25 December 2018

Published December 25, 2018 by

Mali loves headphones!

Yes, that`s right! I am into the really huge ones. And I feel stupid whenever I wear the smaller sizes on the top of my head. It is a sign of lower intelligence! Okay, I`m just kidding! But it IS a sign of weakness. Because the sound is weak. In this blog category I write about what I love because that is what the category is called. "Mali Loves..." Like I am "somebody". Somebody that you should FOLLOW! (Click! Click! Click! on all the social media buttons in the upper right corner and become freaking hypnotized!) Okay, I am going to relax now...and tell you about some of the objects that I love. And yes, the bossa nova song that I made this Christmas is on autoplay. I am completely aware of that. Bossa nova is also one of my favorite things. I especially love to play this genre of music when I do my live streams. Facebook live stream is also a favorite hobby. (Do I need a life? Well, honey...just read this article and when you`re finished, we`ll discuss who needs a life? You or me? Just sayin`!)

(Instagram photo taken with my mobile camera and edited in Photoshop.)

But Christmas is too much for me, I have to be honest with you....

I pretend that it is summer all year! I LOVE to have a HOT Christmas! This year and EVERY YEAR, baby! ;-)

Did I have more to say this time? I don`t think so. Maybe I will come back for more soon!

So, until we "meet" again. Like two energies just merging together as one....

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)

Now, let`s go back to the question; do I need to get a life? Get my sh*t together? What if I told you that I AM THE SH*T!?? And that I am INDEED LIVING! I have no more questions. I am just going to end this awesome blog post today -  with these famous words...
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07 November 2018

Published November 07, 2018 by

Mali Loves: Big dreamers

Welcome to the category that I don`t know what to do about - other than telling you what I LOVE.
(Rather than telling you what I hate because as we all know; there is too much hate in this world.)

For a very long period I was very uninspired. I was NOT creative and I actually almost felt like I hit rock bottom. WHY? Because creativity and inspiration comes in waves. Sometimes the wave is GONE. And out of the blue it suddenly comes back. And sometimes when it hits you, it hits you hard and FAST. Like a tsunami. But I don`t really get so distracted from everyday issues in life because my mind operates as a blank canvas, so that I can create something on it. Even if I went through some difficult times, I just always knew that it was a phase. I am not saying that I always wake up with a smile on my face. What I am saying is; I always wake up with a mindset / an operative system that has a screen with a popup window on it that says: "What are you going to create today?". I have never in my life (not even as a child, and all the problems that comes with being this way) managed to distance myself from my own dream - which is to one day to live a life of total BLISS - doing what I love EVERY DAY - for the rest of my life. Some people may think: "She wants to be a stubborn kid for the rest of her life!". But I say : "Oh yes, if that is what I want, then that is what I want. (It is a good thing to know what you want!) And it would be a lot easier that way. "I am just going to lay on this couch right here! Bring me pizza, woncha? Let`s film a Mukbang video together!" We could (whoever you are, and that would be so much fun, trust me!), but we all came here with a higher purpose in life. And by only laying on that couch "Mukbanging" for our lives we would not even be TRYING to live a life of our highest potential. Not only would you underestimate who you really are as a soul in this life, you would also get really overweight. But I know that there is something called "Feeders". They believe that their highest potential in their lives is to feed their woman or their man into becoming really obese. I always feel like you should support ANY DREAM. As long as you are not hurting yourself or others.

Am I the only one who wants go to Burger King right now? (There is one across from where I live. (Okay, I am sidetracking myself, I am so sorry!)

People may say: "You`re only a dreamer!" But I say...

 So what else have we learned today?

   Mali loves to photoshop herself into motivational photos. To make you feel better about your life (or worse!)

 ✩  Mali loves this modern term called "Mukbang" and she also does believe SHE will NEVER become overweighed because of it. (Just because you will!) Because her higher self told her so.

 ✩  Mali loves to support ANY DREAM, as long as we don`t interfere in someone else`s dream. (This is a good one! If you interfere with my dream it`s over for you! And the whole point of this blog post! Okay, I`m kinda half-kidding here - not. I just don`t like interference. Do you?)

 ✩  Mali loves to talk about her self as a third person. (And repeats her name 100 times per day!) And that is annoying to the reader. Mali is going to stop doing that in future blog posts.

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)

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05 November 2018

Published November 05, 2018 by

To risk being seen....

Whenever you feel like giving up, just get back in the saddle. Underneath the scratches there is a beautiful picture. Show everybody your true authentic self. It is scary, I know. But risk being seen anyway! It is worth it in the end. But I do not believe in endings. Endings are just the beginning of something new. (Just like the "Death" - card in Tarot.) I decided to create one myself...

"Death" can mean so much. The death of a situation. It is when you thought you had died but came back to life again. Kind of like; "Mu-h-h-h-haaa, you moron! You thought that I wasn`t gonna make it?" So get back in the saddle! The white horse is waiting for you. Or it may be a unicorn. There is no limit inside of your own imagination to what you can do. The only difference between you sitting on you butt all day and living your dream life is the "doing" - part. Which is the hardest part. To get where you want to be in life you have to go through a healing phase or a wake-up-call (both simultaneously.) It is never too late to wake up to who you really are. If you are lost and feel like a failure or a victim. The scratches are only on the surface. Your soul always wants to push it`s way through to you. Your ego. Which is fear - based. "What are people going to think?" and "Can I really risk doing this; what I really want in life?" The reason why you are not happy in your life is your own fault. Because you don´t listen to your inner voice, your soul essence, you are hurting. And the day you know this truth, you also know that you can choose to do something about it. And start to listen. It is a risk, you may be ridiculed, but in the end you are the last one laughing.

