30 May 2024

Published May 30, 2024 by

Believe in yourself when no on else does!

Updated June 5 - 2024๐Ÿ”„

I use this midi keyboard and plug it into my computer with a cord. I need a new one now because I really played agressivly on this one and the cord...there`s always a problem with these cords...the "plug in system" is broken...

I started many years ago ...

Believing in myself. And I sometimes wore sunglasses and a wig and then
 I believed in my self even MORE!


Believe in yourself when no one else does!

Idol Mali is the winner of a Grammy, for the best not produced album! I hope you will enjoy this half - done, half - assed - produced snippet of a winner song:


As promised I came back after a long break. Busy as I was. I ran some errands. Here`s the song:


You can`t hurry art so I guess we`ll be back eventually.

This is ADHD - blogging. You write and then you stop. Then you write again. Then you stop and then take a LONG Coca Cola Zero - break and then you return on an aspartame overdose - reaction! LOL! This post is going to be tagged in three different categories. "ADHD", "You can do it!"(which is like a motivational category) and "Music" because I will share one of my recent songs/videos. But when I say "song"...well, I don`t think you can call it a song. But let`s see...maybe it will turn out to be a song. More like "trash". You just never know!๐Ÿ˜‚ 

Please return for an update!๐Ÿ˜œ

I came back at last after FIVE WHOLE DAYS! This blogging - thing is not going so well at the moment. I really love blogging and I would love to blog every single day, but it doesn`t always work out. But here is my recent video on YouTube (Vlog) where I also added a draft of a song that I am working on, at the end of the video...

I may be the craziest freak you`ve ever seen and you don`t understand anything of what I am doing. But I am not quitting. Because I believe in myself when no one else does. The life I`ve chosen can be a lonely road. A road that I am willing to walk by myself.

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks!๐Ÿ‘

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Published May 30, 2024 by

I only have 20% talent

And I am 80% just DOING IT! The difference between where you start and where you want to be. Is DOING IT! YES! I started doing it a long time ago. With my 20%...

And I will be where I want to be in life. I am still on that journey. It is not easy or perfect. But new ideas and strategies to push forward will present itself along that journey. I fail all the time. But in the failures there are important lessons that I am so greatful that I experienced. 

In 2013 I was still not giving up with my 20% of talent. And 11 years later I am still not giving up either. "Wow! She`s crazy...still not giving up this hopeless idiotic hobby of hers!"  

I had a keyboard that I used so much that I destroyed the electricity cord. I STILL played on it even when it couldn`t turn on. So, I am not giving up on myself. Not setteling. I can thank ADHD for that! That was irony because I do not REALLY believe in diagnosis. But I still do not feel misdiagnosed.

Because that is a part of this society`s job. This is the way this 3d reality has operated for ages. We love to label people and things. And if that`s how I was labeled then that`s OKAY. I am not going to fight back. I am too busy with my 20 % of pure talent to even think about complaining. They sell sigarettes and alcohol too! This society is not perfect. But I decided to stay away from those things too. I ain`t got time for that. People think they`ve got time too. Well, yeah, you`ve got time but you waste a lot of time and energy by NOT showing up. In your own life. So, the problem is; then you have reached a stage in your life that is difficult to change. Because the Coca Cola (Original sugary Coke!) made you fat and lazy. 

I hope you see that I am into ZERO? OKAY...Listen! I DO drink coke. Don`t you take my coke away from me! They named it Zero to help people, basically. Zero anxiety, zery worries, zero problems. So, don`t blame me for doing coke in from of some bush! Jeses....

So, the conclusion is: Talent is NOT enough! To hell with talent. It doesn`t help you much if your`re not doing anything. 

I have to say I never gave up. But I forgot at times. I forgot who I am for longer periods. And during these periods I became fat and lazy myself. But I am a work in progress. It`s not easy to just walk by the French bakeries everyday. BUT...

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks!๐Ÿ‘
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29 May 2024

Published May 29, 2024 by

Don`t feel like I was misdiagnosed anymore

I felt like I was misdiagnosed at one point in my past. 

