Webcam time (because I feel it`s the fastest way to snap sefies while I`m typing on my computer.)
Here I am going totally "New Age" on you...

Or maybe this is a better idea...

Some people just stare at other people for some weird reason...

I am not really that into New Age, but New Age is into me. Have no idea why, guess I`m just a study project for many lost souls. Just by looking at my high vibrating energy they can all agree on the same thing "I want what`s she`s having!" And I was just smelling the flowers (NOT those kinds of flowers...I know what you`re thinking!)
Back to the topic; Sometimes you have to start over. "Start over" is not really the right words to use because the truth is (in my opinion) is that you get on the right track. Not "starting over". You had to go through whatever that was...and then you see the new solutions. You see the light in the end of the tunnel. So, the struggle was only you walking through that tunnel.