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)

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29 October 2018

Published October 29, 2018 by

Me, me, me and ME!

My recent video ( I really chose the nicest thumbnail this time! And I tried to edit out all the F-words but I missed a few (Sorry about that! But this character is always kinda pissed/confused)...

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Published October 29, 2018 by

I am doll parts...

I sing a lot, because I actually am an entertainer -"kind of person". (Whether I want to admit it or not! I have tried NOT to want it most of my life, but then I became depressed. So I just had to throw myself out there. Whether I wanted it or not!)...

Singing Karaoke (a song/video that I produced myself, and I am not that happy about the outcome, but I decided to keep it anyway! (But obviously, Courtney Love wrote this song!)

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23 October 2018

Published October 23, 2018 by

A simple blog about my life...

A few things about me...

I love to look good on pictures. Unfortunately; not everyday is a good day for a photoshoot...

But on other days; I have what it takes...

 ....and because I believe in myself so freaking much, I decided to create my own show....

  (So that I can talk to myself! And I hope that you will feel entertained by that!)

I am not the typical girl. And I am not like most teenagers; I am 35 years old.

 Right now I am (in the year 2018. Born in -82)...

I like to buy stuff...

To create things with. Everything else is useless.

I have never been too happy about Christmas and other holidays, but I TRY!...

Let`s move on VERY quickly to the next subject (that`s what we do here on the blog)...

 My favorite expression (It never fails me!)...

I am a strong believer in the paranormal. Which is not paranormal to me at all.
I use Tarot cards almost every day. (It depends on what I want to know. Cards give you a LOT of information.) Here I am using my pendulum:

I sometimes believe someone is watching me! (That`s why I want to install security cameras everywhere tomorrow!) But don`t worry! A psychiatrist told me I`m perfectly normal. I am now working through the fear of being a famous blogger.

Okay, that was irony.

I always come to the best conclusions, and that is...

- although hypochondria is a VERY REAL feeling...

When things get too tough I just go back to the seventies...

Talking to my mom on the phone about being in the seventies. She agrees with me for the first time; everything was better back then. "Now they tell me to redecorate everything inside of my home, and I don`t want that. Nothing must change. EVER!"

Things were easier back then. Now we don`t appriciate the good, old, ugly wallpapers on the walls
any longer. Just like Donatella Versace once said in a Vogue interview: "The worst trend is minimalism!"

In the end; we all want to be happy, right?

- and nothing makes me happier than being on live stream...

Here`s my Facebook Page: @malisuniverse

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18 October 2018

Published October 18, 2018 by

The weird videos just keep coming...

Why do I make these weird videos? The answer is very simple: I can`t help myself. This is who I truly am. Videos that include singing and dancing are my favorite videos. I don`t dance in this video. I wish I did, but I will have to do that in my next video ;-) But I will try to give you a preview of my homemade songs that are not finished yet.

I promised myself to never record a weird video ever again. But that is easier said than done. Once a live streamer - always a live streamer. "The Mali Show". I wish it was easier! I wish I could just be average. But I guess we all have a crazy neighbor, right? Oh, won`t you be my neighbor?! That can actually be a great idea for a future video.

...but now; what you have ALL been waiting for...Right?! The still images:

(Okay, maybe this was NOT how it happened. Or was it? Honestly; I don`t remember. Difficult to remember what happens when the REC - button turns red. It`s like a psychedelic trip (without the mushrooms. I only drink tea! WITHOUT mushrooms!)

Video (Don`t get your hopes up! The photos look way cooler, I know!):

I know my blog is weird, and in the beginning you will ask questions like; "What`s wrong (what the h*ell is wrong) with this person?" Believe me; I`ve asked myself this question so many times! But what I`ve come to realize is; (The more you get used to my blog and the way I do things) you start to wonder, and I`m sorry for bragging here): "What the h*ll are the other bloggers doing?" Because that is the first thing I think about when I enter an average and so-called "normal" blog."Why do they want to blog about their living room?" I don`t get it.  - Unless they have a trippy, psychedelic livingroom with unicorn wallpaper. (I would kinda wanna see that!) Bloggers shouldn`t have to be boring. You should want your readers to leave the blog more confused (in a good way) than they were last time they came to visit. You will get that feeling after visiting my freaky and weird blog. YES! That I know - for a fact! (But don`t worry, you`ll never become more confused than me.) But I try not to be so boring. On my blog a LOT is happening, without actually happening at all. It is just ALL in the energy. But I dislike the word "blog". I actually want to call this area that you have just entered a "universe". A "Website" is also a word that sounds and feels weird to me. (Yes, a word can make you feel things. It feels so technical. Or mechanical.)

Do you know what? I`m just going to leave now and grab a cup of coffee. But thank you for visiting my garden. Inside my universe. I always enjoy some company. ;-)

Thank you for being that lost tourist that I had to save from an accidental mushroom trip. When I TOLD YOU that you shouldn`t eat the red mushrooms. But you did it anyway! You didn`t joke when you told me you were a little freaky...(Okay, that was a joke!) Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)

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