25 February 2021

Published February 25, 2021 by


Norwegian bloggers stop blogging because they want to be "Influencers" instead. WTF? I had influenza once - I HATED IT! What`s wrong with society? Okay...that was a joke. But WHY would f.ex a blogger stop blogging and just be an influencer on Instagram? "Didn`t really enjoy to blog! Don`t know how to write, basically, it`s what they`re saying by doing that. Don`t really have a passion for writing. Just have a passion for showing their ASS on camera! You know it`s the TRUTH! No matter how many dubble clicks you do on their profile. Simultaneously - with the other 100.000 ignorant idiots who click to watch the ass. (Butt, whatever you want to call it! I really don`t have time to be political correct or correct myself with this LOW internet speed.) "I have to watch this person`s personal life with the sponsored Nelly-outfits because OBVIOUSLY they shop there, right? And I am so weak that I want to copy them!" NO! they want you to click on the affiliate link HERE, here and HEEEEERE! To stop blogging to become an Instagram-model is to sink lower - not to aim higher. You can never underestimate writing. It has lasted before mankind invented ink. 

I LOVE blogging! Writing is a passion of mine!

Thoughts in the middle of the blog post:  Do I even have time to post this before midnight? 😵 *typing like crazy before something happens! Pressing the "save post-button"*.

Alright, let`s continue!...I am not angry or anything, I am just not very ignorant. Huge difference! Do I wish that I had a great body / or life to show off on camera for the world to see (on Instagram)? No.
Instagram. An instant dose of 1 gram cocain would be the perfect description of the platform. Because that is what happens! And I have coffee to feel that way. Then I type like a crazy maniac on my keyboard. I write long blog posts and I can`t even stop. Plus; I never got drawn into that world in the first place. It is just not me. Maybe I wanted to try some modeling in my early twenties. That was WAY BEFORE social media was invented. But I looked crazy, though. I have only one option; to look crazy.
Most girls had long blond hair at that time. I didn`t care. My hair was like a bird nest. Like a crow had just landed on the top of my head and layed a couple of eggs. I even had the strong belief that I was the next "big thing", with this look. But this business could not do anything for me personally. I am a creater and I am not interested in being created by others. So, I decided to just leave before I even started. I just loved doing live shows on facebook a few years ago. My thing is to entertain - not to show off bodies..I mean body-parts... (Sounds bad, I know. "Mali got bodies buried in her back-yard!" Okay, that was a joke. 😱) 

Looking up "influencer". Wikipedia didn`t have an English version of the Norwegian word "Influenser", but here`s something similar...
Photo: influencermarketinghub.com

"Knowledge" is something many of the influencers LACK to be honest. Except knowledge about exercising to shape the butt, ass...whatever you`d  like to call the thing that is sticking out below your back. To most of us it is not sticking out but hanging down in a "pregnant cow position" (Stole the words from Yoga! YOGA, though...yepp! Yoga IS a valid influencer-topic that I can appreciate.
But I do not consider yogis and life coaches "Influencers" because they actually most likey have a ...BLOG!  - which the Norwegian bloggers are trying to escape from. "No, blogging is a thing of the past!" No. YOU are going to be a thing of the past pretty soon. People want to read. It has always been that way and it will continue for eons. Deleting your blog or this (self)-cancel - culture that is going on right now is just stupid. "Because people stop blogging then I have to stop too!" You are only cancelling yourself by doing this. When people stop blogging it is a great opportunity for others to start blogging. Like YOU! So, start a blog today! Don`t go where the wind takes them, start you own storm! I have come to realize that everything works backwards. That is one of the many secret of life.

 "Relationship with their audience". They do develop a weird relationship with their audiences. "You have a great butt! Want to see mine? click click click! Visit my profile!" This is not something that I would aim for. I have the "sitting on the office chair" butt right now (MAYBE that is why I am obsessed with the word "butt" in this blog post.) They can inspire people, though. (The "influencers") I do agree to some point. Some of the points that they are making...like; "This is what I eat in a day" (Posting a Vegan meal to inspire others to do the same) Sorry, I can`t help myself. Was going to write something that an influencer may type in - in a desperate attempt to inspire others but... I just don`t see how being an "influencer" is something to be proud of or ever being taken serious as...if you get my drift. WHO CARES what you eat? I`d rather NOT KNOW! So my point is; I would NEVER want to call myself an influencer. To me it sounds unprofessional and just ...weird. I know that I am waaaay weirder than most (my weirdness is just on another level, and I`m well aware of it) so why would I call things that other people are doing "weird". Or "Look at that freaking weirdo!" Lol, I never do that! 😂 #irony. I actually do, though, but I laugh WITH people. This boy loves ice cream. He will look back on this episode when he gets older and say;"OMG! I was SO AWESOME!"


