05 June 2023

Published June 05, 2023 by

Act the way you wish other people acted!

Photo: Pinterest user

This is me dancing like nobody`s watching...just watching me on YouTube and that`s okay.
WATCH ME SOME MORE! Please go and subscribe! 😂
I wish other people acted the same way. Am I crazy for saying this? 😂

I was cold and bored during winter and this is what I did to forget everything...

From my YouTube channel  The Mali Show @themalishowdotcom
where I upload only weird stuff.

Are YOU weird TOO? People said I was weird so I decided to just OWN IT.
When are YOU gonna OWN who you ARE? Before somebody else is trying to own you.
Society. Being held down by unsupportive friends and family members. When are you gonna break free? 

Photo: Pinterest

The people who never go crazy must be miserable people. Owned by society (The government! 😂 Works FOR the government?)

So, go crazy TODAY!

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍 your photo name
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