I am not going to stop creating weird art just because someone told me not to. NEVER! Would YOU stop being who you are? Picasso didn`t give sh*t what people said and some of his art was pretty messed up. He just continued on his artistic journey.
Here is a normal video that I typically make by myself, at home, editing in my pajamas at night.
Here is an unlisted video (below) that I had to unpublish from YouTube because SOME PEOPLE (Boring people!) complained about how weird this video is. Yes, I`ts weird! But hey...my BFF (one of my BFF`s) have super-weird but cool humor (I think it`s cool! And I kinda...don`t care about your opinions. SORRY!😂)...
Welcome to the WEIRD ZONE!
My friend made this in respect for me, he said. I am not ashamed of this at all. (No, he doesn`t actually hate me.) LOL!😂

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