25 August 2023

Published August 25, 2023 by 4 comments

Making music can be hard as h*ll! πŸ‘Ώ

I am not going to sugarcoat how easy music production is, even on a non-professional level. And please do NOT come here and say "But you`re not in a studio, Mali! You just sit there with your Windows computer and a microphone. Getting fat and lazy!" Well, right NOW I sit here with a Windows computer (being fat and lazy!), but the journey to get to my new destination (where I became even fatter and lazier!) has been a hard one. I could simply NOT bring my home studio with me on the airport. And "Why do you even bother making music? You sound like crap, Mali!" Well, if you wouldn`t mind just slowly dying with all of your unfinished songs and your whole creative universe still hidden inside you, then you haters should just shut up. The 9 to 5 people don`t know how it feels like. It`s like fuel to us. Actually; it`s like drugs to us. To create! And by the way; WE ALL sound like crap!πŸ˜‚ Especially if you just woke up with a headache from last night in the studio and you`re walking to the kitchen half-blind, because you almost don`t see anymore, because you have been staring into a screen for hours. You even have pain in your eyes. With a blured vision you get your a*ss to the kitchen for that 10th cup of coffee. Which your favorite youtube doctor just said in a video that you should AVOID! Avoid a 10th cup of coffee! And it`s so freaking EARLY! Yeah, 7 is early for us producers. Actually; 7 is LATE. Let me make that into a quote, you guys...

7 is not early for us music producers. 7 is LATE! 😎


You realize it`s crap

At 7 you`ve been up all night in the home studio. From 1 last night. You thought you were just going to add some effects to an audio track, but NO! Your a*ss didn`t even move from the chair. (Just to get coffee!) WHERE did the time fly? The back pain is really driving you crazy. And you`ve had so many cups of coffee that you almost want to throw up. You`re not focused anymore either. You throw the vocals on the timeline like you throw banana to the monkeys in the jungle and yes, it does sound like monkey music, but you actually like it because you are deafh now too all of a sudden. In the end you give up this sh*t. You realize it`s crap. "I`ve got better luck in a few hours!" and then you go on to watch your favorite series on Netflix instead. Yeah, a producer don`t really cope doing random things. Okay, that was a joke, but not really because they always think of a new project. "Wow! I have song in my head right now!! *Runs back to record it* A REAL producer always finds his (or her) way back to the studio. I used to be like that a few years ago. But I`ve got new responsibilites in life, so I can`t just continue like that, BUT!; I still find time for my creative work. Now there`s a new problem; when can I put in the hours needed to create? In the end I always manage to create something. ANYTHING! 

Sad, depressed and FAT

The main problem is when you`re stuck creativily. Then you just take a break from it a few days, weeks, even months. I have experienced taking a break for YEARS too, and that turned me into a dysfunctional person. I became sad, depressed and FAT! (Not like I am now, it`s when your mother starts to call you to tell you you`re fat. Because she accidentally saw you standing up from the chair on a Messenger phone call. I am chubby now. I have learned to live it, you know. You can`t say "no" to the cake here in France.) Again, like I said before; most people just don`t get it. You have to be in the same business to get it. Socially being an artist/content creator can be really hard. Your personal relationship with other people has to suffer for you to succeed. Which means NOT going out to parties and other gatherings with friends. "Don`t you wanna come over and grab a beer? (Or empty a jug with 96 % of potato liquor? Like they do in my country Norway? Okay, that was a joke.😨) NO! I JUST wanna grab my microphone! BYE!" Every free minute you get, if you`re so lucky to even have a free minute, that is your go time! You have to put in the extra hours when everybody else seems to be sitting and watching some useless sh*t on TV. Television, that basically tells lies to your vision! Don`t make anybody tell lies to you, honey. YOU create your own TRUTH by being who you ARE! Wow! I felt a motivational - speaker - moment right now! Common sense: "Stop it Mali! Don`t turn into this weird motivational speaker!" I`m not, trust me. One thing you`re not gonna see me do, is standing on a stage and talking about ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and his angelic friends. We have too many weirdos already doing that. But I don`t mind talking about me. And you all know that I am angelic.πŸ˜‚

Here are a few different times when I`ve tried to make music. Well, easier said than done...
Will come back soon! Please return to this post for updates later today! I am looking through videos...


