Although this was one of the most normal everyday videos I have made in my life, THINK TWICE when it comes to little ol` me! I always have a back-up plan, a weird and freaky reason why I do what I do, and this video was no exception. I am practicing my video editing skills so that I can...to all my family members and so-called friends surprise (they are really not friends because they are jealous!!!! Because they did not think of this idea before me!! )...I can now become a meme! Isn`t that COOL? Why are your faces so red?
And I have learned so much!
The coin
Stagnation is the ENEMY! I always knew there was hope! I always knew there was light in the end of the tunnel. But that light used to be a train coming my way....UNTIL TODAY! Until this manifesting moment. My dream has come true. I can now become a living MEME! This is all I want! "WHY"?, you may ask. THIS-MAKES-ME-HAPPY! You should always do the things that make you happy. I don`t care that my mom keeps telling me that I am 35 years old. I am going to cash in on SOMETHING! And I am looking for that coin. I saw a coin yesterday on my evening run.
I did NOT pick it up. I was too busy running to get a flat belly, which is also one of my goals. 5 minutes later in the audio book "Think yourself rich" an old man said "Pick up every coin that you see. It means good luck! To be rich you have to think rich!" I just felt so disappointed in myself right there and then. That coin could have changed EVERYTHING! It was a sign from the universe. But it was a test. You are going to be tested before you see the results.

The results will come eventually.
Goodnight! I will be busy creating and doing the things that I do every night....
Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind. Simultaneously! ;-)

- The Meme -
Okay, I will have to think about this....but I will be back!

There is a hidden message behind this weird and crazy blog post. I hope you see it. Act upon it! Today - even tonight, while you are chewing on that chicken leg, honey; "This is going to be my last one, because tomorrow I am going to become a Vegan! My body is not a graveyard!" Even tomorrow morning while you are standing in the shower. "I ain`t goin` to smoke today, in Jesus name!" (You may not have a Southern accent but this author is pretending to have one right now so you better bare with me.)
START TODAY! Live the life you were meant to live!
I am not going to be a MEME. This is my sense of humor. I look like a meme, THAT IS ENOUGH! I don`t even have to try; I am a living meme! I will be back blogging more frequently from now on.
I am trying to find the topics to blog/vlog about.
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