I am like a throwback - blogger. I blog from the past. Sometimes I don`t even remember what happened ...so, yes, you can also call me a confused blogger.
Sometimes you don`t understand anything!
I tried to find a confused photo for you and I think I suceeded.
Self-help-series? From a person who needs help herself?
I once had an idea that I should make a self-help-series on YouTube, to guide others. But you need to guide yourself BEFORE you try to guide others. That was not a good timing for that project, but obviously I meant well.
And whenever I become TOO confused I always trust the universe...
Ugly wallpaper-time! And the website is empty at the moment. It`s under construction.
I only made one episode. TEST - episode!.. My own pilot! (Okay, I am just kidding.) It is not great, so don`t get your hopes up. I had visions, like I always do...You know; inspired by daytime TV...Just another sad, sad story..."Life is kinda hard" yada yada yada....
It was going to be a parody on my own life. I was trying out different styles. Nothing really worked out for me as it usually didn`t (Back then I was living like a hermit. Which I AM, not denying the fact that I am a hermit, still to this very day. But I live a little differently now.)
Wikipedia: A hermit, or eremite (adjectival form: eremitic or hermitic), is a person who lives in seclusion from society.
I was inspired by the 70`s (which I still am!) But ended up making songs instead...
Hi, blogging almost every day became "ALMOST never" again. But I am once again back! Just like Arnold Swartsenegger (or however it`s spelled!) said yesterday when he sent a cool message to the Norwegian people on the Norwegian national day, May 17th. (Which I am a part of myself, since I am Norwegian) "Sekkeløp" will be back!" (jumping with a potatobag - competition. Strong competition genes in the Norwegian people!) "It will all be back!", he said. Trust me! NOTHING can stop the Norwegian people from celebrating May 17th!! NOTHING!! Never have I seen anything more desperate, but in a cool way. I love it myself, even though people (ironically!) say that we Norwegians are not so very social and actually have a natural social distancing culture. And we sometimes admit this ourselves too. But I do not agree with this. I have experienced way more of this tendency in other cultures. It is something people think because they don`t know Norwegians. And they have obviously never been on a cosy cabin trip with any of us ever before (lol! the sh*t we do when we hang out; playing cards and talk gossip (don`t know if that is so positive? *Ehhh!* *Jeopardy signal!* hell yeah it is! It is what all normal people do!! Daaah!) Drink the nights away, lol, sometimes alcohol, sometimes just hot cocoa (but some of us like to put a little extra into the hot cocoa! I never did that...because OBVIOUSLY!! (daah!) I am on a natural high like all-the-freakin`-time (STOP lying to us MALI?!) We Norwegians, (at least the ones I am related to! There`s an OVERLOAD of social contact and you wish they left earlier...) we are simply "up to no good" - in a positive way...(can you even say that?) I know I should stop talking for a whole nation, though. But at least it was somewhat positive. FOR NOW! Yeah that`s right, because your girl Mali will be back with more stories in the future. Trust that!
Any-freakin-way; 6ix9ine got out of prison not long ago...this is his new music video...
I have always liked over-the-top weird-looking people and music (I love gangster rap, believe it or not.) And the hair of this dude! This song "GOOBA" is so boring. I'm so sorry, but it has no melody or anything catchy what-so-ever. His older song "Gotti" is great. I love it. Listened to it repeatedly for a while...
I made this photoshopped photo way before I even knew who this rapper is. I listen to all kinds of music by the way. It is part of who I am as a person. You know; all the stories going on inside of my own mind, simultaneously, I guess.
I am a little crazy myself and I feel it`s important to be your own biggest fan. In the end it comes down to this; you were born alone - you`re gonna die alone. You are on your own personal mission on earth. Everything in between, birth and death, the way you choose to live your life, is completely up to you! (You can even be a clout chaser! You do you - Let me do me!)
Clout-chaser means:
Photo: Tumblr
You don`t need to do anything to gain popularity - other than being yourself and LOVING yourself.
Become a clout -chaser by following ME on Twitter! (ok, that was a joke!)
