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Showing posts from July, 2021

Super-weird song (The telephone song)...

This video was posted on  The Mali Show on YouTube. It`s a channel where I originally wanted to post ONLY Norwegian videos, but ended up posting in mostly English.  Because I decided that my content has to be shared with the whole freaking world. You`re welcome over there too! 😉 Thank y…

The dots will connect one day...

Don`t give up, the dots will connect one day.  This guy even got fired by the company he started, so there`s always hope for all of us.  I love this guy. R.I.P.                                  Your time is limited. Don`t waste it living someone elses`s life.  - Steve Jobs So, what am I t…

Why subscribe to my YouTube channel?

Well, you shouldn`t! 😁   Oh, the irony, when I almost beg you to subscribe to my channel in the end of the video.  By the way; Here is a bonus video of my secret talent...

They don`t own me!

Welcome back to my blog after a LONG break from blogging. I almost forgot that I have a blog. Which some people may say is a good thing. "Great Mali! Now you can be like all the other people. Like the rest of us." .....was thinking about it for like five seconds....NAAAAH! Let m…

Mali out of context...

So, what do you do when you have NO TIME to create new content? You fantasy-hire an old friend that you almost never talk to anymore (`cause you have no time to contact anyone anymore!) and force this friend to dig deeply into his film archive for OLD CONTENT that you denied to complete b…