24 April 2023

Published April 24, 2023 by 2 comments

Write about what you love!

All over the internet they talk about how to gain traffic to your blog by writing about what people would love to read about, and topics that people are interested in. I get that, but then it wouldn`t be something that I am interested in. If I am not interested, why bother to blog?

I want to help people but...I have to help myself  BEFORE I can become this "motivational speaker".
Which would be a crazy one, trust me! Help people doing what? I guess help them becoming themselves. It seems to be a hard task nowadays during this crazy botox pandemic.

I once had an idea to become serious and "important", like everybody else. But I was only interested in the "look". And the look isn`t the important part at all. But I couldn`t even pull off the "look"...

And why this weird color, I have no idea why!
You can barely see me. Btw; I look TOO aggressive here!

So, what I am trying to say is; I love weird humor and awkwardness. I want more of that! The world is a troubled place. We don`t need more of THAT. Just like my idol Jim said "I entertained the household every day to make my mother smile because she was depressed all day". THAT is my goal. Entertain as many unhappy (or happy!) souls as possible to make them feel better. 

Entertain as many as possible

And I have my own show where I made that possible...

If nobody wants to hire you, hire yourself!

Become a vegan

That was a joke.

I even have a video where I tried really hard to become a vegan. It didn`t work!

"Sometimes I wish I had normal videos".  And "Why can`t I make normal videos?"

LIE! Not true. Be who you are! That is your only TRUTH!

In the end you just have to figure out what WORKS! This is what I am doing at the moment, and I really hope you do too! And one day since we`re looking in the same direction, towards the stars, we`ll eventually meet.

"Meet up with Mali". Let`s celebrate the madness together. Now, wouldn`t that be fun?

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍 your photo name

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23 April 2023

Published April 23, 2023 by 4 comments

The contest queen!

I always talk about myself. Me, me, me! But I am freaking tired of talking about ME! Let`s talk about someone ELSE for a change. In tonight`s blog article I am going to tell you something; this loser (Me! But I will become a winner soon!) has NEVER won anything in her whole entire life! Life has been a rollercoaster of losses. Perhaps we should learn from this woman right here...

The contest queen

It is a very interesting and kind of a shocking story, actually. How an average housewife decided to just compete in different contests. She won like 5000 contests! 😲 That was the short version. You should watch this video, but I understand if you just want to skip it...because I am not in it! 😜

In the past I used to lay on the floor and just visualize all the worst scenarios. I was a pityparty all
the freaking time. (The Contest Queen used the word "Pityparty" in a sentence. I like that word, though) Even though I always looked good (Photo below. Okay, I`m just kidding!) I was depressed. I never created ANYTHING! But I have started to manifest thongs now. I mean things. Oopps! 

And another question; WHY do people write so serious all the time? I misspelled a word. Bloggers around the world wide web are freaking BORING bloggers. Especially tech bloggers. I got only ONE thing to say; Microsoft Windows su*cks! I use it again now, so I know. But the errors were a lot more severe back in the early 2000`s because I hated the Mac Afee virus alerts. So, I uninstalled the anti virus software. It kinda didn`t help. It made me more depressed and obviously I layed on the floor again. But now the scenarios about the world were crazier. Since my brain was already on the frequency of the MacOs Catalina Version 10.15.7 (Latest version!) life was hard. My perfectionism in design was at its peak, and being forced to just watch the famous 60 second shutdown virus before my own eyes, was like watching my own life review, "Oh my God NO! I will have to throw this Medion (Worst computer ever made, I`m sure!) out the window!" (You know, computer rage? Which I didn`t do. I gave it to an idiot who didn`t know anything about computers and just used the computer as home decor.) It even came with an external DVD player. "So freaking cool!" H*ll to the NO!

I realize that I`ve talked a lot about myself anyway in this blog post. But I wish I found The Contest Queen a lot sooner. That would have become a gamechanger for me. I am the queen. I am just not the contest queen...

Right now I am only the diet coke queen pretending to be on an actual diet. 
But in spite of my failures I am going to win at life. And I hope you do too!

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks!👍 your photo name
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21 April 2023

Published April 21, 2023 by

Cool cups!

