29 June 2020

Published June 29, 2020 by

I had to privatize / unlist my YouTube videos...

Photo found on profocustechnology.com and edited by me in Photoshop.

I love my old, nerdy, weird, "wtf is this?" - kind of videos, but an online harasser / stalker has taken things to another level (to embarrass me, like I don`t do that perfectly by myself?!, but other people are complaining about what`s been going on, ("Other people" could be someone close to me.) So I just have to throw in the towel and surrender (for now! Just for a LITTLE WHILE!) When you create stuff you have used time and energy so I will return in the future. The timing is just a little off. To me it`s important to never delete anything because it can be used in the future.) So I decided to just privatize my old videos for now. Or unlist them. But I guess that`s a good thing because then my song "Free" f.ex, can be heard by more people. Which is a song that I kind of like on my channel. Didn`t know that metal-rock could be a thing for me, but hey...

When one door closes, another door opens. I want to create things (videos, music.) I believe in the universe and that it has your back, always. When one door closes, another door opens and that is the GPS of our lives. Sometimes you have to go through some bad / weird experiences to get to the "right door". But it is all happening through the Tarzan-method. You fall, you jump, you get up, you get down. And you strike back! And I will, and I just need to find the right way to do it. If there`s a will, there`s a way.

Free was a cool song, right? (It depends on your taste, obviously!) I should make more like this. I already have a vision in my mind...a vision that obviously...IF I had a VIDEO of IT I would be BANNED from YOUTUBE forever and EVAAAAHHH! Would go out with a BANG!💥💣😁

Have a wonderful day wherever you are. Until we "meet" again.

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Published June 29, 2020 by

There`s a thin line between love and hate...

In this "Mali loves..." blog post I am going to tell you more about what I love...and also what I dislike (or hate, although hate is such a strong word and I rarely use it.) You know; there`s a thin line between love and hate. I know you can relate to this...

Unknown source. Stole it on Google. (Too pissed off to search for the source.)

But even though sometimes you love the things that you hate, that is NOT how I feel about Microsoft Windows. For me; there`s only going to be HATE 4EVER and EVEEERRRR!!!!...

Webcam-taim to show you how I feel right now...the Windows computer is doing another "UPDATE"... WHY do I use a Windows computer? Well, I am in a journey and I could not bring my stationary iMac. 

It is not great...but you gotta survive...

Is it a virus? Is it crashing?

Phuuuu! It was only the weekly "update" to "clean the system" and make the Windows computer "great again".

That relieved feeling when you think that everything is going to be okay.

But you`re wrong...

Because you KNOW it can NEVER be great! EVER! Doesn`t matter what they do, really!

And if you don`t believe me and think that I am overreacting...

Photo: Somebody made it....baddest excuse ever.
But somebody was pissed off.

                                                 I can only handle Apple, Apple, APPLE!!!

Perfecty organized, just like I am! The irony is STRONG today!
Photo: Found it on Pinterest + did a reverse image search and didn`t find
the source. Bad excuse? Yes.

Nintendo was a favorite back in the day and
I still love the idea to play the old classic game.

Photo: I`ll just steal this image (Pinterest) Won`t happen again.

I love this:
It`s a pin. Photo: Pinterest. 

And now a great uplifting quote before I leave you once again...

Be a crazy, weird and creative person, so that other crazy, weird and creative people can find you! 

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23 June 2020

Published June 23, 2020 by

What`s going on? well, nothing, as usual....

YO! I just wanna get my swag on while Justin Bieber is singing his new song...yeah, that was a song that I made a few months ago. Just thought that I would use it as an intro in today`s blog post.

Here is the song (homemade by me, while being BORED! My least favorite word!):
If you have successfully (or unsuccessfully...it is up to you!) listened to the song you can read on...sounds like nazi-crazypeople-talk. If that is even a word. I am not commanding you to do anything, though. But that sounded like I am controlling you. Anyways; Let`s move on. Just let me take a good sip of my tea...

What else has been going on?...ehmm...yeah, yesterday I privatized my Instagram account. I have an online stalker at the moment. I do not want to comment this. Just wanted to mention it. Because I have never privatized ANYTHING in my whole entire life, even though I SHOULD! Oh, yeah, oh yeah! I 100% should have done that!  My mother said so. But I have a tendency to not liten to my mother. (Or anyone else.)

Just want to make it super-short today. 

