the opposite way. But I`m not here to force a rap song. That`s what Kanye does all day long. (OMG! My lyrics are dope!) And I am real, not this wannabe pretending to be relevant "Sunday service joke"....My lyrics could sell. But well...I am selling my soul in this happy trading bullish marked as a stock trader (not for a Happy meal on Mc Donalds. I became fat and lazy! Happy meal is the cheapest deal...even for an adult. Sitting there opening toys. Toys made by paper. When you actually want to be cool and smoke a vapor....and let everybody know that yes, you are a cash cow. 
(How the hell did I come up with this shit?)
Chorus: Cash cow! Cash cow! Everybody wants to milk me! But I ain`t giving nothing back because the society is filthy. Trashy. If I mishap they trash talk me. I said hell to the no. Hell to the NO! And decided to go. So I walked as far as I could and bought an old cabin in the woods. Grew my own food. And people talked about me even more. MORE! 
(Because people don`t like the organic, veggie people living off grid. Even I don`t. It`s too much. Still I made these lyrics. Oh well...)

Whispering, gossiping voices behind trees (Desperate fans who have followed me (They are five people and I can name them!): 
"What is she doing in the woods? Why is she bringing this weird blueberry catcher - thing and a bucket?" I became so relevant against all odds. With this thing. The  blueberry catcher thing. We don`t know what its called. Do you?

Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB
And now everybody wanted a piece of my cake. My famous Blueberry cake. The world is freaking woke (I hate woke!), but your queen Mali is AWAKE! Awake enough to filter out the trash in society and just be herself. The newspapers are screaming HELP! Okay, I am talking about myself in third person..but Kanye is talking about himself as God. We already have God. His name is Donald Trump. Okay...that is irony,  but WHY the screaming choir? (Literally translated from the Norwegian word "hylekor".) I didn`t like Harris. No visions and  just...weak...laughed at everything while speaking. NOT serious at all. Bring someone else in and maybe they will be taken serious the next time? On the side note: Why am I talking about Kanye? (and Trump?) Well, they`re outspoken like me. Honest. Perhaps TOO HONEST. And do not give a damn. It`s better than "I don`t know...maybe..." He said he was gonna stop the wars overnight in 24 hours...oh, the LIES! But he is a great show man...and for that reason...and that`s the only reason...the world is f***ed anyway and Harris and her team would not have been able to lift a finger, sorry but not sorry. (The Democrats are going slowly but steady into Dementia mode - until someone else comes along. Biden gave us a clue on how this is going...no wonder why they turned RED on the polls. It was too late by then. The Ukranian president`s name is NOT "Putin".)

Ps. Nothing`s gonna change now either.

*Scratching myself in the head and saying*: 
This was one bad rap song! But bad means GOOD!

 (The finish of the "song" was like a Kanye-rant about the state of the world.)

Would Kanye like it?

I like it - and the only one who matters is me.

#irony, but Kanye would understand.

People will always find a reason to talk. So it doesn`t matter what you do. You might as well just do your best.

On the other end of the telephone call: "Blah blah blah...Do you want to come? Do you want to come?" (In reality: "To my birthday, I am turning 42 today!") Me: "NOT interested in a comedian kind of "JOB" where you want me to jump like a bunny. Since I ain`t gonna be PAID! Time is MONEY!" ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ฐ
On the other end of the phone call: "Mali? It is me, long time friend, I grew up with you?"๐Ÿ˜•

(This is probably why I have very few friends and only five screaming fans who THINK I am sociable. But when in real life I am NOT. I just need top speed WIFI! (since low speed is a nightmare if you`re trading the stock market) I want people to leave me alone. Opps! There I said it.๐Ÿ˜‚)

The problem is when they stop talking. It means you ain`t got it anymore. After many years of blogging and trying to be a comedian on youtube with five screaming fans (Which I am NOT failing by the way! I`d rather be a star for five people than a hate object for millions) I just don`t feel it anymore. I have new interests now. I grew up for a hot minute. Well, I was never immature even though it looks like it.
My thing is comedy. And it is CHILDISH. Pablo Picasso said it so nicely: 

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.

I just do not want to make videos / content right now. But I will obviously return to the fool-energy again -  in Tarot. The Fool represents me in a nutshell. The fool just goes for it and doesn`t think a lot! The important thing is here and now. I do not care or what so ever. About the past or the future. Just serve the universe right now! 

When you ain`t even got in on the internet anymore, but you really try to force it to happen. Btw; Not trying to look good in this photo. 

I just really look good in that photo.๐Ÿ˜‰

(NO! it is my real lips! Jeses! I know what you`re  thinking...the duckface look? Heard about it? It has not stopped being the nr 1 hottest look since the early 2000`s.)

OMG! This is bad (But high goals made me think it could become a Netflix Original series)...

When is she going to stop staring at us? She hides behind trees in the forest and stares at her victims. Is the victim going to be YOU the next time?....

Maybe not. 

