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Showing posts from January, 2021

There are LIES!

Throwback photo. Just wanted to show you my silver jacket that I proudly bought at the Salvation Army. It was stolen from me many years ago! In a foreign country because I guess they had never seen silver jackets like this one before. There are dark forces in this universe (Kinda why I st…

Feeling misdiagnosed

I have been thinking about something lately; I tested positive on ADHD after a period of depression. Why? That is too personal to talk about. (I will write more about this in the future.) I went through serious trauma. I was in mids of a traumatic experience and that is how I decided to g…

There`s nothing social about social media!

- So I quit! I`m like...laughing so hard right now. At all the freaks on social media that think they are the next Kylie-whatever. I`m like whatever...why are they trying to become something outside of themselves when they should dig a little deeper within themselves?..IF they only spent …

I just want to entertain!

I just want to entertain. Do what I came here to do. Even if it means staring in your face for five minutes "Who laughs first?" and "WOW! is that a bugger in your nose?" No filter, with other words. Or screaming in a grandma`s ear at the mall "FREAK!" Jump in…

What is going on? / Random bla bla bla...

In the world? So much drama. I always distance myself from drama rather than engage in it. So much shit is going on that I have just decided to distance myself even further. UNTIL I see an opening for me to talk about some of these things and events that is going on. On a personal level …

Do this and you`ll be free...

Get out of the matrix! F.ex stop watch television. It tells lies to your vision. I stopped 2007 - ish because I had a ridiculous TV - experience. (One of my "Too creative" moments) I just stopped watching eventually, gradually. Just started not to care anymore. One of the best l…

NOTHING has changed...

BREAKING NEWS!  Nothing has changed since this video was recorded in 2016... I hope to return in the future with more videos. In the meanwhile; why don`t you watch some of my older videos? I have a LOT of weird videos. Here: YouTube Channel The Mali Show and YouTube Channel 2 Mali -  M…

Offline depression...

I need the fastest connection, ALL the time! I wrote this while barely existing without internet for two days. I opened a freaking WORD DOCUMENT to write this! It`s hard, man! It sucks! Hello world! Dying over here!!!!! 😈😡💥Have not opened YouTube in TWO-FREAKING-LONG-DAYS! OMG! OMG!  *…