But I don`t really feel like that anymore. And the reason for that is because there are a lot of versions of ADD or ADHD. And I didn`t realize that. I was diagnosed many, many years ago and I have lived up to everything that the diagnosis has to offer since then. A coincidence? I don`t think so, honey! I started to embrace myself and say "NO!" Adhd - people say NO all the time. Naysayers in a GOOD way. We know our worth. And we never stop fighting for what we want. Although sometimes what we want don`t show up just yet. We find a solution to that problem that benefits US. And not them. The social workers at the offices. They have enough with themselves. Believe me. Although the meetings often benefited me at the end of the day when I remember that they laughed at my jokes. My job was done then. I came to the world scene to entertain. Cleaning public schools wasn`t really my thing. BUT I learned to clean there. I learned a very important lesson. Cleaning in itself is really FUN. I enjoy it. But I would NEVER have enjoyed it if it wasn`t for my ongoing addiction to cleaning supplies. Okay, that was a joke! It sounds like I am snorting OMO. (Great smelling laundry detergent) I am not into that, sorry. (Maybe just a little bit...) But YES! I love cleaning supplies. I can stand in the store for minutes just looking at the cleaning supplies. So, in one way I wasn`t wasting my time working that 9-5 kind of job in the past. I just knew that I was unique in my own way and had to do something more than that. But the satisfying mop strokes on the floor. There are worse ways of getting payed, I have to be honest. 

I was trying really hard to fit in and go to a 9 to 5 kind of job, that I hated. I never liked the boss - situation. When your boss tells you what to do. When you`re in the wrong place to begin with and there`s a boss telling you to do the opposite of what you ACTUALLY came here to do in this life. Well...anyone would think of a way out. An exit plan. But when you don`t know which way to take or know HOW to do it, our future is not going to look that bright, and that can last many years. You stick it out until your body says enough is enough. Because you`re tired of the office-people telling you to TRY one more time. That`s one time too many. One day that last efford is going to be one too many for you to handle.

Because whenever I see a camera. I don`t think you understand. Okay, when you see the front door to your job don`t you become really happy and just want to enter that door? With your coffee to go and the keys in your hand. To YOUR office. Where the magic happens! You just know you are where you`re supposed to be. Your name tag is on that door. This is your life from now on. And you LOVE IT! If you can`t say "Yes, I do!" to that...then maybe you`ve got a problem? I never had a problem, honey. Okay, I am not saying it was never my own fault that I ended up at the employment agency...but when you`re lost in life how do you know what to do? I was lost. I hadn`t been creative for over ten years at that time. And that is CRAZY for an artist. Just ask any artist! You office-people at the employment agency tried to force me to go through YOUR door. (That is your job, though, I understand but...) I have my own door. In fact I have many doors. And the doors they keep opening for me all the time. 

Whenever I am on camera I feel...

And MAYBE there was too much chaos + drama on that imaginary screen (I belong in front of the camera! (Listen! I`ve tried everything else. Didn`t work!) and that`s WHY I got the diagnosis? OR I was just weird (Or FIERCE!) in the first place. I don`t know. The female psychologist knew. She had all the answers, honey. Strong willed too! Especially after I told her the meds don`t work. "Oh no! We know what you`ve got!" It was almost like I heard "honey" at the end, but that was just my imaginary screen switching channels between Rupaul`s Drag Race and the horror movie The Shining. But at the end of the day I really felt like I finally had something to bring home and tell my mama about. Like some important certificate. I finally had something to hang on the wall like the rest of my peers. At my age. And it wasn`t an F anymore. It was ninety times better than an F. It was F90. 

I am so many fabulous things at the same time. And the thoughts, honey! So many thoughts...and the stories. Don`t get me started! You should book me for a storytime evening. Okay, that was a joke. For now. But who knows about the future? I`m gonna be entertaining you until I`m in my mid 70`s. I know about entertaining at that age. Don`t get me started! Comedy runs in my family. Fortunately for me; it is NOT involuntarely. Not gonna go into details. And if you feel offended right now; I didn`t mean YOU! Oh, get over yourself! "Yes we`ve got humor but OH NO! We are NOT gonna show that to anybody! At least not for the world to see! So, I have to be the one doing the job. "But Mali! We meant YOU TOO!" Oh no! Not me! I didn`t come here to hide and slowly die inside the "comedy-closet". I`ve got my own show. The Mali Show. Some may call it "The Shit Show" and that`s perfectly fine with me as long as you`re watching it! A show where I am exploring different parts of me. So, I decided to just embrace them ALL. All of the parts.I decided to just give myself a big bear hug and say to myself; I am ENOUGH! But not just enough; I am FABULOUS, honey! 

