In my recent vlog I was obviously live streaming AGAIN! Here are some still images of what I did. You have to watch the vlog on the bottom of this page to understand what all of this means...
Here is the vlog:
Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)
Today I was out filming with a friend. Not a serious video, but more like a comedy music video. (I think!) I am not sure how this is going to turn out, to be honest. I am hoping for the best. And that it will be entertaining for you guys. But that is not going to be finished yet. We are working on it.
I decided to post some photos of myself today. I like it vintage and a little bit Andy Warhol - inspired.
This photo above is Andy Warhol Inspired.
I am going to post high quality photos in the future, OR artistic photos. I used my cell phone - which is okay. You can, but you need good lights (Studio lights or being outdoors in the sun.) I was inside my dark apartment. So it is what it is.
I don`t have a lot to write about in today`s blog post. I just want to post my recent vlogs. But when it comes to my photos / videos I don`t always like good quality (because I am using my cell phone camera right now, like I said earlier.) And I don`t have good quality at the moment. I could have had it if I decided to REALLY TRY! Right now I have to embrace what I have available, because I was too lazy to try (Trying is the hardest part!), but the lack of camera / video gear never, ever stopped me. I am a strong believer that the story is the most important thing. Right now I don`t have the best stories, but I am working on it. (The stories are already THERE in my subconsciousness, trust that!)
Btw: I will NEVER have normal hair. (Because I have a huge problem brushing it on a daily basis. So I decided that the best thing is; to never brush it at all! *Feeling good about this decision*)
Below are my two recent vlogs. This is when you have nothing better to do. You have a boring day. But my friend made it a fun day. We ate sushi and I gave her a Tarot reading. (She is not in this vlog, by the way.) I forgot to film the "ADHD" - shopping spree later that day. You know; when you are so caught up with what you`re doing that you forget to vlog.
And here is my most recent vlog (Yesterday)...
Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)
Today I was going to film another long vlog. At least that is what I thought. But all I could do was dancing...
Here is the video ( I am using this 8mm filter because it helps me to fake a better video quality. I will stop using it when I start to vlog outside and NOT inside this apartment.)...
Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)
I decided to vlog again. Vlogging is a lot more fun than JUST blogging. But DSLR cameras are not my favorite vlogging cameras. They are heavy to carry around. And they don`t autofocus (Obviously not, they are not supposed to either.) I am going to find a solution so that my videos become better. I want HD quality and this is not HD at all. But this is all I have right now, so bare with me!
I don`t care about looking like a super model on my videos (Or my photos. OR in real life.) My goal is to look decent, force a comb through my hair and eat my vitamins every day. So these still images are the real deal. This is who I am...
Here is the vlog...
Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)
Today I didn`t know what to blog about, but then it just hit me; YES!My Weird Live Shows!
One of my favorite things to do is live streaming. I love unedited acts/performances because I am a control freak in reality. I have to edit everything perfectly when it comes to my content. So I feel such a liberation when I just don`t "give a damn" and hit the recording button. It is so not me, but yet SO ME!
Karaoke songs are my favorite. I sometimes also show and tell what I am doing on a daily basis. I am a hobby - comedian so I hope you understand that this is who I am on camera. Whenever I see a camera I get stars in my eyes. (And I act differently when the cameras are off. You can`t even believe that this is me. But I am trying to be more like who I am on camera - off camera - because it is a good thing for me. I am happier on camera.) But I have always been this way and I can`t help it. I guess I was "Born this way", like the title of one of Lady Gaga`s songs.
I feel it`s very important to be who you are no matter what. Because by not being yourself and not following your heart and your dreams you are only going to experience negativity, depression and you may even develop a personality disorder. It is very dangerous to ignore who you are. You came here with a life purpose that you signed up for. But by ignoring your true feelings (your intuition) you are not going anywhere in life. You will end up at a dead end. And THEN you`ll start complaining. THEN you`ll start hanging at the doctor`s office. THEN you`ll start taking those meds that will make it even WORSE! (oh yes! Been there, done that!) Free yourself from all of this non sense and find out; WHAT did I come to planet earth to do? When you realize what it is; you do that every day for the rest of your life.
I am not going to force you, but IF you are interested in My Weird Live Shows (It makes you feel like; If this crazy person can do this, then I shouldn`t worry about what I`m doing online! OK! It depends on what you`re doing online, darling.)....
I sometimes also upload to YouTube...
"My Weird Live Shows" are being called "Weird" for a reason. And I don`t care whether you laugh AT me or WITH me because a good laugh is a good laugh. And it is very healthy to laugh. Have a wonderful day wherever you are!
Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)
In today`s podcast I was going to talk about haters. Talk for ten minutes straight, but I ended up just singing about haters instead. Because I always break out in song. It may be a problem, because not everything is a musical. I mean; do you go to a serious meeting and all of a sudden "I thiiiiiink I want to be FIREEEEED, fireeed beibeeeeeh, I neeed to be fired, fireh fireh fireeeeeed! She don`t want to work here no moooooo`" ? Because that would happen if I had a regular 9-5 kind of job. I would try to find a way to become fired. (But please don`t become inspired by me now! I was born this way, and you don`t know my story. And you are not going to either. That would be a bestseller under your Christmas tree. And I ain`t got time to write no bestseller right now.) Please, I don`t need to hear your opinion about "You should be so lucky to just get ANY job! You are LAZY!" Been there, done that! I even wore the t-shirt. I hated it. I feel like I am "Grumpy Cat" right now, by the way.
