26 February 2024

Published February 26, 2024 by

Everyday life at The Mali Show (Recent videos)

Hi and welcome back! What is going on here? 

Well...I am not much into adulting if you know what I mean? Don`t take it literally...like "OMG! she`s 41. OMG! She doesn`t handle responsibilty!" I know how many people think. Please...You don`t KNOW ME! Where`s your sense of humor? Down the toilet with the diarrhea you just had?..."Wow, what a bad sense of humor you have Mali?" Likes to talk about sh*t and stuff. YES! And that`s why you should click away. OR become my biggest fan!๐Ÿ˜œ My family has ALWAYS talked about sh*t. This is the humor I grew up with. Hate it or love it -  it is what it is. So I can`t do anything about that.

I kinda don`t want to be an adult EVER! Photo: Pinterest

Nothing is going on here. But still SO MUCH is happening anyway! I can prove it with these videos...

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! ๐Ÿ‘ your photo name
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21 February 2024

Published February 21, 2024 by

Making music / Cutting garlic...

Cool photo!๐Ÿ’• Things get WEIRD around here! Photo: Pinterest

I started to write on this post last month. So, this is a delayed post. I keep drafts in my archive. But you should SEE my music production archive. And sometimes a draft is a draft for a reason. Maybe it is a piece of shit? This is how I started the post while it was still go - time: Wassup? It`s me Mali here!
But I wish I was more like; "Please make yourself at home. Here`s your cup of tea, dear. The curtains are not from the Salvation Army. I picked these flowers myself. Yes, the pattern on my sofa is the same as Marie Antoinette`s floral patterned sofa". But this behavior is very unnatural to me. We Norwegians don`t even say "hi" AND we throw ourselves in the bushes when we see our neigbour. Yes, I DO speak for all of us.

Making some music again after a LONG break. After deciding to just relax and invite the coffee drinking addiction again into my life. But I wasn`t able to sing due to a bad cough last month. I am starting to get better. Not coughing as much now. The garlic shots really saved me. Cut garlic and drink it like a shot (A small cup with water mixed with garlic) and BOOM SHAKALAKA! You feel better! ๐Ÿ˜‚

I am not kidding. Here is a garlic shot a few years ago. I`ve been doing this for years.

I NEVER stay away from music for too long. So, as soon as I can, I RUN BACK to my music editing software. Which right now is one of the latest versions of Mixcraft. Which is a pretty good software if you`re using a Windows PC. It has a built in library with LOTS of beats, drums, instruments, free loops and effects. I have used it for years. NO, it is NOT just like Fruityloops! Not even close! Don`t you even try it!๐Ÿ˜ 

(PS! I have to edit this part. Recently this software has really started to cry for help. Nothing works! It just wants to make my vocals sound like a dying dinosaur. ("Mali, maybe you should take this as a sign?") No, that is NOT my voice! It wants me to use a golfclub on it. #internal humor that I will not explain)

I would normally work with Logic Pro by Apple. But I do not have my stationary Mac machine here. SAD as h*ll, but I do not sit here and cry over it. I can never take it on the plane with me (to the South of France!) so I have to work with what I`ve got. Life goes on and ROCK`N `ROLL! ๐Ÿ˜‚
BUT Windows computer rage does happen! I thought I was rocking, but then the blue screens of death wanted to join in with the rest of the music, the beats and drums. It`s like your brain explodes, and instead of rock and roll, I threw myself on the floor and rolled myself inside the carpet. Like a burito.
At least that is the scenario going on inside my mind, and will be my next move IF an Apple store doesn`t open where I live. LIE! But in my case it is better to PRETEND there is no Apple store.
With a MAC I know exactly how I want it to sound. Not the glitch sounds from all the Windows viruses...even though that is a cool sound and very futuristic, I am not into malware threats. No, I would love to make goth-disco, like from the 80`s / mixed with som modern stuff only I can come up with. Some synthesizer crap / real chaos. Painfully bad / good? The goth part comes in when you kinda have to dig a grave for yourself because what you`ve made is so freaking aweful. It is the crap going on inside of my mind coming to fruition. It is not finished yet, though. And never will. That has always been my favorite sentence. But this time I am going to finish SOMETHING. It is important to finish something. To be a "closer". A closer of a project.

