14 November 2021

Published November 14, 2021 by

Alien abduct me!

Welcome back! I have made some new music lately...

It is probably TOO weird for you. And that`s OKAY 😁...

I make stuff with my old Windows computer at the moment, because I am traveling. It is impossible to travel with a stationary Mac, as you probably already know. But Windows is very BAD. I have struggled to edit my videos lately. What you can do is limited and at the same time it is complicated. I have no idea why they create softwares like these. (The one I`ve used is Sony Vegas.) It does the job, though. (In the end!) I`l l be back to my Mac eventually, anyway.

This is Windows. I stole this picture on the world wide web, but it is still pretty much the TRUTH!

Here is my "wonderful" music...Please judge for yourself! 😁 And you could also follow me here on the blog and on YouTube for more. I will be posting more soon. Surfing on a wave of creativity right now 🌊


Have a wonderful day / night wherever you are. 
Happy editing photos, videos, music or whatever and have a great fall. 🍁

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04 November 2021

Published November 04, 2021 by


Welcome to another blog post! I am not here too often at the moment. But I will be! I am working on the idea. Some projects are up in the "air" if you can put it that way. Ideas are coming to life. Out of nowhere. But also out of "Something". Never without the "red thread". The continuity of the main storyline. I looked it up on Google. 

Important to not spread yourself thin in this game. Focus on exactly what you`re the best at!

I am at my best whenever I entertain. But you can do that in various forms. But choose the form that you are able to perform RIGHT NOW. 

Podcast is my thing at the moment. They are so BAD that I can only pray to higher powers to become better at doing them. So, that`s why I continue doing them. You never know when a miracle is sent from above. And I believe in Buddha, Jesus, Allah, Jah, Hare Krishna, angels, spiritguides, satan, sankthans...(Sankthans = a midsommer party. The feast day of St. Johannes. I do believe in that time of the year.)

I do believe in a lot of things, also fall decorations (it`s cute!)... 

Getting sidetracked 

I support everything, but not the Jehova`s Witnesses. Just draw the line there! I tried once to talk them out of their nonesense, but after everything I said they still smiled and said that they were "Very, very happy in their lives". I had wasted 30 minutes out of their precious time while they were flashing off their "ready for another meeting at the mission - kind of outfits". To convince them that we are reincarnated and will live AGAIN - depending on what kind of life we decide to live in that new reincarnation. Looked at me like I am some kind of lost soul. Well, let me tell you...honey...I decide what to talk about on MY DOORSTEPS! They were almost leaving my door. Which is actually unheard of. That`s how stubborn they were. In their beliefs. Even though they kind of wanted to hang in there...you know...to see if there`s a tiny chance of hope that this lost soul will surrender. I had no hope or what so ever. "Hope is a BEGGAR!"(One of Jim Carrey`s speeches.) I just like the attention and use the opportunity to talk about MY special interests. They moved on after hearing about my specialities, and their grey skirts with matching coats screamed a "We are really, really happy with our lives". Because that is what I asked them; if they were happy. You know, in that ironic way. They have witnessed Jehova for so long now that there`s no turning back for them. They love it so much that they will become Jehovas Witnesses in their next lifetime too. With other words; the door to heaven will not be the last door. 

Listen, you really have to hold your ground when it comes to these people. Attack them with their own slogans and propaganda! Just find your own topic and bombard their brains with it. They are gonna hate it. And they`ll leave you alone, trust me. "You`re gonna be sorry you came to my door. I am only interested in building colonies on Mars, so I wish they started that Space X program like ASAP and just moved people to Mars. I have a few people on my list." I do the same with politicians as they knock on my door during political rallies. Every time they came to my neighborhood, I looked through the curtains. I saw them walking passed my house, so they have obviously removed me off their list.

That could be another podcast in the future. Maybe. Maybe not. Not even Mars can handle it.

Anyways; I was getting way too sidetracked here. Did I mention that I have ADHD?

Here are my recent - and super-weird podcasts (Not really podcasts, though):

The show that you can't tell your friends about. Because then you don't have friends anymore.
(Okay, that was a joke.)

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22 October 2021

Published October 22, 2021 by

The worst song I`ve ever made + dancing on webcam...

