Here are some of my Christmas songs from the past and other "stuff"...
Enjoy the weirdness! 😂
In Norwegian for my Norwegian super-fans:
MY FABULOUS Christmas series in Norwegian (Yes! I was weird on purpose!)
You will find your tribe. Yes! That is today`s topic. In "Today`s topic" on Mali - My Universe. Mali, the...
Damn... this is good.... This is really good,.. I mean, its so good that no one i know is gonna listen to this crap, not this christmas, and not ever... This is going to the trash where it belong....!!
ReplyDeleteThe dead cat i burried last year got a better style than you...and it stinks!
ReplyDeleteI dont hate you, but.... there is a but....
ReplyDeleteI once was a fan but then....All those videos, and not even ONE is a good one!
ReplyDeleteHerregud så bra!!! Digger alt! Dette er det beste av det beste Norge har å by på! Det ble Idol-Mali for alle penga og det helt gratis!
ReplyDeleteI will never, ever comment this again! NEVER!!!
ReplyDeleteI used to love christmas until i saw your blog.....Thank you for destroying it :-(
ReplyDeleteI love it!!! Keep up doing this lazy work! Its the best!
ReplyDeleteLAZY work???? It is a lot of things but lazy is not one of them, HONEY!
DeleteIm not Honey, but i could bee and bzzzzz all the day long