Inspired by heavy rock bands 

Like the sh*t they played in the 80`s. I grew up with an older brother. A real metal head, lots of posters on the walls of Deep Purple and those old heavy rock bands - HATED it at the time, but now I understand what was going on. (He also had the KISS - posters. That was worse! I was scared.) He is to all kinds of genres (STILL! Still into these bands TRUST ME! When I am in Norway I hear the music through his open windows!) But as a little girl I did NOT appreciate the sound. It still made me who I am today. Ironically. I am into almost every genre. But I do like the heavy metal rock sound now. (Does not have to be metal, though.)


I just found a photo that I made from my archive. For no reason. 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! ๐Ÿ‘

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Published February 21, 2024 by

People do NOT care!

People are busy with their own lives. They are busy worrying about if they screw up and that`s why they don`t have time to even give you a little tiny thought to find out if you screwed up or not. They are busy with paying bills, figuring out how NOT the pay the bills, looking up going off grid on YouTube, cooking food. What`s the best air fryer on the market? Gotta fry up some chicken so that I get even fatter this year. Yeaaah! I had no idea what to cook today, by the way - until I decided to use the last pasta. Mix the Tagliatelle with the Spagetti, throw in some Pesto sauce (the cheapest brand!) throw in butter, then some milk and call it pasta Pesto because it looked alien-green. It tasted like out of this world. But yummy!

 All of this time I was unfortunately not busy even remebering you, so why the h*ll should average people remember me? Perhaps they sat on the toilet like I did a few months ago because I got the stumack flu. (I`ll NEVER forget that!) Who knows? Most importantly; who cares? We are the superbusy androids programmed to mind our own businesses. Me, me, me. You stay over there! My country, your country. Wining about being busy ("Oh, how important everything is!") And how work went...and let`s NOT forget how things are going on with the kiddos. And always  driving somewhere."Stuck in traffic again!" Well, I solved this issue early on by not getting a driver`s licence. Very smart indeed! But I was too scared to drive. That was the main reason. I tried to drive but felt that the car was TOO BIG and I lost control with an uncontrollable "muscle" that wasn`t mine, outside of my body. 

By the way; I actually wonder how it would feel to be stuck in traffic while getting something called ...diarrhea? My humor is SO stupid, I know!๐Ÿ˜‚But please tell me in the message section below if this is something that you`ve experienced...

Most people have at least one obsession with a series on TV or a video game. But not with you. (My stalker has an obsession with me. But the stalker doesn`t count here. Actually; I started to experience that the person became less of a stalker as soon as I completely forgot about the person.) Trust me, you don`t cross their minds. 

Even me as a blogger. Always yelling out there "READ my freaking blog posts you morons!" They have NO REASON to and they will not waste their precious TIME clicking on my useless blog posts. Trust me! 


This is a good thing because it actually frees you from all the pressure. Now you can go on an do exactly what you want. Nobody really cares anyway. Even if you are hugely successful. And your face is on every front page of the news for whatever reason. 

That`s why I encourage you today to be yourself 100%. 

I am trying too, no matter what people say. And it feels like a struggle sometimes. But without a struggle life is not interesting or fun. What do people who get everything they want on a silver platter learn? Nothing. No more obstacles to work through, just laying there in the bathtub (Bad example! That`s what we all want after a rough day!)

Go live your life and don`t care what people think! Because most of them don`t care. And not a lot of people think either. This 9-5 kind of "thing" isn`t really thinking out of the box. "I had a stable 9-5 and the rest was history". Didn`t really make history, did they? They were just sitting there in front of a computer screen looking at numbers. Not realizing they were just a number as well. Like a number in the crowd of sheep. There were many doors to choose from but some reason they all just chose to exit the same door. Where the owner was waiting for them. And you know how this story ended. They went to the slaughterhouse. Just something to think about. 