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12 February 2021

Published February 12, 2021 by

YES MAN! (How to manifest)

Say YES! Like in the movie "Yes Man!" with my favorite actor Jim Carrey. Be positive even when things are not going your way. They will eventually. Bad experiences is the universe trying to tell you to re-examine what you really want in your life. And it could also be exactly what you NEED to experience. Sometimes you meet the right people in your life during what you may think are negative experiences. Experiences that turn out to be necessary to get you on the right track. Redirecting you from an earlier state. Status quo, where nothing really happened, and you had NO personal progress. That`s what happened to me. I was stuck for a very long time. And even though I knew I was stuck and new chances at getting myself into the limelight came to me like out of NOWHERE, I said "NO!" Because I said "NO! to most things in my life. And I know if I had said "YES!" that I would have had some kind of "job/career" opportunity. At least SOMETHING by now. 

BUT!: If I had not said "NO!", I would not have experienced the life I am experiencing right now. I would have done something different. And it would not have been that great, most likely. The main reason is because the job opportunities were in my local area and it felt very restricted. I wanted to move and I did eventually move. So, sometimes what seems to be an opportunity isn`t what you actually want anyway. It wasn`t meant to be. 

My advice to you is to start to say "YES!" to what you really want. You KNOW when to say YES! You can do like I do; I program my mind to prepeare to say yes to the next opportunity that comes to me, that is in alignment with what I want to experience. Say yes to life, and life magically says yes to you. The law of attraction. It works. I always get what I want. BUT: I have wanted things that did not really serve me well in the past. I got what I wanted - to realize it is NOT the way to go - and now I know that I don`t want it after all, BUT I would not have known that I don`t want it if it wasn`t for me experiencing having it. Get it? So, then I started to focus more on the details; what do I REALLY want to do with my life? Or where EXACTLY do I want to live? 

The house, the rooms, a two story home with a beach view? YES! YES! YES! Are you alone or with a spouse or...? Do you have a pet? Be super-focused! Do this so that you don`t end up living the life of your nightmares! Don`t see yourself with an idiot of a partner, or choosing being a single old hag living with 9 cats when you can have one MALE cat (Because you want a cat, right? I used this as an example. I don`t want a cat though, I want a turtle. 🐢) But be careful! There`s a huge difference between ONE cat and 9 cats! 9 cats with 9 freaking lives too on the top of it all. 😂 The struggle is REAL! Yes, you can say in the end that you manifested what you said you wanted at the time, but OMG! Now you want to get out of the situation. Now you are working on your exit-plan to un-manifest all of it. 

Even though you ordered this starter kit it`s NOT what you want so NO THANKS!
*Looking at the return policy*

I personally wanted to travel to places like Miami. I didn`t really focus on the details and ended up going to another part of the world because life had changed a lot since I programmed "Miami" into my unconcious mind. The universe responed eventually to my wish. (After a few years.) In this new location, where I stayed a period during Covid19, someone I knew had a neighbor who had a shop called "Miami". Nothing wrong with this but the universe hears you. So it can manifest in weird ways and not even close to what you wanted. So, be careful what you say that you want - because you will get it! Words have wings. If I had only super-focused on actually going to Miami, watched the music video "I`m going to Miami" by Will Smith every day, twice a day, I might have been there already. Half-joke, because IF you focus on actually being somewhere, you might end up there. Watching Will Smith cruising on a cabin cruiser in Miami is obviously NOT enough. You have to actually step into action mode and plan how to get there. 