If you feel less glamourous than usual, don`t worry! We all have those days. Just let those days come - and go. Don`t worry too much, just trust the process!
You will get back on your feet again. I wrote myself a 10 million dollar - check too (like Jim Carrey did! Yes, I am a fan!) Just to see where that will take me. Maybe I`ll buy at least a new coat...
But if you have a really great day - just show it! To me; cheetah is always a winner! I feel better. I feel like a million dollars! ;-) It is an illusion, they say. "You fake bastard!" YES! It`s a fake fur coat! It is always ONLY about the feeling. That 10 million dollar - feeling.
I AM in every movie. I DID win an Oscar! Holding an Oscar in my left hand. And then turning my head, looking down on my right hand; there`s an Oscar in my right hand too.
Here I am going to award shows in one of my past lives (I wonder who I was?)...
We are given free will to follow our choices. You should follow your dreams, though! There is ALWAYS another person out there with a huge company, a huge bank account, with the SAME idea that you have. The only difference between you and that person is their huge bank account AND that the person is even stupider than you are! A total moron and a LOSER! People are STILL buying into that persons SH*T! So you can do it too! (But you don`t have to be a moron to make money, just be yourself! If you are a good person.)
It is all about serving to the universe. I created my own universe, so that I could serve. The easiest homework I`ve ever done in my life, and I never did my homework. I dreamt instead. So that I could create!
Some people are into your sh*t too!
Some people are sitting on their couches just waiting for your sh*t.
What do they need that your talent can provide?
"You can fail doing what you don`t love so you might as well do what you love!" - Jim Carrey
Gonna make it short and simple tonight! In this blog post "Mali Loves..." Which is a category on my blog. A category that I made to inspire others. If I show you what I love, maybe you`ll find a new hobby or a new item that YOU love! Get it? I have made a few videos through my life, and that is because I love editing. Editing is EVERYTHING!
I really love to over-use reverbs, delays and echoes.You know; just the echoes of the sound playing inside of my own mind, on rewind. Even over the years, it has been like that - for me. And a constant beat. It is playing to the beat of your own drum, they say...(If I understood what I just wrote now.)
"You`re doing something someone is gonna relate to, hopefully" Jim Carrey said this in a video that I am going to post in the end of this blog post.
Mali doesn`t really care too much about taking care of her own hair, though. (Okay, I will stop talking about myself as a third person. It is annoying.) On a sunny day you`ll probably just see me looking average, like this... (I really don`t try or care to be anything else but AVERAGE in real life, even super-boring at times. Here I actually tried a little bit to look cool but still average.)
But they always say that I look so intelligent on photos...
Jim Carrey is my ultimate inspiration source. I love Jim and sometimes feel like I am the female version of Jim. I agree 150% with this:
What to write about today? Or tonight. It`s nightime in the kitchen...
Mali aka Mali - My Universe aka Idol Mali aka The Mali Show (hope this doesn`t make me sound like a crazy person!? It actally does!) just came here to say that...
I deactivated my Facebook Page. For how long? I don`t know...depends on my own mood first of all and not WHEN the hater/stalker finds something better to do / get a life. Because I really don`t care, but I felt the need to take a break. I hope my 70 + followers don`t mind. This is going to be the scenario when you return in a few months / years and "OMG! she said she had 70 + followers, but look how many she got nooooooow!!! Omg!!!" #ohtheirony (Obviously, as a blogger you never hope that jokes like that are irony.)
Anyways; there`s an insect on my wall tonight. I don`t think I like this insect. Has huge legs (called "longlegs" in my language, I think. If it`s not called this I will call it "longlegs"...but it hasn`t moved yet so I guess I will survive.
Now; webcam-taim (I know it`s spelled "time") (Re-edited in Photoshop.) I use the camera nearest to me. Not the best camera, but sometimes bad photos are good photos. I don`t care too much about the equipment that I use.
The only way that I can be able to blog or do anything creative is if I just come up with an idea really FAST and just write like a crazy maniac.
