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Showing posts from May, 2021

Making "English fog tea"...

So, this was a video that I made two years ago. I had daily live shows on my Facebook page. Live shows where I was mostly singing karaoke, but I was also just talking ''blah blah blah'' while making tea 👍... I had fun although my "English fog tea" did NOT turn o…

What I don`t believe in...

The future never comes. There is always the present. The present is where it`s all happening. (I am listening to the audio book "The greatest secret" by Rhonda Byrnes.) And I don`t believe in time. I don`t believe in gender.  I do not believe in race either.   Actually; I believ…

Throwback time! (Old videos)

The uglier the colors are, the better it is in my opinion. Not really trying to be cool here. "Unpopular" is the new cool, though. I used to love to do live shows by myself (I still do but I am almost never by myself anymore! They say it`s a good thing. LOL! 😂) Here are a few t…