The conclusion: I don`t feel like I was misdiagnosed with ADHD anymore because it IS what people like me are being diagnosed with. Or misdiagnosed with. I relate 150% with the other people on that spectrum. I think we can call it "on the spectrum". Because there are so many levels to this. I was almost going to say there are LEVELS TO THIS SHIT. And that is actually the truth. I generally LOVE ADHD people. They have always been my friends. We can talk about anything. Basically because we kind of tend to never stop talking.๐Ÿ˜‚ Maybe you are shy NOW! But trust me; you`re just a late bloomer. One day you`re gonna shine.

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! ๐Ÿ‘ your photo name

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26 May 2024

Published May 26, 2024 by

Mali loves leopard! NO surprise there!๐Ÿ˜‚

Yes, read my article and become my nr 1 fan! NOT the airconditioner! NO! I already own 2! Jeses...

Mali`s favorite style is leopard pattern. She becomes happier in leopard...

This photo was taken from the video below. (Throwback video from 2017)

To every mission and church out there; I am NOT ready to join you. I am too distracted by my own singing. And whenever I hit that "high" it feels like a sugar rush through my body. "I go to the rock" is one of my favorites. But with this attitude I don`t think you even want me in your choir. I completely understand if you tell me "You`re just TOO LOUD, girl!"...

I can go from a loser to a WINNER!

With leopard I naturally become a character. The drama roles come natural. 

I also become too creative. Like that ADHD - crazy!

The "book" ideas have been many wearing leopard.๐Ÿ˜‚

Many trips with the garbage wearing leopard. Here in my basement, my favorite place on earth.

Actually, leopard is my religion! And 11 years ago I made this video. I speak Norwegian here since I am from Norway. Why do I blog in English from now on? I am not trying to become known in Norway. It is just not my thing. I don`t hate Norway, but it`s just that being known in Norway for whatever reason, like blogging, "youtubing" or being on some TV show, is not for me. The energy feels very restricted. So, when that was done, how am I gonna go international? "But you could do some local stuff and THEN you`d blow up!" No, you probably don`t get it; I always felt like I am an international megastar. That`s the honest truth!๐Ÿ˜‚ And it`s how you FEEL that matters! (Even if I had only 10 fans watching my creative content. And trust me; I`ve got only 5 "blood sucking" fans (LOL!) that I know of so I have a long way to go!)

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks!๐Ÿ‘

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Published May 26, 2024 by

People don`t dare to write about this

Here I was starring in my own home made music video in 2018. "Hot bitch". Great song AND video!๐Ÿ˜‚ Will share in the end of this blog post. (Since I am satisfied 150% with it!) Some people MAY disagree!๐Ÿ˜‚

Right now I don`t have a topic to write about, but after a few coffees I know that my mind will be ready for...."Today`s topic". YES! That is what I will call this category. So, I will return and write something here today / tonight whenever I`ve got time. I LOVE writing. It is my "go to" - art form nr 1. Yes, I love making videos and music also BUT that takes a lot more TIME.  (Music / videos will never be made in a serious way, though! IF that ever happened, it means that I wasn`t really happy while doing it.) And she, her, moi ain`t got time for that! At least I am not they. You had to Mali? You had to say that? I DON`T KNOW! It was offensive, right?, to a lot of people. Right? I DON`T KNOW! How the h*ll are we gonna answer in 2024? The age of selfdoubt and confusion. Who`s a bull and who`s...all the other bullshit? That`s what I want to say about that. I don`t understand ANYTHING! 

Today`s topic is going to be about GENDERS. 

I want to dedicate this post to those who don`t understand anything. Sorry! WE DO exist!
Are we ALLOWED to exist? That`s also not quite clear. Aren`t you just feeling the confusion entering your body?

"No. I know who I am, honey!"

Like WHY am I even saying this? Jeses Chraizt! Why in 2024 do we have to DEFEND ourselves when we`re talking about genders? NOT natural to me at all. I am a freaking woman. I mean womb-man. I was given the gender woman in the womb. Although I do not feel like that in many ways I do not think about changing my gender. NO! I OWN up to who I am! I`m not exactly a "softie". I was born on a farm by the way...

That secret drag queen voice inside of me: Listen! She was born on a farm...OKAY? 
Okay. She can walk that walk and talk that talk and she don`t stop...not even if you force her to, honey. She`s who she came her to be, okay? Fabulous, okay? In her farmer`s outfit, okay? Shs gonna be on Rupaul`s Drag race with this FABULOUS farmer`s outfit...driving that tractor like she was born for that life. (Okay, maybe not.)