And that`s why we have to become VEGAN! #joke #irony #puke, I don`t think people CARE about your veganism? You certainly aren`t doing it for yourself. I tried to be vegan. Five worst seconds of my life.

Thanks for reading. 

- Mali is serving you realness, being brutally honest, in a world of illusion and lies .๐Ÿ‘

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18 February 2024

Published February 18, 2024 by

Recent videos (One about Windows)

I started to write this post early on Friday without any new videos yet. But late on Friday evening after it got dark outside and other people (Not me) are out partying or experiencing a typical Friday (kind of wasting their time, but I guess they need that after a boring 9-5 kind of job) I devoted my precious freetime to making videos, like I ALWAYS do. 

So, this is how I originally started this post...

It`s the weekend and it`s time to have fun. It is actually weekend almost every day in my life. I am not sure if it`s weekend or if I`m just unemployed. (Mali, that was a clever thing to say! Irony. You know you have valid and good reason for your situation.) I hope these videos strike a chord with you, my fans (I have...3. Two friends..and my mom. Maybe not the best thing to say either. You know what? To h*ll with what you should and shouldn`t say!๐Ÿ˜‚ This is MY blog and I freaking do whatever I want!)

And here`s a question that I`ve gotten from time to time: "Why do you make these videos, Mali?" I want you to hate me.  I want you to hatewatch all of my videos and share them with your friends with the message "What the h*ll is wrong with this person?" Or "This is one weird person!" Both of these examples work well for me. Because it drives traffic to my blog.

But obviously I shouldn`t say that in case my mother is reading this. We are an average family after all. She`s really TRYING! To make me average. But I think she`s losing her grip on me. Finally. I am now 41? I have to ask.๐Ÿ˜‚ So, she`s calling me once in a while. That`s an understatement! But fortunately for me her passion for knitting woolen socks has really taken off. Knitting like crazy. Like 50 socks that she`s collecting. Either she`s throwing them behind the coach or she`s delivering them to The Salvation Army. I mean, somebody should wear them!

I have an OBSESSION about not liking Windows, even though I use it. So, here`s a video about that...

And here`s another video just to set the mood. Weekend vibes. Sunday vibes...

Even a Sunday should be a happy day.  Not a day when you are anxious about tomorrow. To me every day is a happy day because Monday will be the same for me like the rest of the week.๐Ÿ˜‚

Photo: Pinterest

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! ๐Ÿ‘ your photo name
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13 February 2024

Published February 13, 2024 by

I do whatever I want

I am not going to stop creating weird art just because someone told me not to. NEVER! Would YOU stop being who you are? Picasso didn`t give sh*t what people said and some of his art was pretty messed up. He just continued on his artistic journey. 

Here is a normal video that I typically make by myself, at home, editing in my pajamas at night.

Here is an unlisted video (below) that I had to unpublish from YouTube because SOME PEOPLE (Boring people!) complained about how weird this video is. Yes, I`ts weird! But hey...my BFF (one of my BFF`s) have super-weird but cool humor (I think it`s cool! And I kinda...don`t care about your opinions. SORRY!๐Ÿ˜‚)...

Welcome to the WEIRD ZONE!

My friend made this in respect for me, he said. I am not ashamed of this at all. (No, he doesn`t actually hate me.) LOL!๐Ÿ˜‚

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! ๐Ÿ‘ your photo name
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10 February 2024

Published February 10, 2024 by

Never listen to the haters! / Recent videos

Wecome back to my creative corner. I am going to label this post as "vlog" even though I have not actually tried to vlog recently. I am not really into following instructions, and a vlog should be about a day in your life. And I usually just "boom POW!" And that was that. And nobody understood anything. So, for that reason I will never become your typical vlogger. Your Casey Neistat 2. 

Video proof right here:

And this video I made yesterday just to get into the rhythm of making videos again...