Here`s a header that I once made (2011). I have a thing for headers. I wanted to be a fashion blogger. I know NOTHING about fashion!

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13 June 2020

Published June 13, 2020 by

I Discovered Photoshop and became crazy!...

Throwback time...

Don`t have anything NEW to share so I just keep on talking about the past...

I used to make photos like this one back in the day...

Had just discovered Photoshop and thought that I was really cool...

I had a thing for dolls...

And I had (still have to this very day!...) a thing for "using myself as a weird example"...

A movie that I have NOT seen and NEVER will watch!

Hope you understand my point.

And I see you later.

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11 June 2020

Published June 11, 2020 by

I want my body back!

They say "When you`re almost 40 (in 3 years!) it`s TOO LATE!" If you`re FAT and LAZY in your late thirties you are basically SCREWED!

Here I was younger, hotter and more famous than I am at the moment...

Yes, it is a very bad thing to say that about yourself. Because you should be feeling great at all times no matter what. (I feel okay at the moment, though. But okay suddenly wasn`t enough when my stretchy-pants weren`t STRETCHY ENOUGH ANYMORE! wtf?!!) I am just describing the truth. I nailed the 80`s look in this picture. (2007 - ish) Had a friend of a friend with a camera. 

Now I need a friend with a car. Because she is too lazy (Talking about myself as a third person so that I don`t acidentally, I MEAN ACCIDENTALLY (Acid is a great word, though...) don`t accidentally manifest an even worse situation. You know; words have power!) "She" is too lazy to walk or take the bus to town. "She" is also too busy eating chocolate and candy bars. "She" can stand in the supermarket , stuck in the candybar section and just stare; "5-pack Snickers!!!!!! Very cheap, on special!" I wish I had a retarded looking photo or video to show you my everyday life, lol.

Instead; super-retarded photos from my webcam (re-edited in Photoshop)...

   "Where is my tinfoil hat?! I am soooo scared! There are aliens outside of my window! Trump is a Zionist! Convin19 is fake news!" I look like Canadian geese in this photo. "Quak! quak! quaaaaaaaak!"

    Hi, I`m just an idiot! 😜😁

 Idiot with some attitude...

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09 June 2020

Published June 09, 2020 by

Cleaning supplies that don`t work...

"Cleanliness is next to godliness", they say. And that is EXACTLY how I FEEL TOO! 

But recently I have not been very satisfied...

It is obviously not working out.

Rap about the subject...beat is hardcore gangstah...like I am 😁...well, I have not started to make this song yet but you gotta write the lyrics before you start...

The house is a mess. But I love to clean and I`m the best. No, I hate to clean...well, I don`t know...I take that back! I LOVE to clean...don`t you see it on my face (*angry face looking at the camera* This is obviosuly a music video.) And I didn`t even wash my face. 

It`s very important to not make rhymes by force because that is so the 90`s. I am so over it. The best lyrics are the ones without any meaning at all. I believe that I am going really far with this sh*t. 

The chorus is like...

Wtf is wrong with the cleaning supplies? Gloves too tight! I just wanna make it right. So that I can survive. And watch my own YouTube videos...on rewind. Because I didn`t make it to YouTube rewind...not this year, not last year, not ever...but never say NEVER!!

Oh my god, this text is the SH*T!

Now a song about mopping floors and my hairdo (I know that is not a normal topic to make a video about. But hey, when did I ever become "normal"?) And by the way; I personally know someone who is trying to make a fool out of me by sending people photos of me (Which I went PROUDLY to the bank and cashed in on, got some coin if you know what I`m saying?! They had to empty their pockets so that I could cash in because I was Idol Mali!) Does it look like I do not want to be on this /these pictures? Mali - My Universe. Her secret past! )

Re-edited in Photoshop by me. The hair, tho!...and not in a good way. This was from a super-weird photoshoot in Oslo in 2007. Not so pro to be honest. I FEEL that! They won`t agree, though! The photographer was doing it as a side-hussle. Could have been a lot more practical and saved a lot of time if I just put a camera in front of me with the 10 - second self-timer. 😁

But when everything is being said; this is rather weird in comparison, I have to admit...Wow! This IS something to be "worried about"...people who know me just say "aha! that`s just Mali! She`s always been like that since she was a kid!" Psycological team (which I have never needed in my entire life, HONESTLY!) would say: "This is serious". And that probably goes for all the other YouTube videos I`ve ever made too. (Considering my real age!!!!) LOL! 😁

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