What`s been going on lately? Well, not so much to be honest. I am too busy to create at the moment.
But I had a few breaks where I made a video or two. Here...

"One of the worst songs I`ve ever made"...

And dancing like a crazy maniac. Why not? I love this song...

Both of these videos are lo-fi. It is not only my style but also actually returning and trending from the 70`s. Even the 90`s with the VHS effects. Glitch is my thing right now. And yes, if you use a bad webcam with poor lighting, then you end up with crappy videos, but hey, that IS my thing. 

Have a wonderful day / night wherever you are 😎

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19 August 2021

Published August 19, 2021 by

Songs - lost and found...

Yes, I found old videos in my archive that I thought were deleted. This photo does look like Perez Hilton`s "pencil - style". He writes on his photos. I didn`t realize it until later on. So, it was not on purpose. 

Good point! Just be who and what you want to attract in your life. I am pretty satisfied with
who I am and what I do with my life, and that is the energy that I want to express to the world. 
That is also the energy that I will receive back. It has everything to do with the Law Of Attraction.

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15 August 2021

Published August 15, 2021 by

Mine "Worst of..."

"Worst Of..." - samlingen min hadde knust enhver "Best Of" fra hvilken som helst artist. Just saying! 😂

Vi snakker classics her. Unikhet som overgår fantasien, med en musikalitet som løfter isfjellet opp fra sjøen og hever Titanic opp fra bunnen. 

Her er den værste låta jeg har noensinne laget. Men den er faktisk ganske kul likevel. (Min personlige mening, altså. Jeg liker egentlig ikke perfekte ting. Det må gjerne høres - og se tragisk ut.) Det er når du lager skit-musikk på trøndersk at det blir bra. Så dårlig at det blir bra...

Det bli rætt å slætt skitbra!  😉

 Vi blogges snart igjen! (på engelsk)

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.

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14 August 2021

Published August 14, 2021 by

Conspiracy theories...

Conspiracy theories. I don`t believe in it. I used to be interested in some of the theories in the past, but not anymore. It`s just too weird, and if you cannot prove it to me, then it`s impossible for me to care about it. I don`t have time for it. End of story! Hitler proabably went to South America, but that is actually possible (They never found his body!) But that`s not really a conspiracy either, though. It can actually be the truth. 

Here is the Conspiracy Chart (LOL! 👍😁) The ABSOLUTE worst has to be flat-earthers! OMG, omg, OMGOSH! 😂 (Made a song about them once! Will I link it in the end of this blog post? Possibly.)

*Reading something REALLY WEIRD!* WHAT? Some people think that Finland doesn`t exist? Huuh? Let me read more about that one. Okay..."Norway" doesn`t exist either, then (Where I come from).  

Photo from The Irish Times (Great article, by the way.)

And now a video inspired by flat-earthers (Weird, weird, and yes I am a weirdo too, do I care? No. At LEAST I do NOT believe in it. *Please clap on my shoulder!* It is a huge step forward for me, LOL! 😂) But the video is still kinda weird, though. But I was right about one thing; the world became pretty DESPERATE! So, I have to admit; my sixth sense is pretty strong...

Another video that I made while my sixth sense was working itself on overload.
I just KNEW things were going to happen.

I do not feel that it`s a conspiracy theory to say that you "Feel things were going to happen". This is actually something that we all have to some degree. Intuition. I sometimes have to create stuff that align with what I feel in that exact moment. I call it to take inspired action. And that is a good thing.

Let`s take inspired action TODAY! 

It`s crazy but "Finland doesnt exist": 

I also posted something on my other blog today: Be who you are!

Explanation: Yes, I have two blogs. Why? I was trying to create a real website with this blog,
instead of a blog, but I realized that websites are boring. And went back to having two blogs
instead. And it may sound confusing to you, but it`s not confusing to me at all. 😬 
Well, it was at one point, but hey...I will not change this for now. I have one blog for 
YouTube channel 1 and one blog for YouTube channel 2. Once again; NOT confusing to me...
but probably confusing to you. But have a wonderful day wherever you are! 😉

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.

