YO! I just wanna get my swag on while Justin Bieber is singing his new song...yeah, that was a song that I made a few months ago. Just thought that I would use it as an intro in today`s blog post.
Here is the song (homemade by me, while being BORED! My least favorite word!):
If you have successfully (or unsuccessfully...it is up to you!) listened to the song you can read on...sounds like nazi-crazypeople-talk. If that is even a word. I am not commanding you to do anything, though. But that sounded like I am controlling you. Anyways; Let`s move on. Just let me take a good sip of my tea...

What else has been going on?...ehmm...yeah, yesterday I privatized my Instagram account. I have an online stalker at the moment. I do not want to comment this. Just wanted to mention it. Because I have never privatized ANYTHING in my whole entire life, even though I SHOULD! Oh, yeah, oh yeah! I 100% should have done that! My mother said so. But I have a tendency to not liten to my mother. (Or anyone else.)
Just want to make it super-short today.
Here`s a header that I once made (2011). I have a thing for headers. I wanted to be a fashion blogger. I know NOTHING about fashion!

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