Kinda don`t have to say anything more than that. With a spade in one hand and horse shit under my evening shoes on my way to the bus stop, going to town, which was far away. Why the spade? Had to dig my way through the snow. Hello?

Ain`t got nothing more to say. See you later.

Conclusion: I am a woman, but could easily be one hell of a man. If I like to be. I am not calling the doctor for this. This is GOOD! Right?...

But at the end of the day I don`t get this. Do you? I do feel for the people who struggle with this topic. Or struggle with ANYTHING. But at the same time. I don`t get this particular topic. You can`t truly understand anyone if you`re not them. And that goes with ANYBODY. I don`t understand why someone owns a dog that looks like them, and then throws away the leash of the dog, forgets about it and have a piss just in front of my apartment window. I can`t relate to that either. I SAW it, damn woman (trying to be a man?) but I kind of don `t understand why you had to "kind of hide inside that bush". I saw it anyway. My windows are behind that bush! *Trying to un-see it.* (But I understand you, though, after my third glass of Coca Cola Zero. (And it has to be Zero! I DO NOT understand you Original Coca Cola people. That could ALSO be a discussion! `cause I grew up on light. Okay? 

Or the truth is; my family drank Coca Cola with sugar. BUT! I really looked up to the food concious people and where I come from they`re barely concious of anything else but tractors and training horses for the big races. They think the races are important, but in fact it`s really not important. It wasn`t to me anyway. (The biggest success we had was going to Sweden with the horse. One horse. You kinda feel sad for the horse. But I remember it was because of some achievement or something. But I remember that we never returned there. Because of the lack of achievement. The horse just wanted to RUN! Even if it was in the opposite direction. It had to take a shit on the last round.) When I became 14 I started to get an attitude about everything, like most teneagers, so I just quit Original Coca Cola. You FEEL ME?๐Ÿ˜‚ Oh no, you didn`t! That was BAD, Mali!...Yeah I know. And I quit everything else too, whatever that was. But at least I did`t start something. Parents always worry about starting something. At least I didn`t start anything.

But I`m just saying...people are different. And some people are just...weird. In MY opinion. And I know that I am weird to a lot of people too. I get this! So we can agree upon not understanding eachother - and NEVER will - and that should be...
All of this could be a great topic for when I return here soon. But I guess I just wrote my blog post. While sitting here "not writing".

As promised in the beginning of my blog post; here`s my best music video EVER! (But it`s OKAY to disagree! It`s okay to say it belongs in "Mali`s hall of SHAME"):

My personal opinion is that the remix is even better...

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks!๐Ÿ‘

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22 May 2024

Published May 22, 2024 by

Blogging update!

Final update! I decided to go back to an older blog design after all! A lot of issues with the archive style. An archive is very important in a blog. So, this is a template I`ve used earlier this year and I loved it. Nothing is perfect but you can`t have EVERYTHING in life. 

VERY short update:

This blog is under construction again! I just don`t find the perfect theme. But I do not want my blog to look like an average BLOG. I would like it look like a magazine. The "News magazine" look. 

I am also on YouTube. At The Mali Show. That is the place for all my super-weird videos. I upload more often there than on my other channel, called: Mali - My Universe. But that was supposed to be my main channel. And it was my first channel. But I really wanted to have a "show" at one point. So the most natural thing would be to just rename my main channel "My cool, weird show" or something stupid like that. But NO! I decided many years ago to create a NEW channel, so that I could separate the two, and confuse myself and my viewers even further, you know. Two different worlds, two different lives. "Is this the same person?" I want you to have the real ADHD - experience whenever you look up my name on the world wide web. But I am still on my solo journey to complete my mission. Because it IS a solo mission, since not a lot of people want to have ADHD together with me, unless they have severe ADHD.๐Ÿ˜œ 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks!๐Ÿ‘
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17 May 2024

Published May 17, 2024 by

Be yourself ! / I need coffee!☕

You have to be yourself in this life. Or you should! (Not trying to force anybody, though.) Because otherwise you would be lying to the world and to yourself. And that is immoral. Dishonesty is fake as h*ll and doesn`t look pretty on you. You are probably going to age really bad. (Some people have good genes, though!) But the way you live affects the way you look. So never try to be someone or something else than what you actually are. So, for that reason I am doing exactly what I want. I will keep this short because most bloggers are boring and only write about bullshit. Bullshit in my opinion is...fashion bloggers. I can`t relate. I am not into fashion. I am into fashion fails. 

