Welcome to Mali - My Universe!... A blogger/vlogger from Norway.
I will change the photos. These are test photos!
There are no rules! I´m not following the mainstream!
I love colors! It`s almost psychedelic at times!
More to come!

11 January 2021

Published January 11, 2021 by | Leave a comment?

Offline depression...

I need the fastest connection, ALL the time!

I wrote this while barely existing without internet for two days. I opened a freaking WORD DOCUMENT to write this! It`s hard, man! It sucks! Hello world! Dying over here!!!!! 😈😡💥Have not opened YouTube in TWO-FREAKING-LONG-DAYS! OMG! OMG! *FREAKING OUT*.

My favorite vlogger has uploaded like 2 vlogs already at this point. I need my vlogs!!! 

This is what happens when I don`t have internet...

Staring into an empty screen trying to figure out what to do with your life...

Transforming more and more into an angry brat. "Where is the WIFI?! I feel sorry for myself now...I will hit my head in the wall...I don`t have a life". NOW all of a sudden I realize that I don`t have a life?! Jeses! Have I not been present in my own life for the past...20 years?...No, not ever since Internet came. Internet is to blame, obviously. But before internet came my parents blamed TV. 

(But we all know we should blame THEM.)

Angry brat - face is the result...

And once the connection returns...

Life can go on again...

No this was not #irony

I wish it was. I TRULY WISH IT WAS!

I am sorry for the bad picture quality. I am not your typical lifestyle blogger. I am proud to be atypical IN EVERY WAY possible, and that`s why you keep returning to my blog. Thanks for following! 😎

BTW: You can comment, but for that you need to use Disqus down below. Super-easy commenting system that I use because I hate spam. I recommend Disqus because it is 100% spam-free.

What`s going on with "The Mali Show"- blog? Latest post; Nothing has changed...

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