And before I say "goodbye my fans" for now, please remember!:

Goodbye my WONDERFUL FANS all over the world!๐Ÿ’™

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks!๐Ÿ‘


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06 February 2024

Published February 06, 2024 by

Vloggen til en venn

Her er vloggen til en venn som jeg har samarbeidet med i mange รฅr...
Idol Mali - vlog episode Ja, den handler om ho Idol Mali denne gangen. Eller rettere sagt den karakteren jeg spilte pรฅ Idol i 2006. Fรธr jeg ble gjenfรธdt som dem Mali jeg er Nร…! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Er ikke sรฅ gira pรฅ den der auditionen for รฅ si der mildt. Makan for ei berte! Men angrer ALDRI! Jeg hadde aldri lagd videoer den dag i dag hvis jeg ikke var med pรฅ dette. Fordi det var nettopp denne opplevelsen som fรธrte til at jeg ville ha flere videoer av meg selv pรฅ YouTube. Slik at folk kunne finne meg andre steder. Slik at "Ja, hun er jo bare en komiker, da" Og "Det er jo bare pรฅ tull daaa..." 
Eller som broren min sier; 

"Det e no forbajnna toill!"

Det skal jeg ikke nekte for. Men jeg er ikke den eneste pรฅ mitt vakre slektstre som er komikere, "stars in their own right" for รฅ si det sรฅnn. Uten รฅ gรฅ i detalj. Uten รฅ nevne enkeltindivider. (Dette er intern humor.)

Fรธlg vloggen til han Kim! Den er KUL. K - for Ka f*en. U -for Ubrukelig. Og L- for Latskap. 

Men heldigvis sรฅ er det kule folk med, spesielt Berit. Jeg elsker partiet hvor hun smiler fordi hun nettopp blokkerte meg pรฅ Facebook. Loves it! ๐Ÿ’– Kim er middels kul. Med de rosa skibrillene jeg sรฅ vidt sรฅ i en episode kunne han fรฅtt frem 80-tallet litt bedre, synes jeg. Gjennom รฅ ha de pรฅ oftere. Gjerne med matchende outfit. Han og Berit. Retro stil. Noe vi er enige om at vi er fan av og fรฅr inspirajon fra. Jeg gir denne vloggen en femmer. Femstjรฆrnersh! Det er mest p.g.a alle mine deltakelser i vloggen. Jeg gรฅr tilbake og ser pรฅ ALLE episodene hvor jeg var med. Og analyserer de, gransker de. Heldivis er jeg med! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Men nรฅr jeg ikke er med blir det en sรฅnn nedtur. Men det hender seg at jeg ser et kort klipp av Idol-Mali og da setter jeg over kaffen, ja. Men jeg setter ofte kaffen i halsen nรฅr jeg ser innholdet i vloggen til han Kim. For da var jeg ikke med. Ikke en gang hestehalen pรฅ sida var med. Det er trist. Men nรฅr det gjelder akkurat denne episoden sรฅ ble jeg ekstra fornรธyd. Endelig noen gode ord om ho Idol-Mali. Endelig noen som tar i mot ho med strake armer. Og verdsetter kunstformen Performace Art. Og gir f*an om hun tryner pรฅ glattisen i sitt eget Kashmirskjerf, kjรธpt pรฅ Fretex. Heldigvis ser hun bedre ut enn de bak kameraet og statistene som ellers er med i vloggene. Hele hennes deltakelse hever denne vloggen fra bunnen av Estestadsdammen der den ellers hadde blitt avglemt. Men Idol - Mali reddet vloggen. Hennes kunstneriske talent hever kvaliteten fra en klar toer til en fin femmer. Ubrukelig blir brukbart. Igjen. Og vi som er sรฅ oppatt av gjenbruk. Henger pรฅ Fretex og sรฅnne steder. Vi tok oss en fin kaffe og bolle pรฅ den bruktbutikken sist. Planla noe stunts. Men det virket som om Kim bare var opptatt av seg selv. Og egen deltakelse i sin egen vlogg. Det er trist. Der satt jeg da, med melisen rundt munnen (fra bollen.) Som ble nรธye dokumentert i en av vloggene hans. Noe jeg kanskje syntes var litt pรฅ kanten, men vi endte opp med en latter. Og det er det som betyr noe.

Hilsen fan, stalker (Stalker meg selv i hver vloggepisode), hater (misliker nรฅr jeg ikke fรฅr vรฆre med i vloggen) og venn (kremt-host-host!) Kollega. Men kankje det blir litt dรฅrlig nรฅ fremover....

