30 September 2024

Published September 30, 2024 by

Art is a feeling...

Through colors I express the real me. A childlike energy. Please do not come here and call me the "Peter Pan Syndrome". "She doesn`t grow up...yadda yadda yadda". I love life, end of story.

Why Mali`s Universe? Why a "universe"? Why YOUR own egocentric universe? Are you full of yourself? 

Oh yeah, baby. Of course. Hello? 
(Okay, that was a joke.)

I always wanted to create a world. A world of all the things that I care about. That could turn into a song (an album of songs, actually. Gonna be freaking weird!) or another piece of artwork. Like an artistic movie. I am into a lot of things. Right now I am into lo fi. 

I even made a song about it. I love lo-fi

It`s like a soup. I feel I can take a spoon of the soup and just...YES! This is GREAT! The taste of everything that I love tastes really great. This probably sounds weird but I do believe that other artists feel the same way. You can taste it. You can smell it. I can`t sell my soul or give my own energy away to ONE thing. One idea. One project. I am all about freedom. I am all about creative chaos. But it is MY chaos. I never sold my soul to the devil like P. Diddy and so many others have done over the years. P Diddy diddy did`n he? (I am totally on that level, yeah!😂 Of fame.) And they need to throw parties to get validation. I am my own freaking party. Great advice: 

Be your OWN (freak off) party and you`ll never get into trouble. Everything gets a lot more complicated if you invite Hollywood! Create your own freaking Hollywood. By YOURSELF!

I don`t think the chaos was even creative here. But I am into being myself 100%

I am also into being positive most of the time. Negativity gets you NOWHERE! And I am at my happiest when I talk about myself 100 times a day...just kidding. But this blogging experience feels kind of egosentric at times, I have to be honest. It is mainly about me, me, me. But would you rather that I started to talk about YOU? I have some people in mind, by the way. No, you`d rather I stick with me. Some authors only write about themselves. Huge novels about themselves. Many Norwegian authors write about themselves. And their life on the countryside in Norway. (I forgot the name of the author that I had in mind.) So, if you think personal blogging is weird or selfish. PLEASE read a Norwegian novel! I never have myself...but my mom has...and all the titles from her bookshelf just scream desperate, selfish egosentric and...fascist. Actually, many of the books my mom has in her in bookshelf are books from the second world war for some reason. But that`s mainly because I have family members interested in world history and decided to place them there. I love that about my family. That`s just a good thing. I am not intelligent for no reason. Knowledge is important. The history books smile back and me (Eva Braun smiles back at me) and I feel a calm feeling through my body. You can only change the future if you learn from the mistakes you did in the past. 

At my happiest. Just created a secret world only I can understand, inside this retro TV. 

Art is a feeling. I am not going to hold back my feelings anymore. If I feel excited about Andy Warhol`s Coca Cola stuff then hell yeah, I am going to tell you about it. (And I am never going to censor the "hell" in "yeah" ever again. From now on I am ME!) What the hell was he doing? Andy? I really don`t understand it. I LOVE IT! Soup cans and coke bottles. I was at one point in my life addicted to coke....coke bottles. And mushrooms...I see the expression on your faces...This is not going well, Mali, you better not write this for the whole world wide web to know.

(By the way; if you`re into mushrooms in Norway it is completely acceptable. The forest is full of it. And have health benefits. They just taste gross. (I never tasted one, so I have no idea what I`m talking about, but I decided that they taste gross.) And if you don`t know anything about mushrooms, it`s OVER for YOU! Oh yes!)

NO! I am joking! I`m not into mushrooms. I am into the photos! Psychedelic art! Like the hippie art from the 70`s? I have no example to show you right now, but I am also into sculls. And I made a scull photo once...

Cool, right? I felt really great while making this one. Like I said, art is a feeling. Why did I make this one? Newsflash! We`re all going to end up like this one day. You better not live a life of regrets. But I also do believe "We`ll be back!" Energy just tranfers back to where you belong. With regrets you may end up on a difficult journey. I choose art. My personal choice. Through art you can express yourself the way you desire. 

