11 August 2024

Published August 11, 2024 by

Until art came along

Yes, I know I look like sh*t on my photos. (On purpose! I don`t care.) But I am working on my new style and image. So, I guess you`ll have to come back later for an update.

This summer I have been reflecting on my life. (No way Mali! Yes I have!) I have even tried to convince myself that I indeed have a "job". (What?) And that I can`t wait to return to it like ASAP. Like everybody with a job, right? RIGHT? If that`s not the case then you should get a new job. 

But I do have a job. I came here to do something. It`s not like I am jobless. Everybody has a calling. I am so glad I KNOW my calling. A lot of people don`t. My calling is to entertain. I have always known this since I was very young. I was five years old when I realized it. Everything else was just uninteresting to me. So I didn`t really put a lot of effort in trying to do what everybody else did growing up. I felt like this too shall pass. Even though I didn`t have words for it back then. And here I am now. But also this stage where I am now will pass. But now I am CONSCIOUS. Huge difference. I am consciously making desicions. So I am going to evolve with honor. (And humor.) I have decided to! I don`t care what other people think is honorable or not. I look forward to sitting in an elderly home with a huge smile on my face and finally a bottle of red wine...which I`ve come to love at this point. In the future obviously. Now I hate wine. But I`ve evolved to this super fabulous drama queen / artist in the future who does drink wine. Red wine! GOALS! But I am open to Champagne. I am going to develop this evil laughter. Like a witch. I`ve collected a lot of leopard by this age...so I am wearing leopard ONLY. Leopard is my religion. Honoring my wildest desires. With a sense of calmness. I`ve done everything on my bucket list now. I stood behind Jim Carrey on the red carpet at the Oscars. We had a "chat" about that we don`t exist and stuff. Simple things like that. Sounds weird but...we totally connected. When he said he believes The Truman Show is actually REAL life in today`s society, I said "I KNOW!" I told him that I named my show The Mali Show after The Trueman Show. I told him that I believe in my own ability to create something great and that`s why I am here today. He agreed with me. So everytime when I`m in doubt I ask myself...what would Jim have done in a situation like this? 

This was an imaginary conversation but it does work. This is HOW it works. Talk your life into reality! Jim says that "Imagination opens a funnel of gifts from the universe!" And you have to forget about the outcome and go on with your life. Trust that the universe will provide you with everything that you need to get to your ultimate destination. I believe that if it`s meant for you it will happen. 

Don`t make me go "Oprah" on you!...

So, I believed in myself so MUCH that even when Netflix called me, I said "no". I have my own flix inside of my head, my own show, I said. The Mali Show. This is a LIE, and you know it! I would have signed the contract blindfolded. But it is my HONEST opinion, though. You don`t need Netflix to become a star. You can be a star regardless. I am a true believer in our own capacity to achieve success. I am afraid that I am going to sound like Oprah now. "I BEeeLIeeVe In manifestation! The law of attraction is REaaaLLL! I wanted to be in the Color Purple and I RANnn! I RaNNn to lose WeigHT honey! Oh yes I did now! You shoulda seen me running! I ran and sang this song..." (A song with manifesting words in it "I surrender ALL!") But the funny thing is; she actually KNEW her role was coming, She just KNEW! But she thought she had to slim down. So she went to a fat farm. Her manager got a call while she was running one day. "You`re gonna be in a movie! It`s called Moonsong! Moonsong? I wanted to be in the Color Purple!" They didn`t tell her what kind of movie. But she got the part. It was only later when she got there that they told her it`s the Color Purple. They gave the movie project a different name in the beginning. But they wanted her to be fat in her role. She actually had the look they were looking for, so she had just been running in vain. The thing is; if it`s meant for you it will happen. A fat ass ain`t gonna stop you. 

I honor who I am now. I didn`t value myself growing up. Because I didn`t know how to. Because I was told I was not good enough. By a sick society. So I basically escaped into a huge bubble of...what the f*ck is going on? This world...can`t explain this society. I questioned everything. Until art came along. This I do understand. But unconsciously I understood it all along. And the wilder the art is, the more I understand it. I totally understand when a unicorn pukes rainbows. I understand it when it doesn`t make sense. 

Please do not try to psychoanalyze this blog post or my weirdest videos. (I am talking about the weirdest ones. You haven`t seen those yet, I believe...or maybe you have. Here I am excusing myself again. It`s not a good thing and I will stop.) I simply write or do whatever I want since I call myself an artist. Performance artist who also loves to write . I love to write fiction. I will write more fiction (and horror.) GOALS!😂

People don`t tend to retire if they are ALREADY RETIRED, honey! Okay...

Using every excuse available to pass as an artist but is in fact just weird.

Mimicking my neigbor`s scared face as reality hits her in the face...that her dog is going to have to be walked between shifts and piss on every corner of the apartment building because it is a nasty smelly dog. (French arrogance- dog. Needs a lot of walks and attention) And another neighbor secretly sends angry looks from the balcony above the entrance. This neighbor is me. Don`t know why I wrote this but...I secretly just miss the whole scenario. Sometimes we see rats too in France. Reminds me of a horror movie that I want a part in. And I love it. 

This is a good one. I totally believe in life outside of our own galaxy. I even WANT to see it with my own eyes. So I made a song about it...

My first ever complaint: Summer is not over yet. But I really look forward to it being OVER! Too HOT! I can NOT take it anymore. It`s the air...the air is African. (I am in North Africa) It feels like Sahara. You get like a layer of sand on your body just by stepping out for a walk. A whole month is too much. A can barely handle a week. It is VERY obvious! I am a Scandinavian! Southern Europe where I live is NOT as hot, trust me. Even though it actually gets really hot. It`s in the AIR!  Like I said; SAHARA!🐪🌴

This is going to be my last video blog post and that`s it. Summer will be over after this. Although I have more content from this summer I will upload it when I return from my trip. I am really looking forward to fall and Halloween vibes right now. Pumkin Spice Latte and stuff like that.

Here are my recent videos:

Here I was hiding from the sun on a boring day playing with A.I (like crazy...)

This was before I went on this LONG trip...

Here is a bonus video for my Norwegian super-fans. This was a birthday greeting to a friend. I hope you already see who I am supposed to be here?...

Thank you for being a tourist passing through Mali`s Universe. Thank you for being a witness of all the stories going on inside my mind, simultaneously. your photo name


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