Once a computer nerd - always a computer nerd! 🖳

What`s been going on lately? Well, nothing special, just been traveling again. I am back now to upload videos that I made during this holiday. And I had almost NO WIFI connection. I am so glad to be back to my high speed wifi connection again! 😂 

Here I am dancing in a video...

When it gets too weird, just don`t explain anything because nobody understands anyway...

Here are the vlog-kind of videos from my Youtube channel The Mali Show...

Thanks for reading my blog articles and watching my weird videos. Subscribe to my YouTube channel The Mali Show and I am on Instagram as @malisuniverse. Facebook page is also @malisuniverse 

I will be back with more 😉


  1. Your videos sucks! But then i found God... Now i sucks even more..

    1. Yes I know exactly who you are and yes you suck! LOL!