Now I am back again! Here is my selected "Making music-video". I have more videos for you in the end of this blog post.

This is so weird...I just don`t have the capability to be serious, so I only joke. I have to live with it...

Today`s "photo shoot" by myself (I am into lo fi / psychedelic.)

Creativity kept hidden deep inside

So, you have to be in the 1% club to succeed in this business, and I am also JUST on this journey. I have created a possibility for myself to create. That is a number 1 goal to get you started; How can you find time to work on your dream future? I have been on this journey since I was 14 years old and I got stuck in the "9-5" system for too long, but finally in my mid-thirties I started to see a solution and a future for myself. To create! I am 40 now. And it has not been easy. I had no reason to see a bright future in this field for myself. I had to clean the government buildings because that was all I could see myself doing. With all the creativity kept hidden deep inside I knew I couldn`t take on a long education in the wrong direction and put up with the average job. I started the first year of lawschool when I decided enough is enough. I liked it in the beginning. I am really into human rights so it could have worked. I wasn`t wrong about the choice at the time being, but there was a vibe that something was OFF. And all of a sudden the teacher died. And I guess that was the last straw for me. I relaized I could do it. But I just knew it wasn`t for me. If I could do that and not be happy, it wouldn`t take a lot of energy for me to actually work hard on something that would make me happy. So, I got on the right track, finally. I advice you all to get on the right track in life. 

Monkey business 

But at the same time; this new era of your life is not going to be a walk through the park with a lollypop in you mouth. You have to be realistic and work HARD! (Hard, hard, hard, harder! It should be a song! That`s how serious it is!) We are in the tik tok days where some people think that you`ve made it if you`ve made a 10 second video of yourself jumping like a monkey. Which can work in this monkey business, but your`re only going to be a monkey. (For so long!) Have you built up any momentum? NO! You became that monkey! Surprisinly, even to myself, I actually have some momentum now after a few videos on Youtube showing my creative journey up until this point. I didn`t start yesterday. Those videos are hard work. Even though it looks foolish and simple to you. "I could have done better than her!" No, most people need help for everything! So, go learn an instrument! Go and learn to create on the different computer softwares! I create on them all! But many people have no idea why they`re doing things. If you ask them, they don`t know what they want to become in this life. "I just want to be famous!" But why, though? "I don`t know!" Well, I knew that I had to create since I was 12 and it had kind of started to destroy the attempt on living a normal life for many years, but I din`t give up. So, people like us don`t give up after becoming a monkey for a few days, we don`t settle. We create MORE! We put in the hours of work! If we don`t have time! We create time! Don`t want to be no 10 second monkey at all! In many cases, actually in most cases this is what people aim for. Here today, gone tomorrow! But YOU can be different! 🌠

Here are more videos of me making music. Do NOT get your hopes up! This is super weird!...

Oh my god! The lyrics and the whistling part! πŸ ‰ πŸ˜‚ 

And here my character was "Looking for the really bad, bad, beats!"...

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! πŸ‘

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23 August 2023

Published August 23, 2023 by

Blogging is HARD! πŸ˜•

Seriously. It is. It`s just like a best selling author trying to force a new chapter of a best selling book. It doesn`t happen today! It`s called writer`s block. I have it ALL THE TIME. I also have it musically, and every time whenever I don`t know what to vlog about on YouTube, which is the same thing, the same problem. All writers and artist have it. Show me the person who doesn`t have it and I`ll...scream "You...FREAK!" in their face. Okay, that was a joke. 

Life is hard and as a blogger you have a hard job in front of you (No, there`s no irony here!)πŸ“

Write about my make up routine? πŸ’… I have no routine. No make up here! Hello? I don`t wanna look older, either! Don`t wanna look like an old lady in make up. I look younger without it. 

Favorite show on Netflix has to be Stranger Things. Just because of the 1980`s nostalgia. Kids on 80`s bikes with walkie-talkies, and the best 80`s vibe a show has ever given me. I am an 80`s child so I really love that era. It does remind me of the movie E.T.

Blog about a day in my life, you said? Well, go to my YouTube channels and watch days of my life. Become a subscriber and a FAN and just binge watch all of my weird videos!