Vi blogges!

Hele Norges Idol-Mali.๐Ÿ’•

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05 February 2024

Published February 05, 2024 by

Don`t care what people think!

I was never accepted in the area where I grew up for being creative. Rural area, by the way! Not accepted for being who I am, basically! Avant-garde - art (which I feel that I could be categorized as, although I hate categories) is not really acceptable on the freaking countryside.๐Ÿ˜‚ Great place to be. GREAT nature! Many fields and trees where you can hide, which I did do. That`s where I got all my ideas.

Even though many of my family members are/were really creative people they didn`t really practise or talk about art at home. So I didn`t fit in for that reason. I dislike victimizing myself, so I am not going to do that. That`s not me at all. Because I really don`t give sh*t what people think. And if people don`t appreciate whatever I am doing, then get out! The door is over there! Life is too short for the haters and the naysayers.

But the thing is; to stop people from bothering you and calling you on the telephone on a Sunday just before lunch, you have to change up things a little bit. NEVER STOP doing what you`re doing, but do it a little different from now on. So, I am figuring out a STYLE and a concept that will make everybody happy. A new formula. Something that elderly women with their knitting tools can still enjoy watching. And say to themselves; "I have no idea why she`s running around in her leopard boots holding a cactus, that she threw in the air and it landed somewhere far away....I wonder what`s going on here? She is probably making a fashion statement" (That was just an example. I`ve never made a video like that.) You know, elderly people they don`t understand avant-garde and The Met Galla and the New York or Paris fashion week. 

But the sad thing for me is; leopard is really not that HOT right now.๐Ÿ˜’

Disappointed by my own realization I slowly but surely try to change my own mindset. Maybe I should try out some new looks? 

H*LL NO!๐Ÿ˜„

It is sad that I don`t have a photo wearing leopard right now. By the way, I DO have one...

Be who you are and don`t care what people think! 

Here are my recent unpublic videos from The Mali Show on YouTube. Right now I would like to describe it as the "sh*t show". And more serious and decent content will be created for this channel soon. That is my next project and goal. Because this is way to weird even for me...

Welcome to The Sh*t Show!๐Ÿซฃ

It is okay that something is weird, but it also has to be WELL produced which I do not consider this to be. (The videos above!) Very lo-fi. 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! ๐Ÿ‘ your photo name

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04 February 2024

Published February 04, 2024 by

Deleted a blog / stuck

Stuck. Thinking about my next faux pas. 

Today I deleted "The Mali Show" - blog and imported all the blog posts from that blog into this one. Now I own ONE DOMAIN ONLY! Thank GOD!๐Ÿ˜‚ No more confusion!๐Ÿ‘I had not used the other blog since Christmas 2023. Go Daddy wanted me to renew the domain and I was like...I don`t think so.
Not today! Not tomorrow and not for the rest of the year. I know you have more probems in your life than a simple blogging-problem.๐Ÿ˜• But to me this is HUGE! The "famous" blogger that I am. NOT!
I`ve said once or twice that I want to become a famous blogger, but I am not a "blogger". I am more like...an avant-garde kind of artist. (That hasn`t made anything yet!) Kind of like Yoko Ono? Yes, sometimes I see myself in her. Nobody understands anything. With a lot of comedy. And I share whatever I`m doing on my blog. 

Let me figure out a real faux pas

But right now I am STUCK. I have a project but...I will finish it before this summer (2024) arrives.
In the meanwhile I will probably vlog meaningless content for my YouTube channel. Meaningless sh*t! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Zooming in real close on the bushes outside, drink coca cola straight from the bottle, wear more leopard. YES! I fogot that I really am into leopard. WHY have I NOT wore any leopard recently? Am I depressed? Why is it so hard to create that "I don`t give a sh*t" kind of art? But I will, though. Let me just get dressed. Let me just figure out a real faux pas before I leave the house. 

Photo: Pinterest

The day I realized who I am. 

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! ๐Ÿ‘ your photo name

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