26 February 2024

Published February 26, 2024 by

Everyday life at The Mali Show (Recent videos)

Hi and welcome back! What is going on here? 

Well...I am not much into adulting if you know what I mean? Don`t take it literally...like "OMG! she`s 41. OMG! She doesn`t handle responsibilty!" I know how many people think. Please...You don`t KNOW ME! Where`s your sense of humor? Down the toilet with the diarrhea you just had?..."Wow, what a bad sense of humor you have Mali?" Likes to talk about sh*t and stuff. YES! And that`s why you should click away. OR become my biggest fan!😜 My family has ALWAYS talked about sh*t. This is the humor I grew up with. Hate it or love it -  it is what it is. So I can`t do anything about that.

I kinda don`t want to be an adult EVER! Photo: Pinterest

Nothing is going on here. But still SO MUCH is happening anyway! I can prove it with these videos...

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. Like, share and comment! Thanks! 👍 your photo name


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