Here is an old vlog-playlist from Mali - My Universe. (My life when I lived in Norway. Was life better? That is a topic for another LONG blog post in the future.) Yes, it was a weird time of my life. Let`s go down memory lane! Or let`s NOT! πŸ˜‚ Well, you can decide here...

Always post the best photos, not the lo fi ones! That`s what you all say! Make the blog look CLICKABLE! Desperate people find you on Pinterest when you post perfect photos, since you can do really well through Pinterest. I understand your love for the PERFECT in this world but this blogger right here does not live a perfect life in a perfect world. I barely live in YOUR world. So, I mess up my lo fi cell phone camera photos in Photoshop to make them look like a super nerdy emo teenager from Japan made it, while being super depressed. Or being super excited! Why is that so wrong? And age doesn`t stop me. It`s the time that flies too fast. I`m stuck in the 80`s, still. I was very young in the 80`s. Okay, this sounds bad😐...

Let`s go and find something else to do. Blogging is too hard. I have to go with the garbage bags today, like every day. And let`s see what is going on today outside of my front door. It could be a good idea, right? 

I came bak from doing daily chores. "Naah! Do you DO daily chores as a blogger?" Not really...but in my case...yes. I am not a fake blogger. What you see is what you get.  IF you see a clean floor in the background it is because I actually love to clean. Other bloggers just fake a normal life! Okay, I just wanted to write this for the heck of it. To get every perfect liferstyle blogger`s attention. As a blogger you come and go. You have at least three more drafts in your archive of unpublished posts. Sometimes you forget about them for good. For a reason. Sometimes you decide to post them anyway. Sometimes you realize that the post was too crazy and you actually delete it forever. Blogging is hard, you guys! Okay, it`s irony. I just want you to shake your heads and think "What a loser!" Also; we bloggers LOVE haters. Haters create traffic. Traffic is what you NEED in this game.

This was going to be the opening photo but I decided to be a little bit more frustrated on my opening photo. Here I look calm. Almost boring. Almost like...I "have a life!...WHO WANTS THAT? 

M-TV stands for Mali -TV. 


From now on I am not going to post HUGE photos unless they`re a little bit BETTER in quality.
So, yes, the PERFECTIONISTS out there on the world wide web are right in many ways. I choose to listen to other peoples advice sometimes too. SOMETIMES! TODAY! Since we are all here to share experiences. I didn`t like today`s photos but I am not going to replace them because I`m sharing my journey here as a blogger. I`ve been on a blogger`s journey since...2006...and....yeah....huge things are happening...soon...I said that in 2006 too...in 2007, 08,09,10,11,12,13....yeah...well...I kinda feel like I`m in the Matrix. The numbers just keep coming. They`re being thrown at me like some kind of natural catastrophe. Nothing has happened EVER! But I am NOT giving up as a blogger no matter how many years pass by. I see the people giving up. But they didn`t even enjoy it in the first place. I am going to be that OLD blogger who barely has eyesight to post a blog post anymore. But I guess I`m over to books then...I`ll always write. "TALK TO YOURSELF, MALI!" I hear the voice of  some kind of guide helping me to continue on this journey. 

And now I see the spirtual readers like..."Yeah...her guides...spirit guides. ARCHANGEL MICHAEL! With his cutting sword. Cutting away the bullshit and helping to guide her on her spiritual path in this life time"

Excuse me, did you SEE HIM? EVER? No...so I choose to just go with my own voice. (And I can smell bullshit from a mile away anyway!) But IF the spiritual voices are my own voice then...

HOUSTON? We have a problem? I was really into these topics,
truth seeker like I am.
But what saved me was that I am a computer nerd. And proud.

We don`t believe in that SH*T! We NERDS believe in the BIG BANG! People ask "But WHO created the big bang!" You don`t ask that question. You can but who`s going to give you an answer? Stephen Hawkins said that there`s nothing outside of the universe, just NOTHINGNESS! I mean...why don`t you spirtual leaders just relax and take a sip of coffee? AND start to learn about the solar system? Especially I want the flat earthers out there (OMG! I can`t believe it!) to learn about the solar system. The nothingness outside of the universe is too advanced for your brains to understand. 