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19 September 2024

Published September 19, 2024 by

You will find your tribe


You will find your tribe. Yes! That is today`s topic. In "Today`s topic" on Mali - My Universe. Mali, the life coach. (Can I get an intro song?) Or Mali, the living coach. (It is spelled couch, I know!😏) Mostly asleep on the couch. But sometimes she wakes up from the couch and says the most interesting things. So, today my friends, I am going to teach you about support. Being supported. Not only by your own feet. Even though that is very important as well. But more about the support that we should receive from the people around us.
The lack of support by the people around you is also a possibility in this age that we`re in. That typical "Get your shit together " and "Stop being so different! Do like everybody else does! And you`ll be happy. Doing what everybody else does. Don`t you see them? They have a red painted wooden home. Scandinavian furniture and life is very basic. Because basic standard living is the only way. Then you`ll be happy. Because I`ve seen it. It`s been well documented!" Okay. "Where?" And just before you`ve started to believe this, you turn around and say "H*ll no!" I didn`t come this far to stop now!"

I have to admit that I haven`t had support from people around me on my wild and crazy journey. But my mom, she probably tried her best. She has always been there for me. Not understanding me at all. And who I am as a person. Even though she would DIE for a rollercoaster ride. Which we also have done toghether. Plenty of rides. I remember that Euro Disney in Paris ride. The photo that was taken there was of her screaming of joy and me dying from fear.😂 So, the most important thing is; she has always been there. 
Back to the topic "You will find your tribe". And that I said that I would teach you about support. Well...
You will meet your support team one day. If you feel lonely or you`re s not happy where you are right now, trust in the timing of your life. It`s never too late to attract your group of friends who are just like you. Just live a life that you LOVE. And you will meet the people that you are supposed to meet. We will end up where we are supposed to be. 
Yes, this has always been a struggle of mine, but I am not giving up. One day I will find my crazy-tribe that vibes with me. Or they will find me! A weird but cool crew that is willing to take that crazy-train with me. (Even though I am also boring and average when not in the creative zone. Sometimes there is drought! SORRY! Can`t be riding that crazy train all day, honey!) I have a few crazy moments on my "crazy-record". (I just don`t document my boring moments.) I keep on creating them for some reason. For some reason I can`t stop. I am looking for likeminded people. And I know likeminded people like myself are looking for ME! 

If you don`t belong, don`t be long! 

Here are my most recent "not belonging and not fitting in anywhere" kind of creations (which is the only kind of creations I am capable of creating. But hey! Maybe that`s my thing?)...

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. your photo name

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05 September 2024

Published September 05, 2024 by

Nobody has a blog anymore...

I have no new photos anymore, so this is just to fill up the space. And be "cool". The cool and hip blogger that I am. 

I have been wondering what to blog about all morning. And I realized that...Hey! Maybe I should just STOP blogging. Because NOBODY has a blog anymore. In 2024. Actually people stopped blogging (In my home country Norway (and in Scandinavia) in like...2012. Right?) 

BUT! I LOVE writing, so that will NEVER happen. I am an OG in this game now. (Original Gangstah) and an old-school in this blogging world. 

People. Or mostly teenagers, but actually all ages are now only on TikTok. You`ll find 60-70 year olds on TikTok if you look them up.😂 I get it! It is a very user friendly platform. But also very....fake. I do not like it at all. Do I have TikTok? Not really. But I will probably use it again soon. But I use a different name nowadays. Not my real name. Why do I have it? I use it to promote my creative content. That`s it. 

A blog is so much more intelligent. And so am I!😂


A friend told me to "dance slow" for no reason yesterday and this is what happened. "Dancing slow". And I was frustrated about my slow internet connection since I am at the LAST day before a new payment. It slows down then. (Here in France!) Don`t you just hate that? And I have a Windows computer! The slowed down internet speed on an even SLOWER Windows computer slows down my own brain with 80%.  Now I`ve only got 20% left of my brain. It is weird. And my so-called friend took advantage of me in this weak moment. Thanks a lot. "Friend"...

Just WAIT! I am going to answer you in a future video. 

I will also recommend my friend`s Norwegian vlogging channel. It is really great. And yes, you might see me from time to time...

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. your photo name
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