Without a real topic for the day Mali, aka Mali - My Universe, aka Idol Mali, aka The Mali Show, sits in the kitchen again. Her mind is like a blank canvas. I take that back! Her mind is like a psychedelic acid trip/mushroom trip without ever being near a drug her whole entire life. Because she don`t do that sh*t! I ain`t about that life! (Trying to be ghetto! Which I`ve probably heard on "Love and hip hop")...
Talking to myself: "Stop talking about yourself as a third person!" Also me: "OK!" Let`t go on...Have just sat down on a chair in the kitchen and feel an urgent need to change the topic to some other topic (Adult ADHD, they say!)
Listen to this song before you read more (Or skip it! Not forcing youto watch this sh*t!)...
I used to believe in conspiracy theories in the past. Why are you lying, Mali? You STILL believe in conspiracy theories. And that is why I made a song about it. (A few years ago!) I will make a new one soon, I think. I love the topic. Yes, I am a 13 year old kid disguised as an adult. Don`t tell me about it, I already know. And I really don`t care.
I said I was going to share random stuff. I will share random stuff until I get the opportunity to share my IRL (In real life- life) Which I want to make as cool as my online - life is. (Don`t start! I know you`re gonna say something right now...just keep it to yourselves, lol. Just like I`ve forced my own mother to do over the years...an adult is an adult even if you`re batshit crazy!)
Singing is one of my passions. I got so many passions that I can`t follow my own brain sometimes. It just shifts from one passion to the other. Life is full of secrets. And I am a truthseeker. But I am not seeking the truth in religion. Lepard is my religion! Believe me, I have a song about that too. But I will share that one another time in the future.
Singing gospel songs in my kitchen last year, while I was hooked on livestreaming myself every day on Facebook...
Well, your girl even has a video to prove it (Embarrassing as h*ll!)...
I will take new photos of myself soon. (Crazy outdoor photoshoot!) Great weather, great energies, overall just a great time to be on the planet. The Coronavirus - lifestyle does not stop me. I do not let it change my mood. Trying to keep a high vibration all the freaking time. People are scared. That is the worst feeling ever. Just walked by a person (can`t even tell what gender it was) who didn`t wear a facemask, but put it on just because I came walking down the same road. What the h*ll is wrong with society? We are in nature and there`s no people around and the chances that I am pretty healthy since I got my training shoes on, are pretty HIGH! (And now The Coronavirus - map shows that my area is in a green zone, which is good news!)
"Got my training shoes on!!! HELLO?!!"
That strange conspiracy-look.
Conspiracy-girls need tea too.
Even the Norwegian politician Siv Jensen laughs at Mali from time to time...
"Great work Mali! I`m proud of you!"
Siv shook Mali`s hand once at a meeting and Mali knows that Siv means serious business, only by a handshake. But Mali stopped going to the meetings because people were so racists at the meetings. And they talked so much about the road. And the police.To strenghten those areas. Mali quit and started to take an interest in nature instead. You know; all the green stuff.
Invisible person:"Mali, you have had too much of the green stuff!"
Mali: "YES! I have walked barefeet in nature and it felt good."
Invisible and super-ignorant person: "No, I meant...you seem to be so weird - almost high at times!"
Me: "I am always high! High on life! An invisible drug that you can never sell or buy. It is state of the mind! You should try it!" Invisible person walks away with the tale between the feet like a disappointed dog. Life is about creation and you create your own plot and my mind produces Oscar nominated movies every single day.
- Made a few headers in my life (Have you? Stupid question. Some of you probably have, though. But it is not like you have 100 headers in your archives.) I have so many more than these...
I am Mali from Norway. I love to make videos. I have painted in the past, maybe I will start again. I am addicted to anything creative. I also love to write. My goal is that my life is NOT turning into a Windows Computer. I am hoping for a bright blue sky. Not a bluescreen. An amazing future without too many errors. Among all the fruits in the world I choose to sit there with an Apple, creating amazing retro art. Thanks for reading my articles and watching my videos.