BAD song! Will get BETTER!😬

Hi, and welcome to another blog post here on The Mali Show. I wrote a similar blog post on Mali My Universe also, my second blog. I call it my main website, but I really have no idea what to use it for. More serious stuff,  I guess. That was always the goal. Never happened! Anyways, you can check out my recent blog post over there This is so BAD...

The same sh*t is going to be posted here...

Unfinished project that will get finished once I have time, which will be in a few days.

Don`t get your hopes up! Here we go!...

And here is a bonus video so that I don`t bore the heck out of you...
(Although this video might be just as boring as the last one!) 

I got style?

Nothing is perfect here! And that is my style. I love the lo fi retro style. The VHS era! 😍 And that is why I make these kind of (super-weird) videos. I also believe that we don`t really age. Our souls don`t age. We still got TIME! To do or be whatever we want to be...

Photo: Pinterest like always!

Thanks for reading my blog articles and watching my weird videos. Subscribe to my YouTube channel The Mali Show and I am on Instagram as @malisuniverse. Facebook page is also @malisuniverse 

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