22 January 2020

Published January 22, 2020 by

I will blog every day AND a podcast from Christmas!

I always say this; I will say it again. I will blog every day. Every freaking day! Every DAMN day! It always turns out to be a big, fat LIE! But like I ALSO say all the time "I will TRY this time!"

You see the enthusiasm in my eyes. I love to create. Ever since I was a child I wanted to be in front of the camera (and behind it. Actually; I want to be inside the camera!) People said to me "Get a real job!". I`m like...uh? job? Wash the floors in the supermarked? To earn som bucks? I did that a few years. It was sadder than a Norwegian TV program about a cruise ship in the fjords, minute by minute. (Don`t remember the title of the program. It was just very long and minute by minute just nothing really happened, just fjords...well, some people are into that also.) If it is boring I simply don`t do it. Just like Grumpy Cat used to say (Grumpy Cat died, by the way! Had some kind of disease at the age of 7.) "I tried that once - hated it".Well, I`m from Norway so...(I will not say anything more about this subject in case somebody gets offended.) They have solutions and options for people like me there. Enough said about that! I am more the vlogger/blogger - type anyway. So I am pretty satisfied just waking up every day doing what I love - for the rest of my life. Some things in life are the way they are for a reason. It is always because you somehow created it yourself. Even though things could have been a little different, I have to be proud of my own design. But I am going to edit my own design, one day at a time. Like I have already edited my design for the past 10 years, ever since I realized that my life is actually a design. Get it if you can!

Now over to something else...

Who doesn`t want to hear a podcast that should have been posted a month ago? Who wants to go back to Christmas in late January? (Me, me, me! - NOT!) Well, here is my December-podcast. I forgot to post it during Christmas. I was too busy doing un-Christmassy things.

It is in Norwegian, though. (If you do not understand Norwegian. I do expect to get some new international readers / fans eventually! But a song in the end is in English. It is weird. (With super-weird dance moves.) You may want to jump to that part!

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Published January 22, 2020 by

I never blog anymore (that`s gotta change!)...

Hi, how are ya?

Welcome BACCCK to my blog! I just tried a Jeffree Star - opening. He just broke up with his boyfriend. (His boyfriend wasn`t into men after all? That was my nr 1 thought.) I followed Jeffree back in the day when he made his super-weird underground-electronica-music with really BAD lyrics (I`m telling you; BAD!) But the sound is very...me. Believe it or not, I do like this sound...

But after he blew up as a make up guru (he could never have blown up with these kinds of lyrics anyway! So I get it.) I lost interest. I have no interest in make up. But I sometimes watch his videos just to see what he`s up to. He does have an over the top - style/personality. Who else do I follow? I follow ASMR - artists (Look up "Asmr", I don`t have the time or energy to explain this right now), Tarot-readers and my favorite vloggers like Casey Neistat. But I want to stop watching others and rather create something. Nr 1 goal since FOREVER!

I almost never blog anymore. I counted how many blog posts I wrote in 2019 and it was like 5! So I can not call myself a blogger. I CAN NOT call myself a vlogger either. I made like 2 vlogs last year! I posted them on YouTube (not here) and it was just as weird as usual...

If you are super-interested; here it is (and yes indeed, I talk in English, since I want to be an INTERNATIONAL "superstar", but I guess I`m just super-weird...super weird and I can`t help myself. And the self-help-books didn`t have a strategy to help me either...so I gotta be proud of it ;-) :

From one of my two channels, called The Mali Show

What else do I want to say before I sign out?

Yes! new year`s resolutions for the revolutionary year of 2020:

Nr 1: Blog more, vlog more, become more selfish and arrogant! (YES! I know it sounds bad! But sometimes it can be a good thing.) Take more pictures of myself, like "professionally", with the DSLR camera in selfie mode...if I can manage to do so. This time I have a tripod and I do not have to use four books from the selfhelp section as a tripod. I am my own photograph, my own judge...and my own jury (This actually sounds worse and worse! :-O) Dreams should sound BAD, they should even scare you, if it ain`t scary enough it is not a dream (stolen from a quote, but the quote was beautyfully written, mine just sounded desperate. Not far from the reality, that is my life, you may say.)

Nr 2:  Learn to drink coffee without sugar in it!

Nr 3: Try to wear a red lipstick sometimes.

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