But I choose NOT to be grumpy instead.
Because just like Grumpy Cat - I ain`t got time for that either.
I ain`t even got time to brush my hair. But I just pretend to be having a....
I don´t care about make up and all the other everyday girly stuff. IF I one day start to care, you`ll KNOW! If I want something, I stop at NOTHING!...
I don´t care about the materialistic world. In fact; I am a minimalist (If you can forget that I have 50 + bags in my living room corner!) Because nothing really matters. Even my idol Jim Carrey said it "WE DON`T MATTER!" But I have to disagree with one thing, because...
And haters DON`T!...
Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)
Welcome to another "episode". It may sound kinda serious (to some people it may even sound like a mental breakdown.) Okay, I am just kidding. I just felt like saying that. It is my kind of humor. Some may not like that kind of humor. Do I care?...No. I am just not stopping myself. Ever. Again. It has been the main reason why I never go anywhere in life. Career-wice. If you`re wondering what kind of "episodes" I am talking about, I am talking about my recent podcasts that I will share in the end of this blog post.
Right now I just want to show you how hard I have been working lately. It`s hard to be a working woman. Once again; it`s my humor and you can click out of this page if you can`t handle it. Handle the truth - about me. It takes a lot of work to look as good as I do....I drink tea, touch my buttons...on the computer keyboard...and...umm...oh yes, I sometimes switch to coffee. Latte is my favorite. I go for a stroll in what we call "sunshine", a phenomenon that happens once in a while where I live, mostly during summertime. I never read. I only listen. To audio books. But I write, and some may call me a typing machine. And by the way; I am a nerd. Do you really want to know more? If the answer is "Yes", you can return to this blog for some updates. If you are the desperate kind, which you should be by now (because if you are here AGAIN, honey, then you are a fan, and maybe a stalker, but that`s okay. I love traffic so that I can build my empire.) If you can say "Yes, that`s me! I want to follow you and even wear your t-shirt with "Mali - My Universe" all over it." you can even subscribe to my updates. T-shirts can not be bought just yet, but I am thinking about selling SOMETHING! Even my soul! That`s why I came to this planet earth, to sell my soul to the devil. It was a crappy deal. And all I got was some toys and a happy meal. (Okay, I stole that phrase from Kanye West. That boy is just as confused as I am.) You can subscribe to my YouTube channels (I have two.) You can also go to my Facebook page and really start to follow me. (Then you are a hardcore follower/fan. And I really have to say "Thank you! You are doing the right thing! You will not regret this!")
They used to tell me "Go and fix those crooked teeth, girl!" I said "Hell no! This is "vampire teeth"! I am gonna have success one day looking like this!"...But don`t ask me about my hair. It is living a wild and outrageous life. It always has. I tried to tame it once, it didn`t want to listen.
I could actually become really good at doing make up if I wanted to (because I have this artistic ability) but I really do not care for make up at all. And this is me; just being a little bit more decent on a photo, if you understand what I mean? I never go out with make up on. I should probably do that, but I do not "play the game" if you understand what I mean. But I did not come here to play that game anyway.
This is what I drink on a daily basis...
Why did I add this photo? Well, I am trying to be like everybody else for a change and take close ups of items. It is really popular right now. But then I remembered; Mali, you fail at being like everybody else. Yes, that`s true. Note to self: You only succeed at being that weird and nerdy person that is YOU!
Bag lady
When I saw this brown sugar sitting all alone on the shelf I knew what I had to do!....
I touched and smelled the bag while standing in the store. "This is a real bag!" I did not care that people were watching me. I actually prefered it! I just knew what they were thinking; "There we have a woman with taste and she knows quality when she sees it!" Right there and then I got an urge to write a letter to the haters, and here is a copy of it:
Dear haters One sweet day I bought a little purse which I named "Brown Sugar" and I gave it a home. Don`t come here and tell me that I am evil just because I prefer leather bags. Don`t force a humanitarian intervention on me! Bags are something special and unique in my world. Just go and take a peek inside my childhood bedroom. Some may call me a hoarder. I call myself a bag collector. My mama does not agree. "I`m gonna throw them in the barn!" she said. I recall the day when she wanted to re-organize the placement of the bags. "Because they are on the floor and everywhere else, even covering my stationary bicycle!" she said. Which was a good thing because as soon as she saw the bike she started to talk to me about exercising instead, which is a real passion of hers, and it made her forget about the whole episode. I just took another sip of my tea and watched her demonstrate how the bike works. I am just telling you, do not make a bag lady angry! It does not always have to end so peacefully. What must not be - does not have to happen, honey! Sincerely, The Empress of Mali - My Universe.
With the positive energy that I am trying to spread on this planet earth I have to honestly say that I am doing the right thing!
Here are my two recent podcasts...
Podcast 1; "Mali, you are doing the right thing!"
Podcast 2; "My new bag!"...
Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)
I am Mali from Norway. I love to make videos. I have painted in the past, maybe I will start again. I am addicted to anything creative. I also love to write. My goal is that my life is NOT turning into a Windows Computer. I am hoping for a bright blue sky. Not a bluescreen. An amazing future without too many errors. Among all the fruits in the world I choose to sit there with an Apple, creating amazing retro art. Thanks for reading my articles and watching my videos.