And everybody`s question right now (My five fan`s don`t want me to change, though!); WHEN are you going to become a fashion/lifestyle influenser like the other bloggers? Your posts are weird and where are the PHOTOS? Of the coffee latte`s? With a heart in them? When are you gonna TRY to become normal like everybody else? (You have only five readers!)


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07 October 2024

Published October 07, 2024 by

Old blog design and the Norwegian fall

I went on a trip to Norway just to renew my passport. It started with my mom not finding parking through the city (No, I dont drive. I am way too scared to drive!), but it continues great with an annual coffee meeting with great conversation (and laughter) and a trip to the famous Egon for the annual rice and Tempura Scampi dinner. I am not sure if this is the ONLY great dish the famous Norwegian Egon has to offer. But my mom also did enjoy her trout plate with extra potatoes and sour cream. She even got extra sour cream (2 cups not just 1, with SUGAR on the side!) but that was what she demanded on this very cosy fall evening. The whole day from start to finish went really well. I`ll rate it 10/10. 

Back "home" again I find my old Mac computer. And there a whole world opened up for me. I found an even better blog design (downloaded years ago) So, I changed it to that one today. With my recent blog template I could NOT preview my posts, but now I CAN! YES! Uninteresting blog post, I know. But these are my interest, so...yeah...you can say that I am a pretty boring person. ๐Ÿ˜‚ But if you`re the same way, follow me like...EVERYWHERE! We are an unusual tribe of people and we need to stay together.

On my last visit to my home country Norway I made videos in the 80`s genre. Oh yeah! All I wanted to say was "Rock on!" because I was inspired by another video I had seen where people screamed "rock on"
like nonstop.

But things have changed now. I am a lot more serious in my video style. I take life a lot more seriously now. 

Yeah right! ๐Ÿ˜œ

That was a joke and I will film something soon.

Until then; fall has come to Norway. ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚

The trees outside of the farm. Great color! ๐Ÿงก

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. your photo name
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02 October 2024

Published October 02, 2024 by

Testing headers and previewing - issues...

I actually have a "third party" theme on my blog. It is not made for the platform, kinda...So, previewing blog posts is impossible. You have to publish the post to preview. Previewing-issues today. In "Blogging". I will return to write more. Yes, this is going to be a blog post so it will not be removed. I will share ANYTHING stupid and uninteresting here on my blog. Hope you`re into that. Because I am into stupid sh*t. ๐Ÿ˜‚ See you again soon! Come back to see more! (It may take a few hours to complete this uninteresting blog post.) 

This header is cool, right? I am into Scotch at the moment! (I mean tape and not the liquor)

This header is also not that bad...The expression on my face is probably a little crazy, I have to be honest. I`ll be right back! When you can`t preview you have to just publish the post and return. You can hide the post until it`s perfect and then republish it. But nothing`s perfect. 

And now; just a few random throwback videos from a YouTube channel (Mali - My Universe) that I didn`t even remember that existed:

Follow me through thick and thin? On my blog? And on YouTube?๐Ÿ˜œ

Of course you wanna follow me now...you`re gonna be like glued to my channel from now on...
The acting is just SO Netflix - material. Open application right here! Call me!

And here is another stupid video. They are all pretty stupid, I have to admit. But...I am not capable of creating anything else than super - weird. I am the queen of weird. Still-image could be cuter...

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. your photo name
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30 September 2024

Published September 30, 2024 by

Art is a feeling...

Through colors I express the real me. A childlike energy. Please do not come here and call me the "Peter Pan Syndrome". "She doesn`t grow up...yadda yadda yadda". I love life, end of story.

Why Mali`s Universe? Why a "universe"? Why YOUR own egocentric universe? Are you full of yourself? 

Oh yeah, baby. Of course. Hello? 
(Okay, that was a joke.)

I always wanted to create a world. A world of all the things that I care about. That could turn into a song (an album of songs, actually. Gonna be freaking weird!) or another piece of artwork. Like an artistic movie. I am into a lot of things. Right now I am into lo fi. 

I even made a song about it. I love lo-fi

It`s like a soup. I feel I can take a spoon of the soup and just...YES! This is GREAT! The taste of everything that I love tastes really great. This probably sounds weird but I do believe that other artists feel the same way. You can taste it. You can smell it. I can`t sell my soul or give my own energy away to ONE thing. One idea. One project. I am all about freedom. I am all about creative chaos. But it is MY chaos. I never sold my soul to the devil like P. Diddy and so many others have done over the years. P Diddy diddy did`n he? (I am totally on that level, yeah!๐Ÿ˜‚ Of fame.) And they need to throw parties to get validation. I am my own freaking party. Great advice: 

Be your OWN (freak off) party and you`ll never get into trouble. Everything gets a lot more complicated if you invite Hollywood! Create your own freaking Hollywood. By YOURSELF!