"Just shut up, Mali! Give up TODAY!" An inner voice asks me to stop blogging, being on YouTube,
and just stop doing all the things I LOVE! But do I listen in the end? NEVER! 

I am not here so often anymore because I am over at The Mali Show, that`s why! My favorite place at the moment. Blog that is connected to my YouTube channel. So, what to post here?...

Pinterest is where I get inspiration. It is not so popular, I know. But I used to LOVE something called Polyvore back in the day. (People posted photos of their art and you could find a lot of "fillers" for your future artwork, which you could edit in Photoshop). Pinterst is as close to that site as you can get. 

Like a photo of a...


And plates, anyone?

Been to the pharmacy lately?
Or a tea party?

If you`re antisocial or don`t like the bitch in front of you ↑

These are cool...

If you go to too many tea parties, well, you can always try something new to calm you down...

That was a joke.

But anyways; I hope you choke! Not a joke.

Well, that was...sad to say but...a joke...I love to joke about these things...
My humor is dark and morbid. Haloween is my favorite time of the year.

All of these photos above are from Pinterest, my favorite place to "hang".  But this cup below
is MINE!...

Please follow me on Pinterest at Mali - My Universe

And subscribe to The Mali Show on YouTube.

And I`m also on Instagram: malisuniverse

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍

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19 April 2023

Published April 19, 2023 by

Should I make a series like this?

I love to act. Acting crazy is my favorite! But not everybody gets it; they THINK I`m like that! Which is partly TRUE. I am the "twin sister" of Jim. Carrey, that is. That`s how I feel. Weird, awkward, don`t fit in with weird outlook on life. Artistic with our own genre. With a sarcastic and ironic expression. Jim said a few years ago; "I don`t exist!" I don`t relate to that, but...I understand that he uses it as humor. But I totally agree that fame is stupid. And that red carpet events, celebrating the biggest idiots the world has seen, are meaningless. I loved that he said that. It was SO NEEDED in this botox culure and delusional world of so many people. At least he is being himself and REAL. Let`s be OURSELVES!

So, here`s my latest video...

Like, share, and just click click click on the buttons! Don`t care which button, just freaking CLICK like this blog is an arcade game from the 80`s! 👍😉

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15 April 2023

Published April 15, 2023 by

Welcome to the shitshow!

Welcome back to another "blog article" here on The Mali Show. "I make videos". That is Pewdiepie`s description on YouTube. Biggest youtuber ever. But all of a sudden Mr. Beast passed him in subscribers. What if I passed them both? Okay, that was a joke. I am a JOKE. But I do NOT CARE!
Just look at my photo above. Who has the last laugh?

Latest videos. By the way; other youtubers make a cool still photo of their video as clickbait (and their content su*ks) but I stopped a long time ago. Don`t want people to think I am great or something. Although nice looking still images do WORK, I just don`t like what works if you understand what I mean? If I can`t be popular for being an idiot/nerd, then I don`t want to be popular. Right? The problem is; we don`t become popular. It IS the botox-people who get attention! THAT gotta STOP! Yesterday, on my nerd-walk down the street, which means ignoring EVERYONE I EVEN, I EVEN...saw at least 3 "botoxbitches" staring at ME, why? I look natural, don`t I? (They sat at the coffee table next to me. I forgot to mention that I am on the French Riviera! So, fake people are really the standard here.) Or perhaps because I WAS staring at you, honey! BUT THAT`S WHAT HAPPENS! Plastic is normally something that you want to throw in the garbage honey, not put in your lips...although I NEED something in my upperlip...got a tiny upperlip...But you know what`? I`d trather put SNUS in the upperlip. Tobacco honey! SWEDISH tobacco! I don`t do that, though...hate tobacco. But it sounds better and healthier in the long run...)

Okay, let`s hit that play button!...

Flying coach. Flying CAN be boring. And it CAN be boring to watch these videos  ("So BORING! Get a life, Mali!" 😒...Okay.)

An extremely boring part 2...

Like, share, and just click click click on the buttons! Don`t care which button, just freaking CLICK like this blog is an arcade game from the 80`s! 👍😉

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