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13 August 2021

Published August 13, 2021 by

Be who you are!

Just a short video with an important message. Be yourself and and stand out more!...

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09 August 2021

Published August 09, 2021 by

Only the trips matter

YES! An old chair. Great! Coffee break among the trees! ☕

Don`t care about how I look, obviously. Only the trip matters!

Only walking matters around where I live.

And now; the question I`ve been wanting to ask. Can you relate to my music - and video


"The telephone song". It`s weird. No surprise there!

And I promise that I am finished pretending to be scary (Horror-movie-scary)...

Have a wonderful day / night wherever you are. Until we meet again. 💖

And here is my recent vlog...

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08 August 2021

Published August 08, 2021 by

I am not a fan of boring things

That`s right! I don`t watch TV because it`s...


I don`t learn to drive a car (Anymore! Not ever again!) because it`s....


And scary as hell. I thought I was going to freaking DIE when I hit the road in 2009, because "We all need a driver`s licence, if not, you`re a total loser!" 

I decided not to drive. So, I put that dream on the shelf forever. And just became green, collaborated with other green people -  and either walked or found an old bike (that I would paint yellow!) and just bike like a crazy manic, wearing a yellow "Fjallreven" backpack and be freaking hip and cool. And join the green party. 

- Until I realized that joining the green party was....


But not really. I was at the time BORED! I denied to hang with people at the green party, not even for a dinner (or a cup of green tea) just to talk about...KINDA BORING TOPICS...which to my SURPRISE were green party topics -  ONLY. 

To my "surprise" that is. I have no real memories of ever being a member of the green party.

All I have is the t-shirt.

And I wore the t-shirt.
But I should rather create a t-shirt with "I am not a fan of boring things" on it.

It was not enjoyable to just pretend to know what they were talking about, while my thought were actually only on my next sushi meal. 

Because sushi is never boring.

Conclusion: I am not a fan of boring things.
I`m sorry that I didn`t come to the meetings. I had my doubts.

The question of the day: So, what do you do when things get too boring, Mali?
You simply just change your so-called reality 😉 Life is just as real as you make it. You are your own boss.

This was not really a political blog post, but I will label it as "Politics" anyway. Just my own personal experiences with politics. And this will not be my last post on this topic. More to come in the future. 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.

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07 August 2021

Published August 07, 2021 by

First vlog in a while. Walk in the forest.

It`s vlog time again. I vlog only a few times a year (or never!) But I will tryyyy to do it more often. It is a goal of mine...

#vlog #mylife #forest 

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04 August 2021

Published August 04, 2021 by

The telephone song

"It wasn`t your fault. the year was 1988!"

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28 July 2021

Published July 28, 2021 by

Super-weird song (The telephone song)...

This video was posted on The Mali Show on YouTube. It`s a channel where I originally wanted to post ONLY Norwegian videos, but ended up posting in mostly English.  Because I decided that my content has to be shared with the whole freaking world. You`re welcome over there too! 😉

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.

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18 July 2021

Published July 18, 2021 by

The dots will connect one day...

Don`t give up, the dots will connect one day. This guy even got fired by the company he started, so there`s always hope for all of us. I love this guy. R.I.P. 


Your time is limited. Don`t waste it living someone elses`s life.  - Steve Jobs

So, what am I trying to say here? 

Be a college drop out TODAY! Steve Jobs didn`t regret later on. 

(That was a joke.)

He didn`t bother getting a job, but Steve jobs, though. Still. Get it? Jobs? Even after his passing. I have never worked a machine harder than the way I have worked my now elderly iMac. It breaks my heart to see that my iMac gets a little slower with the years. A tiny bit slower. Because Mac doesn`t really break - unless you throw it on the floor or jump on it. 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.

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12 July 2021

Published July 12, 2021 by

Why subscribe to my YouTube channel?

Well, you shouldn`t!😁

Oh, the irony, when I almost beg you to subscribe to my channel in the end of
the video.  By the way; Here is a bonus video of my secret talent...

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08 July 2021

Published July 08, 2021 by

They don`t own me!