I don`t think the chaos was even creative here. But I am into being myself 100%

I am also into being positive most of the time. Negativity gets you NOWHERE! And I am at my happiest when I talk about myself 100 times a day...just kidding. But this blogging experience feels kind of egosentric at times, I have to be honest. It is mainly about me, me, me. But would you rather that I started to talk about YOU? I have some people in mind, by the way. No, you`d rather I stick with me. Some authors only write about themselves. Huge novels about themselves. Many Norwegian authors write about themselves. And their life on the countryside in Norway. (I forgot the name of the author that I had in mind.) So, if you think personal blogging is weird or selfish. PLEASE read a Norwegian novel! I never have myself...but my mom has...and all the titles from her bookshelf just scream desperate, selfish egosentric and...fascist. Actually, many of the books my mom has in her in bookshelf are books from the second world war for some reason. But that`s mainly because I have family members interested in world history and decided to place them there. I love that about my family. That`s just a good thing. I am not intelligent for no reason. Knowledge is important. The history books smile back and me (Eva Braun smiles back at me) and I feel a calm feeling through my body. You can only change the future if you learn from the mistakes you did in the past. 

At my happiest. Just created a secret world only I can understand, inside this retro TV. 

Art is a feeling. I am not going to hold back my feelings anymore. If I feel excited about Andy Warhol`s Coca Cola stuff then hell yeah, I am going to tell you about it. (And I am never going to censor the "hell" in "yeah" ever again. From now on I am ME!) What the hell was he doing? Andy? I really don`t understand it. I LOVE IT! Soup cans and coke bottles. I was at one point in my life addicted to coke....coke bottles. And mushrooms...I see the expression on your faces...This is not going well, Mali, you better not write this for the whole world wide web to know.

(By the way; if you`re into mushrooms in Norway it is completely acceptable. The forest is full of it. And have health benefits. They just taste gross. (I never tasted one, so I have no idea what I`m talking about, but I decided that they taste gross.) And if you don`t know anything about mushrooms, it`s OVER for YOU! Oh yes!)

NO! I am joking! I`m not into mushrooms. I am into the photos! Psychedelic art! Like the hippie art from the 70`s? I have no example to show you right now, but I am also into sculls. And I made a scull photo once...

Cool, right? I felt really great while making this one. Like I said, art is a feeling. Why did I make this one? Newsflash! We`re all going to end up like this one day. You better not live a life of regrets. But I also do believe "We`ll be back!" Energy just tranfers back to where you belong. With regrets you may end up on a difficult journey. I choose art. My personal choice. Through art you can express yourself the way you desire. 

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19 September 2024

Published September 19, 2024 by

You will find your tribe


You will find your tribe. Yes! That is today`s topic. In "Today`s topic" on Mali - My Universe. Mali, the life coach. (Can I get an intro song?) Or Mali, the living coach. (It is spelled couch, I know!๐Ÿ˜) Mostly asleep on the couch. But sometimes she wakes up from the couch and says the most interesting things. So, today my friends, I am going to teach you about support. Being supported. Not only by your own feet. Even though that is very important as well. But more about the support that we should receive from the people around us.
The lack of support by the people around you is also a possibility in this age that we`re in. That typical "Get your shit together " and "Stop being so different! Do like everybody else does! And you`ll be happy. Doing what everybody else does. Don`t you see them? They have a red painted wooden home. Scandinavian furniture and life is very basic. Because basic standard living is the only way. Then you`ll be happy. Because I`ve seen it. It`s been well documented!" Okay. "Where?" And just before you`ve started to believe this, you turn around and say "H*ll no!" I didn`t come this far to stop now!"

I have to admit that I haven`t had support from people around me on my wild and crazy journey. But my mom, she probably tried her best. She has always been there for me. Not understanding me at all. And who I am as a person. Even though she would DIE for a rollercoaster ride. Which we also have done toghether. Plenty of rides. I remember that Euro Disney in Paris ride. The photo that was taken there was of her screaming of joy and me dying from fear.๐Ÿ˜‚ So, the most important thing is; she has always been there. 
Back to the topic "You will find your tribe". And that I said that I would teach you about support. Well...
You will meet your support team one day. If you feel lonely or you`re s not happy where you are right now, trust in the timing of your life. It`s never too late to attract your group of friends who are just like you. Just live a life that you LOVE. And you will meet the people that you are supposed to meet. We will end up where we are supposed to be. 
Yes, this has always been a struggle of mine, but I am not giving up. One day I will find my crazy-tribe that vibes with me. Or they will find me! A weird but cool crew that is willing to take that crazy-train with me. (Even though I am also boring and average when not in the creative zone. Sometimes there is drought! SORRY! Can`t be riding that crazy train all day, honey!) I have a few crazy moments on my "crazy-record". (I just don`t document my boring moments.) I keep on creating them for some reason. For some reason I can`t stop. I am looking for likeminded people. And I know likeminded people like myself are looking for ME! 

If you don`t belong, don`t be long! 

Here are my most recent "not belonging and not fitting in anywhere" kind of creations (which is the only kind of creations I am capable of creating. But hey! Maybe that`s my thing?)...

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. your photo name

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