You have to be on the frequency of what you want. Because you ARE the thing that you want.  Whatever you express comes back to you, whether it is bad or good. I have had a "great success" in manifesting bad things throughout my life. Because I didn`t know how it all works. I said "NO!" I became a freaking naysayer. And that`s why I always got a big, fat "NO!" in return. After a few years at the self-help-section (which I will make a song about!) I realize how it all works. You don`t just get the things that you want, you have to BE THEM. "I am rich!" and "I have a successful career!" Then go and BE it! HOW? How to get your frequency up? Be positive and become a YES -sayer! See yourself in your location and your situation of your desire. Seeing different houses. Call an agency and be there phycically (Yeah, I know it `s crazy! The point is to start working with the frequency of the things that you want.) See your bank account filled with money! You`ll start seeing money on the floor. I found money instantly on the ground after focusing on money for one day. There`s so much money out there, you have no idea! I like this method so much because I`ve TESTED it. I`ve manifested EVERYTHING up until this point in my life and not all of it has been great. But it is very important that you realize it. That thoughts and words have power. Whatever you think about starts to change into "things". 

Thoughts are things!

I will write more on this topic later whenever I got more time. Right now I am busy doing chores. I have to admit that I have manifested too many chores. Chores came with the wish that I had a few years ago, but I am now reprogramming my unconcious mind to have LESS chores and more walks at the beach. I am stopping at NOTHING! YOU DECIDE what you want to create for yourself! ONLY YOU! And you WILL MANIFEST! 💖

#manifest #manifesting #lawofattraction

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09 February 2021

Published February 09, 2021 by

Random facts about me...

- Coffee!...I don`t have to explain this one. You can figure out this for yourself.
Take a beautiful coffee cup picture, you said? WHY? HOW the hell do you have TIME to organize anything when you`re thirsty?

An old apartment that I don`t live in anymore. I always use a straw in my coffee. (Because I want my teeth to be white.) 

Purses! I don`t have to explain this one either. The obsession is just too real to talk about.

Guess purse bought on sale. Because I LOVE yellow! 🌞

I was on the Norwegian Idol. I have to explain this one, though.


But it is what initially made me continue doing YouTube videos and writing blogs later on in my life. I was on the internet already, and it wasn`t going to change, I was ALREADY a public figure (In Norway!) And the best way to cope with it was creating my own videos. EVEN though sometimes MY videos are even weirder than my Idol publicity-stunt video.

- I tried to collaborate on a project with a friend and it didn`t work out. We called ourselves

A video that we collaborated on: 

Why did it not work out? Well, I wanted to start my own international thing, whatever that meant. Didn`t want to be "Idol Mali" forever. Not ONLY Idol Mali. That was kinda annoyying to me.
I almost never made a video ever since, but it is all going to change soon. Or eventually. This has everything to do with timing.

- I like scull-pictures on everything!...

I pretend to like Yoga. This is the pregnant cow - position... 

I make videos...and I have always had my own unique style...I had a tiny apartment so the bed was in the living room. I am SO glad this is not the case anymore, but I was happy in this apartment also. I had a lot of fun there! 😂

Here is an example! ⇩

- I believe we`re going to Mars...

And I want to end this by saying that I think we came from Mars originally.  And I believe we already are there or have connections there. Now! Many people do believe this also, not just me. (Conspiracy theorists or not, I am not alone in believing this.) At least (personally) I feel this strong connection to different planets in the solar system. Please don`t laugh. I mean it! I feel that I am an alien!😁 (Okay, I am kidding.) At least I don`t believe the earth is flat. Although I do consider myself somewhat freaky/weird, flat-earthers are the ultimate freaks. Freaks with a capital F!

Made a song once that kind of have this theme. Lyrics: "I wish the world was flat sometimes, because I wish that I was wrong sometimes, but I`m not!" Kinda don`t understand my own lyric of the song to be honest,  because it just came out of my mouth like that. I guess it means that I WISH it was flat so that I am wrong sometimes (because I do NOT believe the earth is flat.) But IF it was, then I was wrong all along...get it? Here it is (Yes, this video just as weird as the rest of the videos I`ve made. I simply am not capable to create something normal 😄)...

So, I feel it`s about time that someone answers this question for me:
Photo: reddit.com

your photo name
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06 February 2021

Published February 06, 2021 by

How to not give a damn and live a life in freedom...

How to not give a damn:

Stop watch television. It tells lies to your vision! Create your OWN television instead! I am trying to create my own show at "The Mali Show" (on YouTube) Be your OWN BOSS! Make your OWN headlines! Let your inner voice be HEARD!