Welcome back to my blog after a LONG break from blogging. I almost forgot that I have a blog. Which some people may say is a good thing. "Great Mali! Now you can be like all the other people. Like the rest of us." .....was thinking about it for like five seconds....NAAAAH!

Let me rather explain what is going on inside of my mind right now. 

"Society don`t OWN me!"

- Just a thought that I had five minutes ago. And "Why don`t I write about this on my blog?"

TV don`t own me. Newspapers don`t own me. Breaking news on the world wide web don`t own me. Although I obey orders to some degree. I am not crazy, though. Although I believe the world has gone crazy. I just can`t write about these things here, but I may write a song about it. You can hide so many details in one song. You can be crazy and still pass as normal when you write music. 

(But NOT with songs like this one, Mali! 😵:)

I channeled Notorious BIG and Marilyn Monroe while making this song (all alone in front of the computer, recording and editing at night, probably in my underwear (with some teddybears on or whatever. LOTS OF COFFEE! I feel that my neighbors secretly just wanted me to shut up.) 

I feel like I am being forced (which does not work on me!) to fit into the tiny box that someone else created. Which is the truth. If we don`t fit into it, we are outsiders. 

I don`t want to be inside the tiny box anymore! The box was created by someone ELSE! And I hate EVERYBODY! Okay, that was a joke. But Steve Jobs said it so well...

Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use.

Once you learn that, you'll never be the same again. 

My "angry at EVERYTHING" - photo that I set as default photo whenever an angry situation occurs.

Conclusion: I want to break free from...EVERYTHING mandatory...and build my OWN THINGS! 

So, who are "They"? Who decide what should be the final public "Story" for us to belive in? Well, they certainly aren`t me. (Wow! The epiphany when you realize you`re not even the boss of your own life! I had this epiphany a few years ago. Hard nut to swallow when you are as stubborn as I am. "Hey! Your creation is f*ing up my creation! Can you please get out of the way? Just to realize that I AM the one that should just get out of my OWN way. Let things just flow naturally. Stop focusing on everything else and rather focus on ME. You do you - I do me!) I didn`t create all these rules that we have to live by. Political correctness and whatnot. So that is why I kind of broke free. (There`s still a lot to do for me, but I am on a personal journey to freedom. By letting go and just let awareness take over.) It all starts with changing how you look at the world.  

I can`t even see. I am blended by how BRIGHT my future looks! That is how you should look at your own life / situation. You may be stuck right now. But the awareness that decided that you should move your head like a second ago (or press that share this article button with all your social media friends like RIGHT NOW! 😛) This awareness has a great plan for you. It is trying to unstuck your psychical body from the invisible chains that YOU created, while you are sitting in that "I am so angry at the world right now!" - position on the coach and complaining about your life and the headlines on the news. Well, go make your OWN headlines. That is my answer to this problem.   

So, I shamelessly just go about my own business without any regrets. Not even this evening`s flipflop soccer session with the local kids bother me too much. But until next time; Note to self: Never play soccer in your flipflops again. 

Just don`t. (Please get the mental pictures! Because I was to lazy to photograph my swollen toes. So if you could just do that, it would be great. 👍 (In my head I am an everlasting "Ronaldo". The Brazilian version. I have not watched soccer since that era. The mid / late nineties - era. With good reason, I feel.)

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.
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01 July 2021

Published July 01, 2021 by

Mali out of context...

So, what do you do when you have NO TIME to create new content? You fantasy-hire an old friend that you almost never talk to anymore (`cause you have no time to contact anyone anymore!) and force this friend to dig deeply into his film archive for OLD CONTENT that you denied to complete because you acted like a selfish moron every time you collaborated. And then you BEG this poor friend to edit the fottage and send it to you. Completely effortless! Just the begging part was kinda annoying, though! But in the end they usually say "YES!" Because he/she is scared that you will never talk to him/her anymore. (I would never talk to me anymore either, though! LOL! 😁) Lose ME as a FRIEND? WHO WANTS that? When you`re a freaking STAR! #irony 

And then you title the video with your name on it; like..."Mali out of context"...(You credit the poor friend in the description area below the video. You`re not cruel either. You want them to feel good about them collaborating with you, the star! So that they can tell all their other friends (which hate you by the way!) 😜 #irony again. Actually, this part I believe IS true!)