Does it look like we`re ever going to know what`s going on outside of our own universe? So, please don`t create any more drama! With angels and UFO activity. I went to a healer class once. I left just as FAT as I came in. Didn`t work. I created my own universe instead because these questions are too advanced. I AM a thinker, but I decided to let that topic rest FOREVER and start to CREATE instead. Inside of my own universe. The one thing I DO believe in is the law of attraction.That whatever you focus on grows.You attract more of what you already are. If you are angry you`ll attract more anger. Angry people and negative circumstances. And if you`re happy you`ll attract more reasons to be happy. 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! πŸ‘
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13 August 2023

Published August 13, 2023 by

Show the world who you really are NOW!

Hi, and welcome back to another universe! 🌠 Let`s be shooting stars together! Show everyone who you REALLY are! "Oh no I can`t do that! I have to be like my neighbor who has these plain grey curtains. And told me not to put up laundry on my balcony." "Ces`t pas bien ca!" Not good like that? WHAT? Are you freaking kidding me? She didn`t want to see it while walking to her apartment door, I guess. Typical French lady in her 50`s. I am living in the retired, old lady / elderly couple`s area. I like it like that. It is safe here. She is the boss lady of this apartment building. On the "door bell button - list" her last name is the only last name that is engraved on a red alarming button, so that we all know who to call if something happens. So, I am very self conscious and never let anything wrong happen, obviously. Her dog is a cute French greyhound. I have to say cute in case she reads this. She doesn`t know my blog, though. But in that case I am not going to say anything more. 

I thought that it was time for a new photo shoot again. I do NOT have any new photos of myself. I always use old ones for blogging (or Pinterest photos.) Although I love Pinterest photos, the lo - fi photoshopped photos by some nerd in Japan, I actually miss my OWN photos. I am indeed a great

Don`t care about what people think! Become inspired TODAY and show them who you really are! TAKE RADICAL ACTION TODAY! YOU CAN DO IT! This is me taking crazy photos of myself on a "BAD" day. Why was it bad? Because every day is not the right day. Every day is another day to procrastinate. So, how many more months and years are you gonna wait? Well, this day will NEVER come again! So, you better start showing the world who you are NOW!...

And why do you need a good camera? You don`t. You start with whatever crappy camera you`ve got. This was just as lo fi as the "leaked photos" of UFO`s on the internet. Really crappy because they`re FAKE! But don`t be fake. If you`re gonna be a fake idiot then don`t fool around with your camera, I`m no professional photographer, but I`m not fake. Actually, I don`t take photos, I RUN! I run with the camera. "You can`t do that, Mali! Nobody does that!" 

Yes, exactly my point. 

"And why is your mouth always open in the photos?" A valid question that people reading this might have. Well...I eat a lot so I always want to be prepared for all the junk food being thrown at me. I don`t know why they choose tomatoes and eggs when I actually love cheeze burgers. But I believe it`s a way of telling me that I have to slim down a little bit. It`s all good, don`t worry!πŸ‘ŒAn open, happy cavity free mouth is way more attractive than a closed angry duck face. I want the world to learn from this attitude. πŸ˜‚

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! πŸ‘

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02 August 2023

Published August 02, 2023 by

BAD song! Will get BETTER!😬

Hi, and welcome to another blog post here on The Mali Show. I wrote a similar blog post on Mali My Universe also, my second blog. I call it my main website, but I really have no idea what to use it for. More serious stuff,  I guess. That was always the goal. Never happened! Anyways, you can check out my recent blog post over there This is so BAD...

The same sh*t is going to be posted here...

Unfinished project that will get finished once I have time, which will be in a few days.

Don`t get your hopes up! Here we go!...

And here is a bonus video so that I don`t bore the heck out of you...
(Although this video might be just as boring as the last one!) 

I got style?

Nothing is perfect here! And that is my style. I love the lo fi retro style. The VHS era! 😍 And that is why I make these kind of (super-weird) videos. I also believe that we don`t really age. Our souls don`t age. We still got TIME! To do or be whatever we want to be...

Photo: Pinterest like always!

Thanks for reading my blog articles and watching my weird videos. Subscribe to my YouTube channel The Mali Show and I am on Instagram as @malisuniverse. Facebook page is also @malisuniverse 

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