Shake your head to the drama going on in the world. Sometimes you just have to focus on your OWN world. If we all focused more on ourselves and our own life purpose we would make ourselves happy and satisfied, and then the world looks happier too. Everything reflects how you FEEL. It is ALWAYS about the feeling. Are you feeling stressed out about negative episodes f.ex on the news then; YES!!! (Hell YES!) you are going to feel like crap! I threw out the TV in 2007 and I can say that I have never been happier than right now. And right now is only the beginning. 

So shake your heads, people!...

Shook my head in a video that I once made...

Here is my version 2 for weirdos! (It`s so BAD, it`s GOOD!)

Didn`t give a damn, some people may say it`s the stupidest video I have ever made. Couldn`t agree more, that`s why I laugh so much right now. Tell me the last time YOU were a parody on yourself for millions to watch? (You gotta thing BIG to manifest great things! So, high five to you if you also are one of the few!) To me it feels so great that I`ll continue like this - even if it`s the last thing I`ll ever do. 

I ain`t gonna care bout what`s going on ANYMORE! The lies we are being told every single day about what is NOT going on in the world. All the truths they`re holding back from us. I choose to care about what is going on inside of my own heart and soul. And WOW! The intencity, you guys, the creativity. BETTER than TV! It never fails me and I can honestly say that it has healed me EVERY TIME I felt some tendancy of depression. Had many opportunities to let depression break me down, but then I created. Some people choose to hate, some people choose to create. "The creative adult is the child who survived!" 

Trust me; I don`t know how to dance or whatsoever, but I still do my thing on the dance floor (in my own living room) I simply don`t give a damn and this way I live my life in freedom. A bird can fly anywhere. And it should be able to. This reminds me of the time when a family member had two birds. I KNEW it wasn`t gonna last. (Kinda sad.) Birds deserve so much more than being in a cage. (It wasn`t my idea to have birds! I can`t look at animals being caged. It feels wrong.) One day the cage fell down from the balcony wall outside and the birds flew away. I just KNEW it was going to happen one day. At least they experienced real freedom even if it was their last days on this earth. 

If in doubt, just dance! Or sing. Or make an hour long vlog where you talk about your walk in nature, even if you only smelled the flowers. (I hope that`s all you smelled! Anyways, none of anyone`s business EITHER how many mushrooms you brought home that day. 😵 (#irony) Just let things flow! Doubt is a part of the creative process anyway. So, don`t worry so much about doubt and fear. Just do it anyway. You`ll get to the point of self-acceptance eventually, if creativity is your life purpose.)

your photo name 
#free #freedom #malisuniverse #themalishow

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04 February 2021

Published February 04, 2021 by

It doesn't really matter...or does it?

"It doesn't really matter where we live, what we do, if I am an African American or a Canadian American, the only difference is the weather. We're just characters." Jim Carrey, my idol, said this in an interview and I agree 100%. I always wanted to be in a movie, and hey! I already am! I am in this movie called life on earth. I am doing what I love, playing my part. And whenever I should get depressed. Which means deep rest, it is only because I am tired of playing the character. But it's healthy to take a break from your character. Expecially if you have MORE THAN ONE! 😂

Some characters are happier than other characters...

Norwegian politician. If you`re Norwegian, you can probably guess who?...

I said I was going to quit all social medias because nobody cares about whatever people do on social media anyway... I agree...but at the moment I need more readers and followers on my blog, so social media helps a lot to get traffic to my blogs and videos. It is all about the traffic.

This is a good one! 😄 And probably true in my case.

Right now social media helps a little. (Although I don`t have a huge following yet.) Even though I said that it doesn`t really matter, social media profiles do have a purpose. Expecially if you have an online business etc. 

I am a firm believer in following your dreams no matter where you are in your life. Just go for it! If you fail, at least you tried. Most people who have reached a high level of success have failed anyway at one point. I don`t call it failing. It`s more like; you realize there are a lot of things that don`t work and then you just learn from the mistakes and try over again. Until you fail a little less than you did before. Eventually you will start cracking the code and master your art. And that day is a really great day!

But the one thing that you must do is: risk being seen in whatever you attempt to achieve. Don`t hold yourself back! Get out of your comfort zone even though it scares you. Don`t be afraid to be seen by the whole world. You can be a great actor in front of the mirror at home...

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