Okay, this was more like "How to lose a friend in one blog article". 

But thanks Kim for helping me out! 😁

You`re welcome to comment - unless it`s too crazy 😵

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24 May 2021

Published May 24, 2021 by

Making "English fog tea"...

So, this was a video that I made two years ago. I had daily live shows on my Facebook page. Live shows where I was mostly singing karaoke, but I was also just talking ''blah blah blah'' while making tea 👍...

I had fun although my "English fog tea" did NOT turn out like this one. ⇩ I didn`t even try, though, to be honest. I was just making excuses to be on camera 😂 That`s the truth!

Photo and great recipe at: https://realandvibrant.com/london-fog/

Have a wonderful day / night wherever you are. 👍

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12 May 2021

Published May 12, 2021 by

What I don`t believe in...

The future never comes. There is always the present. The present is where it`s all happening.

(I am listening to the audio book "The greatest secret" by Rhonda Byrnes.)

And I don`t believe in time. I don`t believe in gender. 

I do not believe in race either.

Actually; I believe that life is a dream and that most people are not awake. That is why there`s much pain in the world. 

Life is easy. Whatever happens is okay...

Just don`t give me Raspaballer for Gods sake!...
 (A Norwegian dish that I dislike!)

I dånt beliv in Raspaballa for hælsekke!

Photo: Gamletorvet Spiseri

That is when life becomes too real for me. I can`t even escape the Matrix anymore, then.

I fell off the chair as a child while being spoonfed with Raspaballer BY THE WAY!

I decided to jump out of the chair. When all my problems started. When I think about it, I realise that I started my own universe right there and then. 

I do whatever I want. End of story. 
And on my first day of school I yelled and said that school is nothing for me. (And for 32 years my mother has fought (mostly with herself) to get me to go back to school. But my decision was made; I was too cool for school. (Which was only visible to me. I was invisible to everyone else.) Born in the 80 's. I am old-skool. It reminds me of the Pink Floyd - song with the lyrics; We don't need no education.

Subconciously, I knew that I came here as an example so that I could educate others.

Life is a dream that feels so real that we rarely wake up from it. Just 2% wake up. Awareness is all that we are. And "jadda jadda jadda" you may say right now. I GET IT! I used to be the 98% that didn`t get it. 

But I am STARTING to get it now. In this movie called «life on earth» we`re being spoonfed with so many lies. It is up to YOU to stop this from destroying who you came here to be. It all starts with remembering who you are. «What crap, Mali! WTF are you talking about, you moron?» I get it. I used to be a naysayer too. With the television in front of me, which tells lies to your vision.

''But Mali, don't you believe the bombings in Gaza?'' Yes, I know, I know. But it is the way I have chosen to react to it that makes the difference. We should all just focus on positivity. To create peace we must all BE peace. I choose peace as much as I can, personally. I don't take life too personal by letting anger consume me. If we all did the same less anger / violence would be spread. More peace would be created. We create this planet.  

I don't believe in sitting on the coach eating a sandwich, "BE peace" and just watch what's going on. It is time that you say your opinion. Even if your voice shakes. Use your platform to talk about it. Start a blog. A YouTube channel. But never with negativity and violence. Talk about peace and use YOUR VOICE. We vote for presidents (Which I do not believe is important to be honest. It doesn`t matter who comes into power. Why? Because the same system remains. A system that doesn`t work! 👎) It is time for Israel to call it quits. Whatever is going on doesn`t work either. Israel is powerful so Palestine will NEVER have a chance in this war. Peace will NEVER happen EVER! IF Israel does not stop. We need to speak up. People`s voices have a lot more impact than politics. It's great to see that more and more people all over the world are waking up to the truth.  

So, I was quiet, depressed and somebody else - until the day that I remember how I was spoonfed with Raspaballer. 😂 That changed my life forever. I am now the real me. Not listening to nobody, not stopping at nothing. I forgive my grandmother for trying out the Norwegian dish on the three year old little me. Little did she know about my future weirdness. She was the best grandmother I ever had, except for my other grandmother that was also the best grandmother I have ever had. 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously.

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