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Showing posts from February, 2021


Norwegian bloggers stop blogging because they want to be "Influencers" instead. WTF? I had influenza once - I HATED IT! What`s wrong with society? Okay...that was a joke. But WHY would f.ex a blogger stop blogging and just be an influencer on Instagram? "Didn`t really enjoy…

YES MAN! (How to manifest)

Say YES! Like in the movie "Yes Man!" with my favorite actor Jim Carrey. Be positive even when things are not going your way. They will eventually. Bad experiences is the universe trying to tell you to re-examine what you really want in your life. And it could also be exactly w…

Random facts about me...

- Coffee!...I don`t have to explain this one. You can figure out this for yourself. Take a beautiful coffee cup picture, you said? WHY? HOW the hell do you have TIME to organize anything when you`re thirsty? An old apartment that I don`t live in anymore. I always use a straw in my coffee.…

How to not give a damn and live a life in freedom...

How to not give a damn: Stop watch television. It tells lies to your vision! Create your OWN television instead! I am trying to create my own show at " The Mali Show " (on YouTube) Be your OWN BOSS ! Make your OWN headlines ! Let your inner voice be HEARD ! Shake your head to…

It doesn't really matter...or does it?

"It doesn't really matter where we live, what we do, if I am an African American or a Canadian American, the only difference is the weather. We're just characters." Jim Carrey, my idol, said this in an interview and I agree 100%. I always wanted to be in a movie, and hey…