21 January 2025

Published January 21, 2025 by

Why do I blog?

I am addicted to writing. I used to write long essays in Norwegian as a young girl. My imagination was HUGE! (It is still huge.) But as an adult I started to write mainly about myself. (Not about my family members.) Because it`s always better to write about myself than writing about YOU. And you guys would not like that! I write kind of cryptically about myself without too much personal information. That is my style. I also create videos. In the exact same style. Mainly because I am visual (more than I am auditory. I am both, but I prefer to work with the visual) and I am also addicted to editing. Addicted is not the right word to use because this is who I am. Creating music or playing around with audio is also a part of my act if you understand what I mean. But I don`t love it as much as I love creating visually. At the end of the day I use all of it as a part of my performance act.

A "loser" is just a person without the right tools

The reason why I created a YouTube channel many years ago and decided to name it "The Mali Show" is because I was inspired by Jim Carrey in The Truman Show. A funny movie. He didn`t even know that he was on camera. But his life was a TV show. Weird concept. The day he realized that it was all staged is similar to the realization that I had about life. It is all staged. Synchronized. The more you think about a topic it actually plays out in real life / manifests in one form or the other. I am actually convinced that it is all in the head. And that it is not a joke when people sometimes say; "It`s all in the head!" But that is the truth. And the good thing is; you can shift a bad thought into a good thought super FAST. And you can shift your own reality from being a so-called loser (Which I do not believe in, by the way) to a winner. I believe that a "loser" is just a person without the right tools. (And without the right people around them) One day the person finds the right tools and becomes successful in life. 

Why do I blog? Because then I can keep track of every weird idea that I have. "But publicly?" you may ask. Yes, so that other people can seek guidance if they relate. I always seek guidance myself so I know that this is what people do. Get free guidance from your favorite blogger TODAY!😉 For only 9,99 you can become a special member! And get free guidance. But for 9,99! Cheap! Almost for free!😂

Just kidding! I HATE advertisement. (And that`s why I show ads on my blog. 😎 #irony) 
Please CLICK-CLICK-CLICK and make me filthy rich! 💸💸💸

I also use it as a tool to entertain as much people as possible (at once.) That is at the end of the day the MAIN reason.

So that is why I blog.

You want some apples? Throwback photo from my archive. On the floor is my self-portrait painted by me.

My goal is that my life is NOT turning into a Windows Computer. I am hoping for a bright blue sky. Not a bluescreen. An amazing future without too many errors. Among all the fruits in the world I choose to sit there with an Apple, creating amazing retro art. 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. your photo name


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