To me this is not a fail. It is AWESOME! I FEEL GREAT!๐Ÿ˜‚ (Throwback photo from 2015.)

An example of useless crap that destroys society: Just watched a documentary about The Kardashians. "They got the power"! *Singing out like the Snap-song from the 80`s.* But they`ve got absolutely nothing else. And that`s what`s wrong with the world. Kylie is a "selfmade billionaire" SO COOL and yadda yadda yadda. No, she`s not selfmade. Her mom created her. Created these monsters, with other words. All of her daughters. Not doing anyting to change the world. Just changing the amount of money in their own bank account. Now young girls are confused and insecure about the size of their lips. They`re also selling products that don`t change the person`s look - to become like them. And they even know that. Still they keep on barbarding the media with LIES. When they got no real talent in the industry, nor do they sing or act, so I guess that`s what they`ve got to do. 

Anyway; I didn`t come here to bash someone so I will just change the subject. And against all odds (That was a joke and irony!๐Ÿ˜‰ "Against all odds") it`s about...


Photo: Pinterest

I needed a coffee photo like ASAP and this is what I found in my archives. Luckily for me I always have a photo for every occasion.

Throwback photos from 2015. I was not as fat as I am now! Okay...just kidding! I am not about fat shaming myself or others.

Here is the song "Coffee is my not so secret lover" (Yeah, I could have made a better song, I know!๐Ÿ˜‚)...

But at least I was MYSELF here! And that is SO important! And that`s the only reason why I blog or do anything creative at all, because I want to express who I am 100%.  And you should too! I don`t care about judgement. I am the only judge and the only jury in my own life. 

What else have I been interested in lately? I have watched the Eurovision Song Contest. And I want to end this blog post by sharing a WEIRD Eurovision moment. (I am into Windows errors and blue screens because of my "love" for Windows.) These were the most entertaining participants for sure. They did NOT care about being judged for being weird or crazy. Which this is 100%. Super-weird! I have to admit; I kinda love this sh*t...since I HATE Windows! (I use Windows right now and yes, it`s a struggle!) I have even made a video about it. My video about Windows

I couldn`t agree more...

Because that`s ALL that matters...if your`re Windows95man...right?๐Ÿ˜‚

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks!๐Ÿ‘

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08 May 2024

Published May 08, 2024 by 2 comments

YO! I am BACK! Pinterest takes an interest!❤️

Here`s just an old photo of me singing Karaoke in front of the camera. I made a smoke-effect because I thought it was cool.

I have not been here in a while now and I miss blogging. I see that Pinterest really is the place for all the blog traffic. I didn`t know that. Until I see the results myself. I generatre a lot of traffic from pinning my own photos. I thought Pinterest was like a dead place. But obviously not! People like random photos of ANYTHING. They don`t come for you "talents"...

NO! They don`t come to your blog for your dancing skills. Trust me; I have tried ANYTHING to generate traffic! They`d rather appreciate a random photo of a telephone than actually CALLING (for a collaboration. F.ex. Netflix. Nobody ever called me, I wonder why...) 

Kind of sad but true! 

You see...
I am a very desperate person. I do anything for views and likes. It`s the honest truth. I am not talented at all. In fact I lack so much talent it`s SAD! 

"YES! Mali is finally realizing this! It was about time!"


I WISH it was the truth. Life would be a lot easier for me if that is the case. Because then I would actually have quit. A long time ago. Not even I can say that...
But again; I do not take my self very seriously, so YES I indeed have no problem with being a desperat freak with no life. It is a part of the game. Part of the irony. Part of my comedy concept. I like that idea. I am well aware that I am not better than anybody else. Or worse than anybody else. I kind of just put myself on the sideline. (The boring Mali who never uses make-up and only wears black leggings because denim really "hurts".) This is my artform and my concept is to use myself as the canvas. And some people need people like me. To feel better about themselves. When they see that I am some kind of weirdo not giving a damn about life. Because they struggle with self confidence. And take life too seriously. Which is the root of the problem to self confidence issues. That`s how I feel, anyway. I could struggle. I just choose not to. Everyday I wake up with the same choice. Should I be happy today?  

By the way; These are the kinds of photos that people save on Pinterest (Probably not, but...). That`s why I made it.

Here`s this "desperate freak`s" latest music video:

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! ๐Ÿ‘

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